November 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular (Virtual)
Minutes | |
A. Notification of Open Meetings Law
At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Sally Reinert announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available at the meeting site and included electronically in the E-Meeting agenda.
B. Roll Call*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C. Consent Agenda*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C.1. Previous Minutes (copy attached)
C.2. Financial Reports*
C.2.a. Revenue Report/Treasurer's Report
C.2.b. Cash Summary/Expenditure Report
C.3. Bills for November
C.4. Administrator's Monthly Report
C.4.a. EMC Insurance Dividend
Administrator Heimann shared information on the worker's compensation dividend received.
C.4.b. Facility Projects
Administrator Heimann shared an update on the Central Office remodel project.
C.4.c. Clifton Strengths for ESU 1 Employees
Administrator Heimann shared a summary of the Gallup training provided to new employees on November 10.
C.4.d. AESA Conference
Administrator Heimann shared a summary of the AESA Conference he attended.
C.4.e. Lincoln Public Schools Accreditation Team Review
Administrator Heimann reported on his participation for the Lincoln Public Schools and ESU18 Accreditation Review Team.
C.4.f. ESUCC Meeting Report
Administrator Heimann shared a legislative update.
D. Public Comment
E. Educator Health Alliance Insurance Rates 2024-25
Administrator Heimann reported the 2024-25 employee health insurance rates will increase 1.99%.
F. Employee Negotiations Process
Administrator Heimann shared information regarding the upcoming 2024 - 2025 Certified Employee Negotiations.
G. Administrator Evaluation Process
Evaluations of Administrator Heimann are due to President AJ Johnson by December 1.
H. Personnel*
H.1. Consider, discuss, and take necessary action on employee contracts and personnel changes.
H.1.a. Resignation(s)
H.1.b. New Hire(s)*
New Hires:
Blanca Nuno, MEP Service Provider, effective October 23, 2023 Kimberly Endicott, Office Associate, effective November 27, 2023
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
H.1.c. Contract Change(s)
H.1.d. Termination(s)
I. Adjournment
As there were no additional Agenda items to discuss, Vice President Sally Reinert declared the meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.