April 20, 2022 at 12:30 PM - SH 130 MMD Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Public communications and comments
2. Review and approve Minutes of March 16, 2022Meeting
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution Establishing Policy Governing Rules of Procedure and Recovery of Costs for Inspection and Copying of Public Information
4. Update from Executive Director and developer with regard to development related matters and District business
5. Adjourn to Executive Session to consult with attorney regarding pending litigation matters, contemplated litigation matters, and other legal matters relating to agenda items in accordance with Texas Government Code § 551.071
6. If necessary, reopen meeting and take any necessary action with regard to matters discussed in Executive Session
7. Consider and approve a Resolution for Consideration and Approval of a Plan of Finance for the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to Issue Tax-Exempt Bonds, Notes, or Loans for the Acquisition of Land and Construction, Equipping and Ownership of Permanent Improvements to Provide for Essential Housing, and take any additional action with respect thereto
8. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, a component of the SH130 Municipal Management District No. 1, to enter into an agreement with Brixton Capital or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing developments in the State of Texas and to serve as the General Contractor on such projects; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the General Partner, Limited Partner, Managing Member, or otherwise for the to-be-formed limited partnership or limited liability company between the TexasEssential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Brixton Capital or its affiliates, and potential limited partner or member investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and, operate essential housing developments; (3) the Texas Essential Housing Public FacilityCorporation to contract for the acquisition of such projects to be financed by proceeds from one or more series of tax-exempt and taxable bonds and (4) authorizing the execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith
9. If timely, consider and approve a Resolution Approving Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with a Private 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
10. Review and approve Cash Activity Report and related payments, authorize the opening of any new accounts, approve any necessary fund transfers, and take further action with regard to any additional reporting or budget related matters
11. Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates
12. Adjournment