December 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||
A. Call to Order
A.1. Meeting is governed by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act as posted.
President Sinner referenced the Nebraska Open Meetings Act as posted and noted that the Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of the agenda and to convene an executive session in accordance with § 84-1410.
A.2. The ESU 13 Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of the agenda.
A.3. The ESU 13 Board reserves the right to convene an executive session in accordance with § 84-1410.
B. Excuse Absent Board Member(s)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C. Approval of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C.1. Consent Action Items
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C.1.a. Minutes of meeting (November regular meeting)
C.1.b. Treasurer’s Report
C.1.c. Fund Balance
C.1.d. Budget Report
C.1.e. Claims for Disbursement
C.1.f. Amendment to Article 5, Section 3 - Communicable and Infectious Diseases - Final Reading
D. Calendar
Calendar Items were discussed:
E. Public Forum:
No Public Forum.
F. Reports
F.1. Proposal for Meridian Playground Upgrade
Meridian Playground Upgrade Proposal: Jessica Broderick, Director of Special Education, gave a presentation to the Board about a proposal for the Meridian program's outdoor play area upgrade to allow for safe and accessible surfacing, equipment, and sensory play options. Input was gathered from the administrator, teachers, maintenance, and the Meridian Advisory Council. She provided a timeline for the project, hopefully being completed by August 2025. Estimated expenses from vendor AB Creative were reviewed.
F.2. State Education Conference - November 20-22, 2024 (Diemoz, Kinsey)
State Education Conference: Board members Diemoz and Kinsey attended the State Education Conference in Omaha on November 20-22. Each member gave a recap of sessions attended, including but not limited to AI, legislative process, special education, and ESU Board member update.
F.3. AESA Annual Conference - Orlando, FL - December 4-6, 2024 (Coon, Jones, Marsh, Marx, Richards, Sinner, Winchester)
AESA Annual Conference: Board members Coon, Jones, Marsh, Marx, Richards, Sinner, and Winchester attended the AESA conference held December 4-6, in Orlando, FL. The members relayed information gleaned from the conference. AI was a popular topic. Other breakout sessions attended included the federal legislative update, recruitment and retention into education, and improving student engagement.
F.4. Head Start Director's Report, Policy Council, and Financial Reports
Head Start Director's Report, Policy Council, and Financial Reports: Krystie Hohnstein, Head Start Director, relayed that the Head Start 5 Year Continuation Grant was submitted. The 2025-2030 Head Start Strategic Priorities has been completed. No further updates have been received regarding the incident report/RAN (Risk Assessment Notification) review. Changes in procedure have been made and policies have been reviewed to ensure child safety. The program continues to wait for a report and response from the Office of Head Start.
F.5. Administrator's Report
Administrator's Report:
F.5.a. AESA Presentation
F.5.b. Legislative Update
F.5.c. Panhandle Beginnings Funding
F.5.d. Administrator's Professional Development
F.5.e. ESU 13 Christmas Potluck
F.6. Board Committee Reports
Board Committee Reports: The Finance Committee met prior to this meeting to review the ESU 13 2023-2024 financial audit with Kevin Sylvester of Dana Cole & Company.
F.7. Board Member Comments
Board Member Comments:
F.7.a. Videoconference Board meetings for January, February, and March
F.7.b. Board Committee Member Preference
G. Business
G.1. Proposed Amendment to Board Policy Article 3, Section 4 (Funds Management) - First Reading
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
G.2. ESU 13 Financial Audit for 2023-2024
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
G.3. Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
G.4. Executive Session for Administrator Evaluation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
H. Adjournment
President Sinner called the meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting will be held on January 21, 2025 at the ESU 13 Main Office, 4215 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, and by videoconference.