June 5, 2017 at 4:30 PM - Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Prayer
2. Pledge
3. "Good News"
4. Approval of Agenda
6. Audience Participation
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, May 2, 2017
7.B. Next Regular Monthly Meeting - Tuesday July 4, 2017, 4:30 @ Central Office
7.C. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, June 27, 2017 @ Central Office 4:30 pm
8. Teaching and Learning
9. GP Budget Report
10. Approval of the FY 18 Budget
11. Administrative Assistant position at the Central Office
12. Request permission for Coalfield's High School cheerleaders to attend camp at Tennessee Tech, July 18 -21, 2017.
13. Request permission for Coalfield School's High School boys basketball team to travel to MTSU for overnight stay June 13 and 14, 2017
14. Permission for Coalfield Middle School basketball team to attend camp at MTSU June 13 and 14th.
15. Request for Leave of Absence for Tonia Justus at Central Elementary School
16. Elgin Dental Program
17. Sewer Plants
18. Budget Amendments
19. Use of Teacher Cell phones
20. Director's Announcements
20.A. Summer Law Institute July 21-22, Gatlinburg,TN Attendance and Hotel of choice.
20.B. Fall District Meeting - Roane County, September 19,2017
21. Adjourn