September 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 9/26/2024 at 6:02 PM | |
Mr. Travis Cole | Present |
Mr. Nick Davis | Present |
Ms. Anita Hale | Present |
Mr. Chris King | Present |
Ms. Sheri Nichols | Present |
Ms. Shannon Stout | Present |
Ms. Elizabeth Stull | Present |
Mr. Scott VanWinkle | Present |
Present: 8, Absent: 0 | |
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
Meeting started at 6:00 pm. |
2. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
Chris King: If you would stand and join me in a moment of silence and the pledge. William Stepp: And tonight, for the pledge, we have the awesome CCHS women's soccer team, along with coach Whitson. (Moment of Silence) (All recite pledge) |
3. Welcome to Visitors & Acknowledgment of Elected Officials
Chris King: Welcome everyone tonight. Miss Colleen Mall. Are there any other VIPs here tonight? Thank you all for coming tonight, on a rainy night. |
4. Special Recognition
CCHS Student Rep-Marleigh Gargac Phoenix Student Rep-Isaac Cross SMHS Student Rep-Hayden Houston
William Stepp: So tonight for board student representation on the board we have from SMHS Cashton Harris. And from CCHS Marleigh Gargac. |
5. Roll Call
Chris King: Madam Secretary, roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Here. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Here. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Here. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Here. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Here. Diane McCartney: All present. |
6. Declaration of Conflict
- Declarations of Conflict - Per TCA 49-2-202 Board of Education Members who have relatives (per the statue: relative means: Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or any person who resides in the same household as you) employed by the system are asked to raise your hands to identify yourself. "Do you certify that the votes that you make tonight will be in the best interest of the school system, regardless of the effect that your vote may have upon the employment of your relative or relatives?"
Chris King: Thank you, for our declaration of conflict, all those that applies to have signed that document tonight already. |
7. *Approval of 8/22/24 Minutes
(See Exhibit #1)
Chris King: We need to approve the minutes from 8/22. Hear motion. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second to approve the minutes, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: All in favor? All board members: Aye Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence) Chris King: The Ayes have it.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve XX minutes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. *Approval of Agenda
(See Exhibit #2)
(11.B. has been added to 11. School Board Reports section) Chris King: Next is the approval of the agenda for tonight, your motion. Sheri Nichols: Move to approve. Chris VanWinkle: Second. (Audio) Shannon Stout: If I might, So before we move on to the vote, if I can make a motion to add to the agenda for discussion and approval, due to the time constraints that were under request to the commission for appointment of the presumptive District 7 board member, John Matthews. Chris King: OK, and the urgency is. Shannon Stout: The urgency is there is new board member orientation on October on the 28th or 29th, but he'll be unable to attend until he is sworn in and is an official board member. Chris King: OK, otherwise he would miss it. Elizabeth Stull: He would miss it, correct. Chris King: Is there any objection to adding that to the agenda by anyone? (Silence) Chris King: So with that addition, all in favor say aye. All board members: Aye Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence) Chris King: The Ayes have it. Guess, we should put that somewhere down here. William Stepp: You just want to put that to my directors' report? Chris King: That would be? William Stepp: 11.B
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Nomination/Election of BOE Officials
See Below.
9.A. Nomination/Election of Board Chairman
Chris King: OK, the first order of business is to conduct the election of our officers to this board. Sheri Nichols: Ready? William Stepp: Miss Diane? Diane McCartney: Nomination for board chairman, circle one, sign your name, print your name. (Nomination forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Nomination for board chairman, Chris King nominates Chris King. Shannon Stout nominates Chris King. Travis Cole nominates Chris King. Nick Davis nominates Shannon Stout. Anita Hale nominates Chris King. Sheri Nichols nominates Chris King. Scott VanWinkle nominates Chris King. Elizabeth Stull nominates Nick Davis. This is the election. It's between Chris King, Shannon Stout and Nick Davis. (Election forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Elect board chairman Chris King elects Chris King. Elizabeth Stull elects Nick Davis. Scott VanWinkle elects Chris King. Shannon Stout elects Chris King. Nick Davis elects Shannon Stout. Travis Cole elects Chris King. Sheri Nichols elects Chris King. Anita Hale elects Chris King. Chris King, with the majority of the votes. Sheri Nichols: Congratulations. Chris King: Thank you very much. |
9.B. Nomination/Election of Board Vice Chairman
Chris King: So we’ll go on to the election of the vice chair. Diane McCartney: This is the nomination for Vice Chairman. Diane McCartney: Nomination for Vice Chairman. Elizabeth Stull nominates Anita Hale. Chris King nominates Shannon Stout. Scott VanWinkle nominates Shannon Stout. Sheri Nichols nominates Shannon Stout. Anita Hale nominates Anita Hale. Nick Davis nominates Shannon Stout. Shannon Stout nominates Shannon Stout. Travis Cole nominates Shannon Stout. Let me make sure so. It will be between Anita Hale. William Stepp: Shannon Stout. Diane McCartney: Shannon Stout. That's it. This is your election for vice chairman. Between Miss Shannon Stout and Miss Anita Hale. (Election forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Election for Vice Chairman Chris King elects Shannon Stout. Scott VanWinkle elects Shannon Stout. Elizabeth Stull elects Anita Hale. Sheri Nichols elects Shannon Stout. Anita Hale elects Anita Hale. Nick Davis elects Shannon Stout. Travis Cole elects Shannon Stout. Shannon Stout elects Shannon Stout. Shannon Stout with the majority of the votes for vice chairman. (Audio) |
9.C. Nomination/Election of Board Parliamentarian
Diane McCartney: This is nomination for parliamentarian. (Nomination forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Nomination for parliamentarian. Chris King nominates Scott VanWinkle. Scott VanWinkle nominates Elizabeth Stull. Elizabeth Stull nominates Nick Davis. Sheri Nichols nominates Scott VanWinkle. Anita Hale nominates Scott VanWinkle. Nick Davis nominates Elizabeth Stull. Shannon Stout nominates Nick Davis. Travis Cole nominates Nick Davis. I have no idea who I just said. (Laughter) William Stepp: So we have VanWinkle, Stull, Davis, Hale. (Audio) Diane McCartney: So it will be between Mr. VanWinkle, Miss Stoll, Mr. Davis. William Stepp: Miss Hale. Diane McCartney: And I believe Miss Hill is in there somewhere. (Audio) Sheri Nicoles: No. (Audio) Diane McCartney: OK, so it is between Stull, Davis, VanWinkle. Those are your choices. (Election forms are handed out but not all the forms printed. Dr. Calahan left to make copies, a few minutes past. After returning the rest of the forms were handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Election for Parliamentarian. Elizabeth Stull votes for Scott VanWinkle. Chris King votes for Scott VanWinkle. Scott VanWinkle votes for Nick Davis. Sheri Nichols votes for Scott VanWinkle. Anita Hale votes for Scott VanWinkle. Nick Davis votes for Nick Davis. Shannon Stout votes for Scott VanWinkle. Travis Cole votes for Scott VanWinkle. Scott VanWinkle wins parliamentarian. (Audio) |
9.D. Nomination/Election of Board Legislative Representative
Diane McCartney: Nomination for the legislative representative, formerly known as TLN representative. (Nomination forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Nomination for legislative representative. Chris King nominates Anita Hale. Elizabeth Stull nominates Anita Hale. Scott VanWinkle nominates Shannon Stout. Nick Davis nominates Anita Hale. Sheri Nichols nominates Shannon Stout. Shannon Stout nominates Anita Hale. Travis Cole nominates Anita Hale. Anita Hale nominates Shannon Stout. (Audio) Diane McCartney: Election will be between Shannon Stout and Anita Hale on TLN, legislative representative. Anita Hale: I would like to withdraw my name. Diane McCartney: What do you? You still want to carry the votes and give the rest of them to Shannon Stout? (Audio) Chris King: Well, yeah, because she removed the names. We're back to nominations or we just go by acclamation. (Audio) Chris King: So by acclamation, but she's already got one job. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Whatever y'all decide. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Are you OK with it? You’d have two jobs? (Audio) Shannon Stout: I’m OK with it, if that is what everybody feels is best. (Audio) Chris King: So she is going to stay on? (Audio) (Laughter) (Election forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: Election for legislative representative. Chris King votes for Anita Hale. Elizabeth Stull votes for Anita Hale. Scott VanWinkle votes for Shannon Stout. Sheri Nichols votes for Anita Hale. Anita Hale votes for Shannon Stout. Nick Davis votes for Anita Hale. Travis Cole votes for Anita Hale. Shannon Stout votes for Anita Hale. Anita Hale has won the election for legislative representative. (Audio) |
9.E. Nomination/Election of Board Recorder
Diane McCartney: This is the election for board recorder. You have Jason McGhee or a write in. Nobody else wants it don’t bother. Sheri Nichols: Don't bother. Congratulations, Jason. (Election forms are handed out and filled out by board members then collected) Diane McCartney: For board recorder. Chris King votes for Jason McGhee. Scott VanWinkle votes for Jason McGhee. Elizabeth Stull votes for Jason McGhee. Sheri Nichols votes for Jason McGhee. Nick Davis votes for Jason McGhee. Anita Hale Jason McGhee. Travis Cole Jason McGhee. Shannon you didn't do one. (Audio) Diane McCartney: It appears Jason McGhee has won. (Audio) |
10. Community Comments
Chris King: Community comments. Diane McCartney: No. |
11. School Board Reports
Chris King: Board reports. William Stepp: We got one thing we added on the agenda to vote on 7th district. (Audio) Chris King: I’m sorry, 11.B. (Audio) William Stepp: Yes. Shannon Stout: So I need to make the official motion? OK. I move for the executive committee to draft a formal request to the Commission for appointment of presumptive District 7 board member Jonathan Matthews. Chris King: There is a motion, is there a second? Travis Cole: I’ll second. Chris King: Motion and a second. Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: The reason that I'm bringing this motion forward to the board tonight is because, as I previously mentioned, the new board member orientation takes place on October 28th and 29th. I confirmed with TSBA that unless the board member is an official board member that they cannot attend at that time. That would push his training back to the first available, which wouldn't be until after the beginning of next year. And of course he wouldn't be able to sit in on meetings. Other than as a public person until he's official as well. So this would give him opportunity to join in sooner rather than later since he is the one and only candidate for District 7 and the Commission. My understanding from discussing some of the Commissioners is that they need to formal request from the board in order to consider doing that. Chris King: Mr. Cole, any comments? (Silence) Chris King: Anyone else? Discussion? (Silence) Chris King: No further discussion. We’ll vote. Madam Secretary, would you call the roll, please? Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Unanimous as yes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.A. TLN Report
Chris King: Legislative report. Shannon Stout: Mr. Chairman, there is no legislative report this month, nothing to report on. Chris King: OK. Thank you. |
12. Director's Report
Chris King: Now the director's report.
12.A. *ESSER 3.0 Funding Application
(See Exhibit #3) William Stepp: OK. The first one is our Esser 3.0 funding application. Ever since Esser has come into play and we've had to sign off the executive committee sign off on this and Esser 3.0 is going away. So we're spending we're. Getting that money spent before the deadline this fall. Chris King: So we'll need a motion. Anita Hale: Motion to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Chris King: Motion and Second to approve the funding for Esser 3. (Audio) Chris King: Call the roll madam secretary. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Unanimous yes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.B. *4H Data Collection & Field Trip Events
(See Exhibit #4)
William Stepp: And next on the agenda is the 4H data collection and field trip events. The board does look at this and approve it each year. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion to approve and seconded. Those in favor say aye. All Board members: Aye. Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence) (Audio)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.C. * Board Representation for DOS Contract Renegotiation
William Stepp: OK, next is, board needs to vote on who represents the board for my contract renegotiation. Chris King: So we'll need a motion to talk about. Shannon Stout: Motion to discuss board representation for DOS contract negotiation renegotiation. Chris King: Is there a second? Sheri Nichols: I’ll second. Chris King: Motion and second, Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: It's my understanding that the, Mr. Step is on his last year of his contract. Chris King: That's correct. Shannon Stout: And so in order to go into a contract renegotiation. So as to be able to have a continuous. Next several years. It would behoove us to go. Ahead and have someone from the board work with Mr. Stepp on that renegotiation process and then come to us with the recommended contract. Chris King: Miss Nichols, comments? Sheri Nichols: Trying to think of who. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Can we nominate that person or? Anita Hale: When is his con, Mr. Chair? When is his contract up? Chris King: Up it ends June 30th. This year. 25 I’m sorry. (Audio) Travis Cole: Is there a deadline previous? To the end of the contract where we've got to have it done. Chris King: If we don't come up with something by 6 months before that. Travis Cole: 6 months? Chris King: He is free agent. (Audio) Shannon Stout: So can we take volunteers? Somebody who'd be interested in doing that? Or do we need to appoint someone? Chris King: I think we could see who's interested then appoint. Got some more blank paper down there? (Audio) Diane McCartney: Absolutely the green, do you mind? (Audio) Chris King: First, I'll ask is anybody interested in doing this? Sheri Nichols: I'd love to, but I don't know (Audio) Sheri Nichols: So it's not me. Nicholas Davis: Who is the representative who conducted the last contract renegotiation? Chris King: The board chair. (Audio) William Stepp: It was Miss Boston. Chris King: Miss Boston. Elizabeth Stull: She was not the board chair. William Stepp: Nope, she was not. Chris King: She did the contract. Elizabeth Stull: She didn't negotiate the contracts. (Audio) Shannon Stout: She did. Chris King: Actually, she did. Elizabeth Stull: She's said that she did not negotiate the contract. (Audio) Chris King: I think whoever was here knows. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Yeah, there might be a difference of opinion that. Chris King: The question before us is do you want to appoint somebody. So who? Scott VanWinkle: I nominate Chris King. Sheri Nichols: I nominate Chris King too. Chris King: We've got a motion or nomination, and a second. Any discussion? Anita Hale: Is this not premature? (Audio) Chris King: No, we need to know something by December, so. Times a wasting. Scott VanWinkle: So what's the timeline for having something presented to the board. Chris King: Before December. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: So before December. (Audio) Chris King: Before December, November and December is combined together. Shannon Stout: So we have only one meeting to vote. (Audio) Chris King: Or we could have a special call, whatever it takes. (Audio) Chris King: OK, any other discussion? Questions? (Silence) Chris King: Will the board secretary call roll? Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: No. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: No. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. (Audio)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.D. *Lighting Proposals for District
(See Exhibit #5)
William Stepp: The next agenda item is lining proposals for the district. Both companies approached me to provide proposals on both reputable companies. I personally, I went through this whole process with Excel, so I'm very familiar with that, comfortable with them. For sure, but. Something if you all want to discuss now. Or vote on. Our table that's up to you. Elizabeth Stull: What do we have in the fund balance? To go ahead and cover all of this. William Stepp: It's not the actual project that most school systems do. They go through EESI, and that's a state board. And actually Mayor Fosters on that state board and it's a low interest loan over a certain amount of time. And our savings pays the loan. We don't actually put money. Out of pocket for it. Shannon Stout: What kind of Impact if any would this having this outstanding loan have on any projects that we need, to move forward. William Stepp: This won't cost us any money. This just this, the savings we have makes the payment and it goes over depending on which plan you look at goes over 9 years, or 12, or 16, or whatever. Shannon Stout: I get that part of it. But if we have an outstanding loan already, will that impact us in any way from moving forward with. Monies or possible other loans we may need for safety and security. William Stepp: No, not that I'm aware of. (Audio) Chris King: It doesn’t effect our credit, I guess on our own money. Elizabeth Stull: The, one of them was higher than the other as far as the. Payment amount and it didn't completely pay for itself. William Stepp: It depends on which plan you're looking at, so they had one group, had it broken down in three different pay periods, and then Excel had it right at nine years. Elizabeth Stull: Right, and theirs did not completely cover it is that correct? William Stepp: Yeah. Our savings cover it. Anita Hale: Has our maintenance supervisor gotten a chance to look at these, Miss King? William Stepp: I've gone through this with Miss Bray. And we've worked through this. Anita Hale: Miss King is our maintenance person. William Stepp: Miss Kington. Anita Hale: Miss Kington. William Stepp: Yes, she is our maintenance person. Anita Hale: So she hasn't had a chance to look at these or give her opinion? William Stepp: I'm not aware. I work directly with Miss Bray. (Audio) William Stepp: Miss Bray, Miss Kington? She gone over this also? Kim Bray: We’ve been through similar things like that. I don't know that she looked at it line by line, but she is aware of the situation. Anita Hale: We just got these last week and I don't know if I've had time to look through both of these things. William Stepp: I understand. Shannon Stout: I'm going to make a motion to go ahead and table this until October so we can look through it a little bit more and maybe have some more discussion in our work session, since there's several different options, not only with financing, but with the project itself. Elizabeth Stull: Right? Chris King: Motion to table is there a second? Elizabeth Stull: Second. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Nicholas Davis: Are we still discussing? Chris King: Yes. Nicholas Davis: Are both parties here today? (Audio) William Stepp: I think one party is Mr. Gregory is here today. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: As far as. (Audio) William Stepp: Yeah, he's here. If you have any questions. Nicholas Davis: Terms of warranty on the lighting itself, was it 10? 5? Mr. Gregory: 10 years, 10 years for the interior lighting the majority of it is. The outside lights are 5 years because they're outside. Nicholas Davis: And manufacturers are? Diane McCartney: Mark. Mr. Gregory: The companies are all American based companies they’ll be using, some of them are manufactured outside state. Nicholas Davis: Very good. Thank you. And the workmanship was warranted for? Your work is warranted for? Mr. Gregory: The lives of bulbs. Nicholas Davis: Thank you. Mr. Gregory: And these should last 20 years. Nicholas Davis: Very good. Anita Hale: Would this be for all the schools or just the high schools? Mr. Gregory: This would be for all the schools, all the lights, inside and outside. Nicholas Davis: You're probably going to, there will be some questions for the other group. Anita Hale: Yes. (Audio) Chris King: Other discussion? If not the motion. Scott VanWinkle: But I just want to say that. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: Just wanted to say that I was involved in a similar project in my career and I've seen great success with it. This project either way we decide to go is great savings and our company has seen benefits from both the type of lighting and the beneficial savings, so just to add that. (Audio) Chris King: Any other discussion? Shannon Stout: Thank you for the perspective and coming out to present, appreciate it. Sheri Nichols: Yes, thank you. Anita Hale: Thank you. Chris King: There's no further discussion. The motion was tabled to the work session. (Silence) Chris King: All those in favor of tabling it? Say aye. All board members: Aye. Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence) Chris King: The ayes have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13. School Board Committees
Chris King: Return to your report. William Stepp: Yes, Sir. Chris King: So, 13 is school board committees. Policy Committee. We have the committees. Separate policies, which comes up in 14. There's no plan, no committee meeting, so we'll move to. 14 approval of recommended policies. |
13.A. Policy Committee
13.A.1. *Approval of First Reading of Policies
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the first reading of policies listed above.
13.B. Arts, Athletics and Activities Committee
13.C. Budget Committee Meeting
13.D. Building and Grounds & Safety Committee
14. *Approval of Recommended Policies
(See Exhibit #6)
Chris King: Mr. Stepp. William Stepp: So after the input at the work session, the first one, there's no changes to it except to add the footnote that that last part about. The Pro Tem comes straight from Robert's rules of order, so that's the only thing I had from the input from the work session. Do you want to do the motion on each one separately, or do you want to? Chris King: Let’s do them separately. OK, Is there a motion on 1.200 method of election of officers? Shannon Stout: Motion. Scott VanWinkle: Second Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Madam Secretary, call the roll. To approve 1.200 as presented. Anita Hale: 1.300? (Audio) Chris King: 200. (Silence) Diane McCartney: I was waiting on Miss Hale. It's on the screen. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: There it is we found it. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Unanimous as yes. Chris King: OK. Policy 1.300 board committees. Need a motion to approve. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second discussion? Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: The changes were made according to what Mr. Stepp had proposed and we had discussed in the work session so. It all looks like. It covers what we have discussed. Chris King: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: I agree with her assessment. Chris King: Other discussion, questions? Elizabeth Stull: So this is moving. The board out of working in any sort of committees and going into work sessions. Shannon Stout: The standing committees moving this out of working standing committees. Special committees can still be appointed at direction of the board when needed. Elizabeth Stull: So we're no longer going to have a Policy Committee guidelines. Shannon Stout: Not a standing policy committee, no. My understanding is that would be handled in work session. Brought forth in each work session where we're. All in attendance. Elizabeth Stull: I don't think that we should completely go ahead and change the policy. I think that if the board chooses to go ahead and work in a work session. Format that should be decided by the full board, but also that knowing that. The board changes. Every two years when we have new board members coming on after every election that takes place, that this should still be an option if the next board so chooses to go ahead and go forward with committees. Shannon Stout: We review it every year. Annual review. So every year we can assess. Elizabeth Stull: But it's a it's a policy that can go ahead and be used or not be used, meaning the board can go ahead and operate under committees or it can go ahead and operate under work sessions based on what the current board so chooses. To but to get rid of the policy altogether, I don't think that should be done. Anita Hale: Sometimes I think it's easier to discuss in a small group instead of a large group and then we would bring it in the policy with, the committee would bring it before the group. And we used to do that, I like that idea of discussing in a small group. Elizabeth Stull: I mean our work session that we had just what? Last week? Anita Hale: Yes. Elizabeth Stull: Was excessively long. Shannon Stout: I don't think they're all going to be like that going forward. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: But almost every work session we've had. Anita Hale: Has been very. Elizabeth Stull: Has been very long. In the last two years, every work session has been excessively long. There's not been one short one. And so to go ahead and move into a work session format where we don't really get a whole lot of discussion that takes place at all, because we cannot deliberate. So that kind of stifles the conversation that takes place in a work session. And, it's, the length of them is just, it's not acceptable. It's not valuing everybody else's time that has to be there for those sessions. Shannon Stout: So what I'm hearing though is you're saying you want to keep the Policy Committee. On the, on this particular policy. So as a standing committee, because we're not getting rid of the Board committee policy, we will still have the policy, but we're getting rid of listing standing committees. Anita Hale: I think we need to keep the standing committees. I think that we need to discuss the, and the, athletic committee and the building and grounds. Shannon Stout: I think it's important to have everybody at the table. We're having discussions about that rather than having them divided up into committees in a in a small group of people bringing that information forward to the entire board. Anita Hale: But anybody with a recommendation. Shannon Stout: No, it's not the same though, as being able to have a discussion or work session about it. Elizabeth Stull: Well, I mean, last year we went ahead and operated under the committees and we had them all on the same day and we just moved from one committee to the next and everyone who was on a committee showed up and you know, we were able to have full discussions in those meetings. We can't have a full discussion. In a work session. Shannon Stout: We can have full discussions. We just can't vote. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: You can't deliberate that either. (Audio) Shannon Stout: You can still discuss. That's the whole point of the work session. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: You have to be careful. And it's a stifled conversation is what happens in the work session. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Anybody else want to weigh in on the additional standing committees? Anita Hale: I know that we worked hard on this policy whenever we had our Saturday work session. (Audio) Anita Hale: And Ben George came and helped us with it and we ironed out all the bugs and we came to a consensus that this is what we liked. Shannon Stout: What we made the adoption then for, what had been voted in for last year. So it was an adoption for that year for this policy for how the vote had been handled last year. Every year we have the opportunity as a board to decide. (Audio) Shannon Stout: How we want to move forward if we want to do it with committees or we want to do in the work session now. Most boards across the entire state of Tennessee have work sessions or workshops. They do not have standing committees. Elizabeth Stull: We don't have to be like. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: Tennessee, we can be our own board. (Audio) Shannon Stout: But just because we’ve been doing it in the committee format doesn't mean that we need to continue this committee format. That we can't try something different because obviously there's some value in doing the workshops or work sessions. Our State Board of Education operates that way. Sheri Nichols: And making our meetings shorter. If we have work sessions, these meetings should be shorter so that these people don't have to sit out here for hours. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: But we can go ahead and have 4 to 5 hour work sessions. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: But it's not going to be that long again. This was because of the new board and us discussing things. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: But every other one has been pretty much the same. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Because we are calling work sessions only when. (Audio) Shannon Stout: We were having to work out. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: That's a good that's a good point. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: The other thing about this policy is that if we can only remove the standing committees if there's a policy that comes up during the board meeting. Then we can create a special committee if we so choose. Shannon Stout: Good point. Scott VanWinkle: To go over that policy in a committee meeting. So if we can't deliberate during the work session, we can choose to create a committee for that policy. If we feel like, there's a long discussion. We can't agree or we can't come to a conclusion. Shannon Stout: The board still has the option to create that special committee to work through whatever we need to work through it. Elizabeth Stull: It just makes. (Audio) Shannon Stout: And come forward with the recommendation. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: It just lengthens the times they were getting done. Scott VanWinkle: Experience from watching the board meetings to this point was it made board meetings last longer because the discussion all happened during the board meeting. (Audio) Travis Cole: I think doing the work session format would facilitate better teamwork with the board members at the table. While I understand the committees, everybody can be there and voice their opinion at the end of the day, there's still only a few people in each committee that are actually. (Audio) Travis Cole: Rather than the full board. I think in the work session format that it’s going to facilitate better teamwork amongst us as board members. Shannon Stout: Yes, I agree. Chris King: Other discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Madam Secretary, call the roll, please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: No. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Chris King: Policy 6.4031 Head lice and bed bugs. (Audio) William Stepp: So we just added to this policy. So we follow the same policy procedure that we do for lice. So there is a certain procedures that we have to follow for lice, so we want to add to the bed bugs to it so that we follow, we stay consistent with that kind of problem solving. Chris King: Is there a motion to approve? Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Travis Cole: Second. Chris King: Motion and second to approve, Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Following the recommendation of the district go ahead and make these adjustments. Chris King: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: I feel like this is in accordance with. (Audio) Travis Cole: health of our children and employees. Chris King: Other discussion? Nicholas Davis: Should we add fleas to this? Diane McCartney: Can I say amen? Sheri Nichols: Yes (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Serious. Where do we do? We need to incorporate because that's what this is, right? We're adding to our head lice and we want to expand it and make it one policy or do we want to make additional policies with different names. Like while we're at it? (Audio) William Stepp: I can research the flea type thing. I haven't seen that policy before, so I can research that because I know it's. Right now it's. Become an issue in one building, but it's all adults in that building, so that building's not, we don't take classes into that building or anything. So but yeah, I can research something on that side. Nicholas Davis: I don’t want to slow this down. William Stepp: Let me do some research and I'll have it ready. (Audio) Travis Cole: Some verbiage that would be kind of encompassed. (Audio) Marleigh Gargac: I know, for a fact, in our school we have had a flea problem. And my teammates showed me the flea marks on her arm. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Cause if your dog has them you’re going to bring them to school. Marleigh Gargac: Yeah, yeah. William Stepp: So do you want me? We might want to just table this and I come back with a more itemized. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Motion to table? Nicholas Davis: Will it slow anything down? That’s in place? (Audio) William Stepp: No, we're still going to. We're still going to work the procedure. So we always put the health of the students at the forefront. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Motion to table to October for the additional research and possible changes. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: OK. Any other discussion? That policy is tabled.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Chris King: Chief Financial Officer report. Anita Hale: Mr. Chair, question? Why did we not do the conflict of interest? (Audio) Chris King: We did. Everyone signed it before the meeting. (Audio) Anita Hale: Declaration of conflict? (Audio) Chris King: Right. (Audio) |
15.A. Monthly Financial Report
(See Exhibit #7)
Kim Bray: Are we ready? Chris King: Yes, go ahead. (Audio) Kim Bray: Mics smarter than me. Before I start, I just thought I would share. I spoke with Jennifer Turner, our finance director. I don't have officially a sales tax report, but she did tell me that the August collections came in at $1,459,059, which was $45,387.00 ahead of her projections, hopefully by next month she'll have the projections in a form that you're accustomed to seeing. But I did want to share that that. Was some good news. As far as revenues, we have collected $6,737,672 dollars. Our expenses, however have been $8,421 ,471.45. That's not unusual at this time of the year. Property tax notices I understand have gone out and it's. I've been told that it's been fast and furious at the property tax office, with people paying their taxes, so we'll see those monies coming in and reflected shortly. Is there any questions on any of this? I have detail on all of this that anyone who's curious. I won't bore you with those details now. (Silence) Kim Bray: Yeah, with Mr. Stepp and our chairs. Permission. I would like to go into something before I start the budget amendments. If that's OK. William Stepp: Yes, please. Kim Bray: There's been some, talk that the BOE is sinking because of our budget and because the amount of money that we're going into the fund balance. I just want to remind folks that that is a budget. If you remember, we started those preparations back in January. At that point, I'm doing projections. And based on my training, I am always going to project on the conservative side, so I'm going to make things a little higher than what they're going to end up being. So that is purely a projection. So I just want to put this kind of in perspective. When you look at 23/24 when we originally projected in 23/24 I budgeted 68 million in revenue. I budgeted 70 million in expenses. In actuality we received 71 million and we only spent 68 million. Our fund balance at the end of last year with our carry forward is $14,603,000. So things are not nearly as dim as what some would think it is. Yes, we're going into the fund balance this year, but we have to look at last year that basically we did just exactly what the state would have us to do. We spent the revenue that we were given on our expenditures. I had originally projected last year that we go into the fund balance about $2,000,000. Actually we put 3.5 million to it. So let's not panic at this stage of game because we always come in a bit better. But like I said, my training tells me to be very conservative in my estimates, whether it's cost or projects. How many people we're going to have because we always have open position things sometimes most of the time will come in cheaper than what I have budgeted. But to be conservative and be on the safe side. That's the way that I'm always going to do it unless I'm instructed otherwise. So I hope everybody's good with that, but I just want to share that with folks because I know there's been a lot of talk in the community about it and I just want to kind of. Maybe settle some fears. Sheri Nichols: Thank you. Nicholas Davis: Question? Kim Bray: Yes. Nicholas Davis: For clarity, you said our fund balance is 14,000,000? So we rewind to our projected estimated balance budget that was tight. Coming into budget conversations. Which our minimum balance was to be what number that we are required to hold? William Stepp: 3%. Kim Bray: 3% of our expenses. Nicholas Davis: Which is? What was it? (Audio) William Stepp: 2.6 or 7 million I think something like that. Kim Bray: We are required to leave. 2.3 million. And that would have left us with an overage of 1.7. But actually we're going to be better off than that because we finished better than what I had anticipated I had anticipated if we finished around 11 million we came in at 14 million. Nicholas Davis: I just don't recall being, you telling us you're going to be over 11,000,000 so. Elizabeth Stull: Yeah. Kim Bray: That was where we started. That was our starting balance. Nicholas Davis: Got you. I did, I just know every conversation we had about our budget was that it was tight, we're talking about 10s of thousands of dollars in our current overages in the millions. So when we're splitting hairs over 10s of thousands of dollars and we're over millions of dollars, that's where I'm, I'm confused apparently. Elizabeth Stull: No. (Audio) William Stepp: A lot of discussion was around the pay raises we have to do, so we still have two more years of those pay raises. Nicholas Davis: Right. So we're prepared for that, right? William Stepp: We are. Nicholas Davis: Decided to take the bulk of that on the front end. And ramp it down as we move along. William Stepp: Correct, so it's less this next two years than what it's been. Cause y'all went to front loading. Nicholas Davis: Because we knew that inflation is now and inflation is indeed intended to decline. So the help would be better served now. William Stepp: And this subject will come up again in October. When we're all sitting around the same table, we're going to talk extensively. The global view of our budget and the different parts and all that kind of stuff. So everybody can ask questions. Nicholas Davis: That's great. And that way we can get back to understanding how we can move the needle on those red areas in our strategic plan. Right? That way we're not hoping things happen and not using the monies that we have budgeted well, to go to work for us. It's just nice to know what that number is while we're entering the inner, we're beginning with this year. So sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to get some clarity on those numbers. Kim Bray: You always have to remember there are things that they're going to do at the end of the year. County Finance office that are part of our pending accruals that are going to affect that number. They give those to us. Scott VanWinkle: So I have a question as well. So if you go back into the board meeting agendas and you look at the budget attachments and those agendas, what you just stated is not clearly represented in those reports. So constituents see that. They have access to that on public access website with the school system they're seeing that we ended the year for 23/24 at $11 million fund balance approximately. And they don't know that we finished that 14 million and I didn't know that either until just now. Kim Bray: What I think you're looking at is that was the budget that was prepared, like I don't update that as we go. Scott VanWinkle: So is that something that we should do so that our constituents are clear on what our budget actually is? Kim Bray: Well, the budget is the budget. To me what I'm giving you is the actuals is the running total. I could give you a rough running total, but that what they're looking at is the budgeted amount at that time where I project that we are going to get. Scott VanWinkle: So if you look at that last line. Kim Bray: It's 11 million, and that's where I had projected. Scott VanWinkle: And it and it actually doesn't say projected on that on that spreadsheet. Kim Bray: It should be the top, say projected in that top column. Scott VanWinkle: It gives a projection of what you thought it would be, which is way below 11,000,000. But then it says down at the very bottom. This is what we had left at the end of this year. So maybe there should be another row there that actually says actual fund balance at the end of the year. Instead of, because people see that it's creating questions already. Kim Bray: Right, right. And but the thing about it is when you're seeing that we don't have that actual fund balance. I did that when I closed the end of the year. Scott VanWinkle: OK, that's fair. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: But it's the 24/25 school year and that is still available to people to look at. Kim Bray: I have never gone back and adjusted the budget, but now I can go back and in that same spreadsheet with this starting number. That I now have. And that will reflect that and we can republish that. Scott VanWinkle: That would be good in my opinion. I don't know, but. William Stepp: Yeah, I agree. We're going to be completely transparent. We will never try to hide things from people. So that's a good idea. Any other ideas the board has to make everything clear to the public. We're. Happy to do. That's not a problem. Kim Bray: But like I mentioned at the work session, all of this information is in E plan and anybody can go in on the public side and see what I just told. Scott VanWinkle: I don't think everyone in the public is familiar with that, so I guess we need to make sure that's brought out in these meetings so that they can look at that if they are interested. And also now I'm aware so I can direct somebody to look there. William Stepp: And we can put a link, we can put a link so it's easy to go from our website to that and then it's just tons and tons of information in E plan and it's all public. So anytime we do anything budget amendments, all that kind of stuff, it updates in there because we have to have that approval through the state of Tennessee also. So we'll put a link there and maybe a video that shows people how to navigate it. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: That'd be good. Nicholas Davis: Just to add to that, right? Just, in knowing the running total periodically, that gives us like, hey, where are we? In variation to what we projected. I know that that's a moving target, you're not wrong. But I mean. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Like you got one that comes and goes. Kim Bray: I can give you a rough estimate, but, the, if you're looking for a cash flow, I don't know that I can do that because I don't control the cash receipts. I can’t see that until I run this report. I mean, I can give you ballpark as to where I think based on where we ended where we're at. Fair enough? Nicholas Davis: Absolutely, just so if we do get to the point of the year, it's nice to. Swing sooner than later, right? So if we're kind of coming into the end of year and we're like, hey, where do we go? What can we do? How can we help make sure that something we've got in our lenses for, let's say 24 going in 25, we can start those projects sooner rather than later if we have extra monies available, especially to the tune of $3,000,000, we get a lot of stuff done with $3,000,000. William Stepp: That's our plan. So each month last month we talked a little bit about salaries and those things we're going to talk about budget again this month. So every month. So that when we get to that budget season, you guys have all the background information you need up to there so that it can be a very productive planning process for the budget. So that that's our goal. And you just need to let me know what else do you want to see? Mean we'll bring out everything. Nicholas Davis: That’d be great, thank you very much. William Stepp: Yes, Sir. Sheri Nichols: Thank you. |
15.B. *141 Budget Amendments
(See Exhibit #8)
Kim Bray: Are you ready for the budget amendments? Oh Boy, that's a small chart, let me move over here. (Laughter) Kim Bray: Sorry, old eyes. OK. The first one is the box truck that was originally in our 24/25 budget. This would be a budget amendment to put the funds back to purchase that truck. (Silence) Kim Bray: We will do these separately or? William Stepp: Separately. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Sheri Nichols: I'll second that. Chris King: Motion and second Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Based on the discussion that we had in the work session, there's a need for this to make sure that we can transport. Supplies and testing materials to the different schools in the safe manner, so we're not going to need problems with. Possible workman's comp claims. I believe it was in the balanced budget last year that was presented to us originally, so this is the second time around that this come forward and also the fact that there is a delay in getting it. So even though we approve it, looking at somewhere around the year and a half? Kim Bray: Correct. Shannon Stout: Until we actually get the vehicle. Elizabeth Stull: Now the original amount was 50,000. Was that correct? Kim Bray: No. Elizabeth Stull: It was 62? Kim Bray: Right. Nicholas Davis: Question? What can we do right? Like yes, this helps us do all those things. What can we obtain now as to solve the problem now? (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Like, can we buy a used truck? Can we buy? Can we source? What attempts are we making trying to solve the problem today? We can we got the money to spend today. Let's solve the problem today. William Stepp: Yeah, we would. Normally we go off the. State contract list. And that's just the way, because you get the better, you get a way better price that way. But there's is a waiting on that and that's why we brought it up last year, but. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Here way down the road. So I'll just say are we not capable. Are we limited to go buy a used vehicle that would do the job. (Audio) Kim Bray: If we choose to go and not use the state contract, we'll have to go through a formal bid process. Which you're going to, that's probably going to be at least 8 to 12 weeks. To get through that entire process. Nicholas Davis: Which is a lot shorter. Kim Bray: Which is shorter, but it's then. That's depends on what. You and you might end up with something you don't want. It depends on who places the bids. Nicholas Davis: We're sitting submitting an RFQ. For them to bid on. Kim Bray: So I was. (Audio) Kim Bray: No, since we would have to put out the bid. But what, we would spec the truck just like we did with this and it would go out to public bid. And we would just collect whoever wanted to bid on it. Travis Cole: As a government entity, if we're trying to source an used vehicle, we're looking at the standard grass on a lot where that is a huge savings because it's contract price. I don't know what the percentage to estimate. Have we verified that it would be a year and a half for this particular item. (Audio) Kim Bray: No, I didn't get until we had the money appropriated. I have quote in hand. (Audio) Travis Cole: Every different type of vehicle whether it be truck or ambulance or box truck. And have different lead times. Might be able to source one quicker. Like, you're literally if you could go looking for used then it's going to be you're looking and see what's on car lots and then you're taking check. OK you get all your bids and then you have to discuss and meeting them and is that car going to be there in a month. Because that's what you know, individual items versus this is generic box truck, don’t care ford, dodge, chevy, whatever is available on the contract. Nicholas Davis: How long do we have to leave something out to bid? (Audio) Shannon Stout: Three weeks. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: So essentially we should procure an item in. Less than four weeks. Kim Bray: If it's all been approved, you have to go through. The approval process first. Like we, we're open bids today. Well, they will have to go through and make sure that everything makes that spec and then the Finance Committee for the county has to approve accepting the bid. And then that time we can, they will issue a purchase order. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: All of those things sound a lot faster than a year. That's no? Yes? (Audio) Nicholas Davis: None of those dates sounded longer than a year. (Audio) William Stepp: It might be more expensive too, to get a used vehicle than to go off to state contracts, there's 2 two different things to just. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: So it's like, which risk are we willing to adopt? We're willing to live with the fact that we've identified an issue. We're not going to solve it and we're going to take the risk of injury and suit. And to wait to save whatever dollar bill. Or we can make an effort to shorten the gap, solve the problem, reduce the injury, reduce the risk of injury. There's a risk of something somewhere. Just which risk is worth more? Sheri Nichols: Are there restrictions on the type of vehicle. Kim Bray: No it was just staked out based on people that were going to use that. What we thought that they needed. It's just that your state contract those vendors have already been vetted by the state. They have promised the state contractually that they're that's the best price. And you know what you're getting. I dealt with several of these companies and the time that I've been here and yes, there is a long lead time, but once they get the product, people are very satisfied. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Looking at a warranty difference to0. Kim Bray: Yes. Shannon Stout: Between doing something used versus new. Kim Bray: New. Shannon Stout: That would have to take into consideration. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: I don’t have a problem pending the money. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: It would be nice if we could get it faster. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: It’s just how we fix the issue. (Audio) Kim Bray: And I mean, like I said, I have the funds appropriated. I did not pursue that other than a quote. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: So, is anyone considered a lease or rental? The reason I'm asking this is because I understand what they're saying we have. If this is an urgent matter and we have a concern about. You know somebody getting injured, then we shouldn't wait a year and a half to work on that. Sheri Nichols: Can we lease one while we're looking for one? William Stepp: That's up to the board. Kim Bray: That would come, like I said, that unbudgeted and that would be a reoccurring expense. Scott VanWinkle: What's the usage on this? How often does it? How will it be used? William Stepp: The beginning of the year, a lot. So and then throughout the year we've got different deliveries that come to Central office where we take that come on pallets and take that bar out of the middle of the doors and hear all the pallets go in and get laid down on the floor and then we. Kim Bray: Redistribute. William Stepp: Redistribute either using that special education bus that we don't use with kids anymore. Scott VanWinkle: So there's some transfers that are less risky than others. Are they all pallets or are there some things that are just carried by hands? William Stepp: The computers come in boxes, so we stack boxes in that van. Textbooks, you know, we can only carry so many textbooks at a time, so we transfer that. School supplies and stuff at the beginning of the year. We do a lot of that there and in January. So there's just certain times of year to be used. A lot more than others. Kim Bray: Testing supplies would probably be another one. William Stepp: Testing. Kim Bray: Where we could deliver instead of them having come pick it up. Scott VanWinkle: I just think that if we maybe not us but you guys should probably evaluate the risk of each move and if necessary rent a uhaul. Pull the ramp down and use a dolly for those boxes. Just, if this is that urgent and that big of a risk that needs to be considered in my opinion. William Stepp: And this was also part of the strategic plan that was one of the goals and the strategic plan was to have that capability. Sheri Nichols: Hmm. So what if we lease where does that come from? Would that money come? (Audio) William Stepp: We have to look. (Audio) Kim Bray: It just a monthly expense. That’s unbudgeted. Where this would be a one time purchase capital expenditure that would just be a month to month, just like paying rent. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: Yeah, I think. (Audo) Scott VanWinkle: We do it now. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Well, Travis just said that there was one vehicle, what did you wait? 2 Years for the vehicle? Travis Cole: That was at the height of the covid supply chain problem. It was just a generic super duty truck. (Audio) Travis Cole: I mean that was during the computer chip fiasco. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Current state to Scott’s point. Somebody's using, making deliveries daily? Currently? William Stepp: No daily, it depends on. The time of year. It depends on like when we get 2 full grade levels of Chromebooks at the beginning of the year and they got to go to every school. And deliver all. That stuff when we get new textbooks, we got to. Deliver them. Scott VanWinkle: Is that a day? Is that 2 days? William Stepp: I think this year is almost a week. Nicholas Davis: They’d have to load. (Audio) William Stepp: Yeah, put it in the SPED bus. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: So like I guess that we're trying to figure out make an economical. (Audio) William Stepp: I understand. Nicholas Davis: So if we get if we get a bus, or larger if we go rent a uhaul that is three times the size instead of taking a week to unload something one pallet at a time could we potentially do that in one days time? So now we're going to buy something for $62,000 us it five times a year, and it’s going to sit over there. William Stepp: No it will be used throughout the year. I mean, there's stuff that comes in that has to be delivered. I know as far as the strategic plan that committee talked through this, this whole process of the need just because of what you've already said. So I know you know at one point the expectation was to have it so that we can use it whenever we needed it, you know. (Audio) William Stepp: Throughout the year. But I. Sheri Nichols: Well, it's no doubt that we need it. William Stepp: I can do the research on leasing and stuff too. If you'd rather have that information. (Audio) Shannon Stout: In the long run, I don't see how leasing would be less expensive. Sheri Nichols: No it won’t be. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: So, I'm sorry, go ahead. Shannon Stout: I was just going to say. Sheri Nichols: We need to do it. Shannon Stout: I mean, if we start if we get this process started, we do a blended version here and we get this process started. So you'll get something in place and then. To Scott's point. If there is something where it's going to be unsafe to be loading these deliveries, materials whatever it might be on the makeshift bus that we're using right now, then y'all would look for it now and we could approve those expenses on a case by case basis. As stop gap, until we get something permanent. Nicholas Davis: How long will this vehicle last? (Audio) Shannon Stout: As long as it runs. (Audio) Shannon Stout: To the ground like. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Till the wheels don’t run anymore. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: What is the projection like the $60,000 is going to last? 5 years? Kim Bray: Well it will be beyond 5 years. We have vehicles now that we've used 20 years. Trucks. Like we've had it not that long (Audio) Kim Bray: I mean we have, we take good care of our vehicles Bus garage services on a regular basis. And they do a good job. Sheri Nichols: Yes they do. Nicholas Davis: $1000 a month for five years, it's $60,000, so they release the vehicle for the same time frame. Would effectively spent $60,000 for five years. Yeah. We have and we don't have to do any maintenance. We don't own it. Before we get to use it. We understand is that we thought about. It and that. Travis Cole: Can you talk into the mic please? Chris King: Thank you. Nicholas Davis: Hello, you may repeat what I said. Chris King: Now that's fine, OK. Nicholas Davis: I was just saying that we could potentially spend $60,000 over the course of five years at $1000 a month. And at that point in time, we would have, we've had a vehicle right for five years and we don't have any of those additional expenses and we would not technically own it and we would be down $60,000 at that point. So that's not to be understated, but just an option, multiple options. Anytime we look at spending money. Solve problems understanding is helping the board understand what options we looked at. Helps us make good decisions to support the team so. That would be my recommendation in the future if we're going to spend money, let's look at. Options. Chris King: The discussions been had and put into the plan and the board approved the plan. It's very clear here, box truck with lift gate for mobile services. So I really don’t know what we are discussing here? Nicholas Davis: So was that the same board that voted not to put it in the budget? Chris King: It's the current plan. Nicholas Davis: OK, I'm just trying to we're just being clear on. What we're saying? Elizabeth Stull: Yes, it is. Shannon Stout: Is a recommendation that came out of budget committee, at the time, based on the projected numbers that we had correct? Kim Bray: It's also used like we go. Pick up all retired items like. At the schools, it's also used for that. Currently they're using a SPED bus. The thing I like about this it has a lift gate on it. Nicholas Davis: Yeah, they need. I have no question. I'm just curious what happens. We've looked at, to be best stewards and put the money for an immediate need. I, like I said, I wouldn’t have trouble spending money now or later. I'm just saying like let's. We can fix both. Let's fix both. Like approve this right now, just so long as we can. Look at a way to do. Something in the interim that help your team while we're moving forward. Elizabeth Stull: Well, and once she goes ahead and puts it through, she'll have a better idea. Of how long they actually. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Then we can go ahead Elizabeth Stull: And revisit at that point. To go ahead and see if do need to work on something in the interim. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Temporary. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: Temporary, yeah. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: They should be able to provide you the timeline, right? A simple phone call would give you like? Yes, they're 18 months back up or 24 months backed up. Good luck. Or they're arriving in the lot next week. A phone call with them. You don’t have placed an order to get a ballpark. (Audio) Kim Bray: Yeah. Dr. Eldridge got 2 vehicles and took her roughly. 9 Months? 9 Months. Sheri Nichols: Her bus? (Audio) Kim Bray: Not her bus. Well her bus is one of our buses that she had redone. But she bought some SUVs and they took nine months. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Yeah, go ahead Marleigh Gargac: If we wait a year and a half for this bus, what are we going to do in the meantime? Sheri Nichols: Well, we might have to lease something and help us out. Marleigh Gargac: OK. Sheri Nichols: Play that by ear. You're once she figures out what that commitment time is. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Rent it, rent amount on a needed basis. (Audio) Chris King: Any other discussion on this amendment? (Silence) Chris King: So this is a recommended. We're going to vote yes to accept or no, not to. Madam secretary call the role. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Hang on. Kim Bray: OK. The next one is the $30,000 required to replace the two aviation scholarships that were cut from the original budget. Chris King: Questions? (Silence) Chris King: Any question or discussion? Anita Hale: Why can we not just approve one more instead of approving three more? (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: Two more. (Audio) William Stepp: One for each school. Anita Hale: One for each school, so it would be the phoenix school also? William Stepp: They don't have the aviation program there. Anita Hale: So it's just CCHS and. Kim Bray: SMHS. William Stepp: Stone. Anita Hale: Yes, and who's getting it now? (Audio) William Stepp: There, these two scholarships were cut. Normally we would have four. Anita Hale: But we did have something for. (Audio) Anita Hale: To keep the program alive and what was that? What did we have? Elizabeth Stull: It was one for each school, one person at. (Audio) Anita Hale: So there is one already at each school. William Stepp: Mhmm. Elizabeth Stull: Mhmm, this would be going in, the second one that was. (Audio) Shanno Stout: Was previously. (Audio) Anita Hale: And Miss Bray do we have the budget for this? Since it wasn't in our budget? Kim Bray: It would be pulled uut of fund balance. William Stepp: But it was in the. Kim Bray: But it was in the original budget it. Was in the original budget. William Stepp: Yeah, the original balanced budget that I presented to the board. It was in there. Anita Hale: Seems like we have a lot of fund balance that we're pulling things out of and it's getting lower. And we're supposed to save some fund balance in case a tornado comes and blows the roof off of several? William Stepp: Correct, we are. Shannon Stout: Now that we have the actuals versus the projections. William Stepp: Yeah, the actuals are higher than what we projected. Shannon Stout: We see that we've got some more funds in there to go back and revisit some of these things that were pulled out based on the projected. Several months ago. Scott VanWinkle: We are, we are still projected to be in the red 7.2 million this year. Kim Bray: That we're going into fund balance. If, like I said, we never spend exactly what we projected, it always comes in less. Scott VanWinkle: But our current loan balance is actually 14 instead of 11. Kim Bray: That is correct. Shannon Stout: I'd like to make a motion to approve this for this year, so we're fully funding the scholarships. Where we previously have done to meet our grant that we originally agreed to and got. With the ask that over the course of this next year that Miss, Dr. Eldridge and the program were, on looking at ways to possibly fundraise. And get scholarship donations from outside entities and see if we might be able to fund this. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: That's good. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Going forward. Instead of from the district every year. Travis Cole: I’ll second that motion. To me, this is about the kids. And there might be some kids that as a freshman. That was their only option to getting this. And I feel like it was withdrawn from their scope prematurely. I would like to see some fundraising or some sponsorships. We've got some. (Audio) Travis Cole: Heavy hitter community partners coming in here. Mr. Stepp: We do. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: We may even find that we can have. A scholarship that, you know, serves additional children instead of just the four, so. (Audio) William Stepp: Yeah, we've already began those discussions. So we're starting to be going out into the community and working on sponsorships. Elizabeth Stull: Good. Chris King: Other discussion? Scott VanWinkle: So, when does this scholarship? Actually get paid out first semester? Second semester? William Stepp: I think it is throughout the program. So let me. Dr. Eldridge, can you explain how this scholarship is paid out? (Audio) Dr. Eldridge: So there's lots of different steps that happen once the student is selected, so we recently received applications. The deadline for those were last Friday. So we're in the process of going through the applications and we received about 15 applications for the scholarships. So we're going through those and then. Once our committee selects those two or four students, whatever you all choose to give us, we will. We will get all the students will have a big ceremony and all of you will be invited. But we'll go through the steps with the students, will get with the Tennessee flight training and get with the instructors and start the process. So it's paid out as the students go through the program, it may be $200 for a check ride, $600 for check ride, several flights, written tests, all the things there's, I don't have my list with me, but there's several things and they're all different amounts. Scott VanWinkle: Do you have any current funding or leftover funding that could go towards this in the future? Dr. Eldridge: We do have a little bit left over from the original million dollar grant. That is going to kind of kick start things. I’d have to look at that exact amount as we kind of have students progressing through it now. But it's not enough to fund one student. It may be few thousand dollars here and there. Scott VanWinkle: What happens if you don't spend that money? Dr. Eldridge: It stays with Tennessee flight and carries over to the next year. So the e 30 thousand that you have given us is the maximum amount. It's anywhere between 12 and 15 to earn your private pilot's license. So let's say a student does it in 12,000. That 3000 will carry over to the next year. Sheri Nichols: Thank you. Dr. Eldridge: Any other questions? (Silence) Chris King: So the motion is to accept. With a look at community fundraising. Right? (Audio) William Stepp: Yes. Chris King: Any other questions? (Silence) Chris King: Madam secretary? Scott VanWinkle: One question, Chris, sorry. So. Fund balance, we can't pay for recurring expenses, right? Will this be considered recurring from last year or is this? One time expense. (Audio) William Stepp: It’s a one time, it will be in the budget again next year. Will be in the budget again, proposed. (Audio) Sheri Nichols: Yeah. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: So that is new, just concerned about recurring expenses. Nicholas Davis: Every year essentially, we would see this as an item and vote. Scott VanWinkle: So it wouldn’t be recurring. Chris King: OK, now call the roll please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: The next budget amendment is to allow for the TMSAA membership fees. It's. $300.00 per school. Chris King: Motion to accept? Scott VanWinkle: I'll make a motion to accept. Sheri Nichols: I’ll second. Chris King: Motion and second, Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: This is a requirement. That we're going to ask for schools to pay for. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: They really don't have the funds, to pay for it. So I would think we should take it out of fund balance. Chris King: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: I agree. I don't think the schools should be paying for it. Chris King: Other discussion, questions? (Silence) Chris King: So the motion is to accept it. Resolution for TMSAA. Madam secretary? Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Hale? Excuse me Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: No. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: The next one would be a budget amendment to make a payment for the board secretary so that she would be allowed to get her career diploma. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. (Audio) Scott VanWinkle: Second Chris King: Motion and second discussion? (Silence) Chris King: No discussion, madam secretary call role please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: The next one would just be a reimbursement to the maintenance budget for the roof that we put on the central storage building. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Anita Hale: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Discussed at the work session repairs to the roof. Pretty plain and simple. Chris King: Miss Hale? Any discussion? Anita Hale: No. Chris King: Anybody else? Nicholas Davis: Just, so we understand these monies were allocated? This project was allocated based on a maintenance project. Correct? William Stepp: Yes, it was out of the maintenance budget, yes. Chris King: So the project is completed. William Stepp: Yes and we use maintenance money for that. Nicholas Davis: And why the change of heart? William Stepp: We just have a lot of maintenance needs, so thinking we could reimburse maintenance for that. Nicholas Davis: Is there any other items that you feel like we need to do this with? William Stepp: No, this was, that building was given to us by the county and it had been sitting, leaking and all that. And we couldn't do anything to it till we dried it in. So at the time, did the three bid process. And the people that did it when they could. So it was probably 30% of what the other two bids were. So it was a community member trying to help us out. Nicholas Davis: Sure. Shannon Stout: I think you mentioned they kind of donated some time to it. (Audio) William Stepp: Yeah, it's dried in now. So we have other community members that are going to help us for free and help like this. Nicholas Davis: Why didn’t we start with our budget? As opposed to the maintenance budget? William Stepp: Start with the GP? Nicholas Davis: Right. William Stepp: It wasn't budgeted into the GP. (Audio) William Stepp: Yeah, we didn't know the time frame on getting the building and all that kind of stuff that went through several months of work by the County Commission and Mitch Lowe. Sheri Nichols: That started like a year ago, right? William Stepp: Discussions have been going on for a while. I think even before I was here. (Audio) William Stepp: But, most of that refurbishing that building, so it's dried in and we can use it, it's going to be community doing us favors, donations, all that kind of stuff. (Audio) William Stepp: The goal, yeah. Scott VanWinkle: So we foresee any other expense for that building besides this. William Stepp: Not at this time. We're going to see how our community partners help us out. The goal is not to. Sheri Nichols: Spend any money. William Stepp: Spend any money on it. The goal is their community partners, their whole group. Band it together that want to help us with that building. Because we'll be housing teacher depot in that building central receiving, you know, supplies for the social workers and other student needs that we provide that's outside of learning. Sheri Nichols: So, in this building, they'll be delivering instead of moving all the stuff to their offices. William Stepp: That's the goal, because it has that big garage door and that concrete right outside. So they'll be able to drop the lift gate there and unload stuff very easily. Sheri Nichols: That’s going to be nice. William Stepp: And it going to be climate controlled when we are done. Nicholas Davis: And that's a good point right. Because, I think we agreed to this building was to be used for what it's used for. Or any building that we put out there and what it's used for all these discussions are. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Like what's the total cost? How long do we expect it to last? Are there any reoccurring so sorting that out prior to starting the project. So, we're operating within the scope of our nature. As opposed to having to come back and make adjustments, would be a lot easier to digest. I think, right? So, because I know you said not this time. Meaning, so there's an opportunity that we may have available down the road if some of the community members don't put a roof on it. William Stepp: That's not the plan. Nicholas Davis: I'm just saying it's like we don't know what we don't know. We don't know on this project is all I am saying. I want it to happen. But I don't know how to budget for it. At this point. William Stepp: We'll project manage the rest. Of it out for you so you'll see how it's working and hopefully the resources and all that kind of stuff. Shannon Stout: The timing on this just got caught up during the budget process William Stepp: Yeah, we just didn't. Shannon Stout: and it being held at the time, yes. William Stepp: Yeah. We're trying to make connections with community people to see who could help us with it. Who could you know, donate as much as possible? Nicholas Davis: And it's great that you two know about this. I'm just saying that I had no idea. Right? So I guess that's my point. Scott VanWinkle: So is this. Is this something that we could leave in the fund balance? William Stepp: You could. Scott VanWinkle: Go ahead and we've already paid for it out of the maintenance budget. Then if something else comes up consider that. William Stepp: Correct. Yeah that option is there too. Scott VanWinkle: If we overspend our maintenance budget. Then we can consider monies coming out of the fund balance to pay for stuff instead of going ahead and transferring this to maintenance. William Stepp: Right. Nicholas Davis: Good, good. Chris King: The motion and second was to accept this. Thank you both. Madam secretary? Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: OK, this next one, as I explained at the work session, this is my mistake. This was the monies that actually we received in this fiscal year, but the check was dated in the prior fiscal year. So they will not allow me to recognize this revenue. So basically this $6000 went towards last year's fund balance, and this just reverses an amendment that you folks approved in July. This is just a reversal. Anita Hale: Move to approve. Chris King: Motion to approve is there a second? Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Second, Miss Hale? Any further comments? Anita Hale: No discussion. Chris King: No discussion. Anybody else? (Silence) Chris King: So motion is to approve, call the role please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is just another correction we had received some grant money from Tractor Supply. Normally those funds are sent to the BOE but this check was made directly to Homestead Elementary. So this is just reversing a budget amendment out that the funds were deposited in Homestead. And they will purchase what they need for their CTE project there. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Sheri Nichols: Second. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion to approve and seconded Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: No further comment. Chris King: Any other questions? (Silence) Chris King: Call roll please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is our ISM grant. This is just a revision that's required. To do a needs cleanup. As you know, in ISM everything is school specific. So this is just them going back and cleaning everything up so it matches eplan. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Chris VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second. Discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is just recording a grant that Miss Holton applied for recruitment and retention. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? Anita Hale: What was this grant for? Kim Bray: Recruitment and retention for special ed, this is psychologist personnel. Chris King: Other discussion? Questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Anita Hale: Congratulations on the grant. (Audio) Kim Bray: Oh, this is a check. I forgot what this is. This is a check that we received from a hotel refund and we're just recording it in the budget so. That it can be spent this year. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. It's all 141.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15.C. *142 Budget Amendments
(See Exhibit #9)
Kim Bray: And this is our federal program. This is our preschool idea preschool grant. This is just recording their carryover from last year and redistributing it in this year. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion and questions? (Silence) Chris King: Role call. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is the same thing. This is our Part B federal IDEA grant. This is the carryover from prior year distributed in this year's budget for use. Travis Cole: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second questions? Anita Hale: When you say that this is just distributed, it's just for the federal problems, correct? Kim Bray: Yes. Anita Hale: It's not for any other programs other than federal. Kim Bray: This is for special education. Anita Hale: Thank you. Chris King: Other questions? (Silence) Chris King: Role call. Diane McCartney: This is just. Chris King: Other questions? Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is just matching our esser 3.0 to eplan. We received some additional funding. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve Sheri Nichols: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, questions? Nicholas Davis: You say you found additional funding? Kim Bray: Did we receive this, Justin? Justin Whittenbarger: Well. Kim Bray: It's just a redistribution. Justin Whittenbarger: We allow each school that wish to receive additional funds to indicate such and then reallocated to those school districts who wish to receive more funds. We did accept those additional funds. We can always put those toward projects in the district, so we did accept those and that's what we're reallocating. Chris King: Other questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: The next one is to record and redistribute the carry over in the Title 1 budget. Sheri Nicholes: Motion to approve. Travis Cole: Second. Chris King: Motion and second discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: I believe this is the same thing. This is another one to match eplan and this would be Title 2. Travis Cole: Motion to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: The next one is the carryover from Title 3. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Travis Cole: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: This is the carryover from Title 5. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Travis Cole: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: And here again, this is just one to match eplan. Travis Cole: Motion to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: And this is our homeless system navigator budget amendment. This is just a matching plan there as well. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Sheri Nichols: Second. Chris King: Motion and second discussion? Questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Kim Bray: And this is a budget amendment to correct. The CTE budget. I believe this was a different budget amendment that got put through and this is just a reversal. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, questions? (Silence) Chris King: Roll call please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nicholas Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. That’s it. Kim Bray: That it? Diane McCartney: Yes, ma'am. Thank you. (Audio) Chris King: Thank you Miss Bray.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
16. *Board Attorney Candidates
(See Exhibit #10)
Chris King: Moving on to board attorney candidates. What’s the will of the board? Did we get some more today? William Stepp: Yeah. So these candidates that were on the agenda actually sent their qualifications to us directly. We've got two more that were sent to the county offices and not us. We got those today. I emailed them to you. Chris McCarty, the other one was Chuck Cagle ,Their both with Lewis Thomason. So they're well known across the state Tennessee. Dan Rader actually had a local connection, work as a part of Dan Rader’s firm. So that's the local connection. I don't know much about the other candidates outside of reading. Their qualifications. (Audio) Anita Hale: I think they might need to look at the other two before vote on who. Since they just came in. William Stepp: Yeah, we just got the. Chris King: Motion to table it until the work session? Anita Hale: Yes. Scott Van Winkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and second, discussion? (Silence) Chris King: Those in favor say aye. All board members: Aye. Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence) Chris King: The ayes have it. Shannon Stout: Tabling until the October work session meeting correct? Chris King: Correct. Elizabeth Stull: Question. When is that meeting going to be? William Stepp: I would recommend that it be the Thursday before the board meeting so that Miss Diane can get all the agenda items together and then we can sit and talk through every agenda item the week before. Elizabeth Stull: So what time are we? William Stepp: That up to the board. We did it early this time at 3:30. I think that worked for almost everybody, but we can change that time according to what y'all want to do. (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: That, I can’t do. (Audio) William Stepp: Let’s just talk, what works? Anita Hale: What are you saying 3 days before? (Audio) Diane McCartney: I'm sorry, I'm calculating what was the question? Elizabeth Stull: The, having a work session the week before. Sheri Nichols: Does a week give you enough time? Anita Hale: I don't think a week would give enough time. William Stepp: The deadline right now is. Nicholas Davis: We're all talking. No, it's OK just. We do need to figure that out. That's great. It's just not where we are. (Audio) Nicholas Davis: Lets all pitch some dates via email and we can, everybody can.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
17. *Consent Agenda
(See Exhibit # 11)
Chris King: Moving on to the consent agenda, is there a motion to approve? Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Chris King: Second? Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Those in favor say aye. All board members: Aye. Chris King: Any opposed? (Silence)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
17.A. Approval of Overnight and Out of State Field Trips
17.C. Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property
17.D. Grant Requests
17.E. MOU's
17.F. Service Agreements
17.G. Safe Schools Counseling Dept Numbers
17.H. Organizational Chart
17.I. Annual Planning Calendar
17.J. Attendance Report
17.K. Personnel Report
17.L. Substitute List
17.N. School Calendar of Events
17.O. Approval of Donated Pine View Playground Improvements
17.P. *Executive Approval
18. Questions from Media
Chris King: Questions from the media? No questions of the media, anyone else?
19. Adjournment
Chris King: This media is adjourned.
(Mr. King adjourned the meeting at 7:59 pm.) William Stepp Director of Schools Chris King Chairperson of the Board Comment I, Jason McGhee hereby certify that I reported the foregoing minutes and that I delivered said minutes to the office of the Director of Schools on September 26, 2024. Jason McGhee Board of Education Recorder
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn at X p.m.