February 25, 2020 at 9:30 AM - SH 130 MMD Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Public communications and comments
2. Review and approve Minutes of January 27, 2020 Board of Directors meeting
3. Review letter confirming unopposed candidates and consider and adopt Order Declaring Unopposed Candidates Elected and Cancelling Directors Election
4. Reelect officers to be effective May 2, 2020
5. Hear updates with regard to on-going City of Austin consent process and related matters and take any actions with regard thereto
6. Updates from the developer as relate to the status of proposed development within the District
7. Review and approve bookkeeping report and authorize the release of checks and payments included in such, and approve any additional financial reporting or budget related matters and take any additional action as may be necessary
8. Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates
9. Adjournment
The Board of Directors will go into Executive Session, if necessary and appropriate, pursuant to the applicable section of Subchapter D, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code Annotated, the Texas Open Meetings Act, on any matter that may come before the Board. No action decision or vote on any subject or matter may be taken unless specifically listed on the agenda for this meeting. SH 130 Municipal Management District No. 12.25.20