January 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve Agenda - Action Item
4. Trustee Recognition
5. Administration of Oath of Office
6. Consent Agenda - Action Item
6.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting - December 2023
6.B. Financial Summary - December 2023
6.C. Monthly Expenditures - December 2023
6.D. Personnel Report - December 2023
7. Public Requests to Address the Board - Stakeholders may request to address the Board in open meeting by filling out the online request form at https://psd201.org/en-us/meeting-minutes-agenda-691ac9e8
8. Informational and Discussion Items
8.A. Legislation, Advocacy, and Student Achievement
8.B. Board Member Development
Board Training:
ISBA Communicating as Leaders The Idaho School Board Association (ISBA) is offering statewide board training on Communicating as Effective Leaders. The training for our region will be held in Preston on January 31 in the high school library. Preston is hosting the event, and other regional school boards have been invited to attend. Dinner begins at 5:30, with the leadership development training provided by the state going from 6:00-9:00 PM. (A notice will be posted informing the patrons of Preston School District that a quorum of the Board of Trustees will be in attendance.) New Board Member Training Packets Resources were ordered in November, and the state called again yesterday, 1/16/24, and recanted their message from last week and said that the packets were delayed but are now in the mail. As soon as Lori receives them, the district will deliver them to the new trustees. Continuation of Board Training throughout the year by Anne Ritter Dates TBD -Roles & Responsibilities -Board Norms and Protocols -Board Meeting Basics |
8.C. Live-Stream Board Meeting
8.D. 2024-25 School Calendar Development
"The Board annually shall establish the dates for opening and closing classes, teacher inservices, the length and dates of vacation, and the days designated as legal school holidays." The board has designated the superintendent to bring a proposal before the board for discussion and approval. Superintendent Harrison will work with stakeholders to develop a calendar similar to this school year. We'll see how certain changes made this year, such as 1) the ending first semester from mid-January to the end of December, concluding right Christmas break, and 2) the moving of senior projects from April to January. While looking at next year's calendar, Dr Harrison strongly believes that, as a district, we need to find the appropriate time 1) collaborate to discuss student achievement and 2) receive meaningful professional development.
Does the board have any specific directions that they would like to give before the board designee begins the task of establishing the 2024-25 calendar? |
9. Superintendent Report
Dr. Lance Harrison
9.A. District Strategic Plan
Student Achievement and Advancement
9.B. Levy Discussion
9.C. All Day, Every Day Kindergarten Proposal - Pioneer Elementary School
Mrs. Cindy Murray
10. Action Items
10.A. All Day, Every Day Kindergarten Offering
10.B. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates for 2024
10.C. Board Leadership Reorganization
11. Policy Adoption Update
12. Executive Session - Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student
Mr. Garner
13. Resume Open Session
13.A. Action Item: Possible action on item discussed in executive session
14. Adjourn