March 10, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
Call the meeting to order - 7:30 p.m.
President T. Tegeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Broberg, Johnsen, Negus, Schutt, R. Tegeler and T. Tegeler. Absent none.
Note the public meeting notice was published in the March 5, 2025 issues of the Tilden Citizen/Meadow Grove News and the Antelope County News.
President T. Tegeler stated that notice of the meeting was published in the March 5, 2025 issues of The Tilden Citizen/Meadow Grove News and the Antelope County News.
Recognize Visitors - ‘Public Comment’ - refer to "Open Meetings Law’
President T. Tegeler referred to the open meetings law and welcomed visitors. there was no public comment.
Excuse absent board member
This item was not needed as all board members were in attendance.
Routine Matters
Approve minutes from the February 10, 2025 meeting
President T. Tegeler asked if there were any questions about the minutes of the February 10, 2025 meeting. There were none. The minutes stand approved.
Approve financial reports for February
President T. Tegeler asked if there were any questions about the February 2025 financial report. There were none. The report stands approved.
March bills for approval
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Consider/Discuss/Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale General Obligation School Building Bonds
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Jay Spearman with Northland was in attendance to explain the paperwork involved to issue and sell general obligation school building bonds. He spoke about rated versus non-rated bonds as well as the timeline involved with the process. He feels that with our district's AA rating we would be financially further ahead by going with rated bonds. Paperwork will be sent to the rating agency for approval before going to market April 1, 2025. The closing date would be April 30 or May 1, 2025.
Presentation from the Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund about housing the bond proceeds.
Riley with Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund (NLAF) gave a presentation about using NLAF to house the bond proceeds. Funds can be transferred in and out of our account with NLAF on a daily basis. Their interest rate is currently 4.1% but can change due to market fluctuations. NLAF has a AAA rating and are approved by NCSA and NASB. He answered questions from the board.
Presentation from Conerstone Bank about housing the bond proceeds.
Amber Wilcox of Cornerstone Bank also presented information to the board on the bank's ability to house bond proceeds. While the bank cannot match NLAF's current interest rate, they would increase the interest rate on all the school's interest bearing accounts to 2.84%. This rate would be reviewed and adjusted, if necessary, every 6 months. A new account to house the bond proceeds would be opened and earn 3.59% guaranteed until December 30, 2025. She answered questions from the board.
Consider/Discuss/Approve selection for financial institution to house the bond proceeds
A decision to pick the financial institution to house the bond proceeds was tabled to give the board time to determine the most beneficial option.
Consider/Discuss/Approve classified staff wage increase for 2025-26 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Hahne spoke about the board's decision a few years ago to steadily increase the base wage for classified staff to gradually get to the state minimum wage of $15.00 that goes into effect January 1, 2026. The 2024-2025 base wage is $14.41 per hour with increases for education and experience. There was discussion regarding employees receiving days of paid time off and personal days also.
Consider/Discuss/Approve certified teacher resignation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Hahne told the board that Scott Carlin has turned in his resignation in order to accept a job at Boone Central as science teacher and basketball coach.
Consider/Discuss/Approve science teacher contract for 2025-26 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The position of secondary science teacher was advertised and two applications were received.
Principals' Report
Mr. Black spoke to the board about the upcoming 'field trip' season and his decision to wait until 2026-2027 to purchase a new social studies curriculum. Mrs. Novicki spoke about the switch from winter to spring sports as well as upcoming state conventions for FBLA. FCCLA and FFA. Speech is going on and juniors will take the ACT test March 25. 9th-10th grade will MAPS test and JH will NSCAS test before the school year ends. There will be an early out March 27th so staff can work with ESU personnel.
Superintendent's Report
Mr. Hahne gave a brief legislative update about the state's attempt to fix a budget shortfall along with other possible changes. The Tilden City Council will hold a special meeting March 11th regarding their part in the new sports complex/housing development.
NRCSA spring conference
Mr. Hahne reminded board members of the NRCSA conference next week.
Teacher contracts
Teachers have been issued contracts for 2025-2026 with a return deadline of March 19th.
There being no further business, President T. Tegeler adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m.