January 15, 2024 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | ||
I. Meeting Called To Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and President Armstrong made note of the Open Meetings Act poster that is on display in the meeting room.
II. Open Meetings Act
III. Election of Officers
The meeting was turned over by President Armstrong to Mr. Spencer for election of Officers.
III.A. President
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III.B. Vice President
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III.C. Secretary
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III.D. Treasurer
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IV. Committee Assignments
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IV.A. Buildings and Grounds
IV.B. Transportation
IV.C. Negotiations
IV.D. Americanism
V. Designate Official Counsel, Banks, Newspaper of Record, Adopt Policy, per guidance of Atty
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VI. Consent Agenda
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VI.A. Confirmation of the last regular meeting minutes
VI.B. Financial Reports
VI.C. Treasurer's Report
VI.D. Claims: General Fund
CLAIMS: Admin Partners 100.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc. 1,156.05; Anderson, J 445.87; Arensdorf, M 1,225.30; Armstrong, B 642.93; Aufdengarten, N 64.88; BST&A Repair LLC 510.11; BST&T 1,988.16; BH Energy 3,050.60; Blochowitz, J 105.00; Bluffs Facility Solutions 8.00; Brethauer, J 523.01; Brewster, S 245.45; Brost, N 390.20; Brueggeman, P 272.33; Card Service Center 2,068.65; Carlson Electric 1,095.16; Carlson, T 1,368.47; Cash-Wa Dist. 699.97; Century Link 667.91; Cheleen, A 45.00; Cheleen, J 2,048.66; Christensen, C 2,054.31; Crandell, R 444.30; Doncheske, T 86.50; Duncan, D 1,240.24; Eakes, Inc. 1,523.23; Ecolab 68.00; ESU 16 16,341.41; Follett School Solutions, Inc. 242.44; Fox, C 1,085.21; Frerichs, L 224.86; Gallentine, LJ 439.31; Goddard, M 72.63; HealthEquity 146.00; Hill, T 811.59; Hometown Leasing 2,624.97; Hot Lunch Account 319.00; Hot Lunch 835.20; Howell, R and C 287.49; Ideal Linen Supply 348.28; Inland Truck Parts 742.32; Johnson, C 304.32; Johnson, D 744.14; Johnson, S 155.03; Johnson, T 1,966.85; Jostens 109.95; Keith Co. News 196.77; Koenen, J 64.88; KSB School Law 35.00; Lanman, A 64.88; Lopez, L 260.23; Martin, A 64.88; Mathis, A 873.03; McClung, M 537.95; Mid-American Research 993.20; NPPD (Nebraska Public Power District) 2,715.43; NPPD MLBRY Acct 64.92; NPPD Plum 2 Acct 47.37; Office Service, Inc. 291.13; Ornelas, J 1,240.62; PowerSchool Group LLC 8,651.04; Ray's Cement Works 1,125.00; Richards, S 64.88; Scholastic, Inc. 115.55; Sparqdata 3,920.00; Speihs, T 1,725.86; Spencer, D 487.72; University Of NE-Kearney 1,000.00; Verizon 718.59; Village Of Big Springs 599.65; Walmart 375.91; Wiest Hardware 266.12; Wilson, L 37.19; Yanda's Music & Pro Audio 486.10; Young, A 50.01; Zajec, G 697.64; Payroll: 311,084.84, Building Fund: Onyx MDH, LLC 5,964.00
VI.E. Claims: Building/Bond/Depreciation Fund (If Any)
VII. Patrons
VIII. Board Members (Committee Reports)
COMMITTEE REPORTS: BUILDING AND GROUNDS: The lunch tables will be installed as soon as the weather allows the transportation and delivery. TRANSPORTATION: Buses were serviced during the break. The activity bus is scheduled for a headlight and valance repair due to a deer accident.
IX. Correspondence
A letter from the Hippodrome was read thanking South Platte for having great students who helped to clean up during the pre-Christmas break movie.
X. Principals Report
Mr. Brost
Mr. Nick Brost's Principal's Report: Congratulations to Maddi Cheleen who set the school record for career assists in GBB, and is the Adams Bank & Trust student of the 2nd quarter, and to Dustine Fox, who was selected for the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Pre-College Scholars Program. Mr. Brost shared the results from the NSAA District VI Meeting. The honor roll dinner is scheduled for Feb 7; 68 students qualify to attend that meal. The GPA scale for first semester courses has been updated per the handbook.
X.A. School Resource Officer Report
XI. Superintendents Report
Mr. Spencer
Mr. David Spencer's Superintendent's Report: The K-6 attended a movie at the Hippodrome and K-12 had an all-school dance during the last day of school before Christmas break. The school safety intercom system will be updated to project into all rooms in the school, including the locker rooms and the restrooms. The teacher in service covered school improvement data, and the CIP (Continuous Improvement Plan) team held a strategy meeting.
XII. Discussion Items
XIII. Action Items
XIII.A. 2024-2025 ESU 16 Contracts
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Discussion was held about the 2024-25 ESU 16 Contracts.
XIV. Review the Minutes
Review the minutes.
XV. Executive Session: Personnel
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XVI. The next Regular Meeting will be February 12, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
XVII. Adjournment
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