July 2, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Prayer
2. Pledge
3. Good News
4. Audience Participation
6. Approval of Agenda
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve agenda. This motion, made by , .
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Motion to add agenda item. This motion, made by , .
7. Approval of Minutes from last month
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve minutes from June 4, 2019 Board meeting. This motion, made by , .
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Motion to amend the minutes from June 4, 2019 meeting. This motion, made by , .
8. Consent Agenda
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. This motion, made by , .
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following changes:. This motion, made by , .
8.A. Next regular Board Meeting - Tuesday, August 6, 2019 6 pm, Central Office
8.B. Next regular Workshop - July 30, 2019 6 pm, Central Office
9. School Board Policy
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Board voted to approve changes to policy # On the first reading. This motion, made by , .
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
The Board voted to approve changes to policy # On the second reading. This motion, made by , .
10. Appeal for out of district transfer
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve request for district transfer for Addison Armes. This motion, made by , .
11. Budget Amendments
Chairman, Wade Summers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Board voted to approve budget amendments 1-3. This motion, made by , .
12. Selection of new director
Chairman, Wade Summers
13. Director's Announcements
Ronnie Wilson
13.A. Summer Law Institute: July 18 - 19, 2019, Gatlinburg
13.B. Fall District Meeting, September 17, 2019, Maryville City
13.C. Cooling Tower at Central Middle School
13.D. Governor's Rural Opportunity Summit August 13 -14, Linden, TN
14. Adjourn