November 3, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Texas Workforce Housing Foundation Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Public communications and comments
2. Public comments: this time is provided for the public to address the Board on issues and concerns. No action can or will be taken on issues raised under this portion of the meeting. Please state your name for the record and limit your remarks to a period not to exceed three minutes.
3. Approve minutes from prior board meeting
4. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to enter into an agreement with Lynd Acquisitions or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing developments in the State of Texas and to serve as the General Contractor on such projects; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the General Partner, Limited Partner, Managing Member, or otherwise for the to-be-formed limited partnership or limited liability company between the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Lynd Acquisitions or its affiliates, and potential limited partner or member investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and, operate essential housing developments; and (3) authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
5. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to enter into an agreement with Athena Domain or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing developments in the State of Texas and to serve as the General Contractor on such projects; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the General Partner, Limited Partner, Managing Member, or otherwise for the to-be-formed limited partnership or limited liability company between the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Athena Domain or its affiliates, and potential limited partner or member investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and, operate essential housing developments; and (3) authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
6. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to enter into an agreement with Cohen Esrey or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing developments in the State of Texas and to serve as the General Contractor on such projects; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the General Partner, Limited Partner, Managing Member, or otherwise for the to-be-formed limited partnership or limited liability company between the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Cohen Esrey or its affiliates, and potential limited partner or member investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and, operate essential housing developments; and (3) authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
7. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to enter into an agreement with Post Acquisitions, LLC or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing developments in the State of Texas and to serve as the General Contractor on such projects; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the General Partner, Limited Partner, Managing Member, or otherwise for the to-be-formed limited partnership or limited liability company between the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Post Acquisitions, LLC s or its affiliates, and potential limited partner or member investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and, operate essential housing developments; and (3) authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
8. Discussion and possible action of developing a workforce housing strategy with Texas independent school districts; and authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
A. The Board may go into Executive Session to deliberate on any item referenced in this agenda for open session or executive session based on the following potential exceptions under the Act.
B. Pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code, the Board may consult with its attorney(s) to seek their advice on any matter(s) in which the duty of the attorney(s) to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. C. Pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code, the Board may consult with its attorneys about pending and threatened litigations. D. Pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code, the Board may consult with its attorneys about pending EEOC charges. E. Pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code, the Board may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. F. Pursuant to §551.073, Texas Government Code, the Board may deliberate regarding a negotiated contract for prospective gift or donation. G. Pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code, the Board may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, performance of duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee(s). H. Any action on these matters will be taken in Open Session. |
10. Status update on approved transactions.
11. Confirm next meeting date; discuss future agenda items.
12. Adjournment.