February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Minutes |
1. Meeting called to order by Board President
2. Roll call of members present
3. Approval of agenda
4. Recognize Visitors
5. P.E.A.K. Report
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Discussion of District Strategic Planning.
8. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a Board Meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any Board Member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
8.a. Approval of board meeting minutes: January 8, 2025, January 16, 2025, and January 28, 2025
8.b. Approval of the purchase orders and checks:
General Fund PO 238-259 Checks 1009-1163 Building Fund PO 13 Checks 12-18 Child Nutrition PO 18-20 Checks 16-18 |
9. Discussion and possible action to accept the resignation of Candace Cregan.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve Ana Stoops, Pamela O’Dell, Heather Holland, Brandi Williams, and Greg Garret as Substitutes pending background check.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the 25/26 school year calendar.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve Jamie Sutton's contract.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve Joy Taylor's Contract for FY 26.
14. Discussion and possible action to approve fundraisers.
15. Proposed Executive Session:
15.a. To conduct an on-going monthly confidential evaluation of the performance of Superintendent Joy Taylor. O.S. 25 § 307(B)(1).
15.b. Discussion of the evaluation and employment of Ketchum School Principals, with no vote taken:
1. Mark Knoten 2. Jack Kelley 3. Marlo Lee so that the Board can return to open session and renew or find reason not to renew contract with each individual listed, in accordance with O.S. 25 § 307(B)(1). |
16. Vote to convene into Executive Session
17. Vote to return to Open Session.
18. Executive Session Compliance Announcement.
19. Vote to renew or find reason not to renew the contract of High School Principal, Mark Knoten, for the 25-26 school year.
20. Vote to renew or find reason not to renew the contract of Middle School Principal, Jack Kelley, for the 25-26 school year.
21. Vote to renew or find reason not to renew the contract of Elementary School Principal, Marlo Lee, for the 25-26 school year.
22. Adjournment