Thursday, October 27, 2022 We will be having a working session and then going right into Regular Board Session at 7:00pm - Alsea School Board Meeting
Minutes | |||||||
1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
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Action Item
2. Work Session
a. HR Reset Discussion b. Discuss Possible Members for the Superintendent Search Committee c. Independent Financial Audit Discussion
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a. HR Reset Discussion: Sean Gallagher: Hoping to bring salary adjustments to the board tonight, but it just hasn’t been able to come together completely yet. The only changes thus far are with the collective bargaining agreement. He has a few more meetings with employees to do. Needs to complete a cost analysis so the board can justify where people are placed. Job descriptions are done and are being rolled out. Still working on staff handbook final steps. Athletics handbook is getting put together along with the student handbook. -moving to work item c before b- c. Discussion on possible members for the Superintendent Search: Deb Lindberg: There has been some information compiled and was interesting as to what community members were looking for. Vincent Adams:103 responses in total. That’s pretty good. There are some very strong qualities. We are still in the first steps identifying the qualities we are looking for. Looking for approval for the first steps, need to nail down a date for screening committee training, don’t need all the members found yet. Deb Lindberg: Should we be looking for people yet to be on the committee? Vincent Adams: Need to have names and contact information for prospective members so they can get trained. Identify that list of individuals now. Risteen Follett: Talked about who we would like? Vincent Adams: said if you have people willing, you’re ahead of the game. Listing names: Chris Cantrell- Community, George Foster-Community, Jamie Olsen-Community, Soren Rounds-Community, Cherly Doe-Admin, Heather Shunk-Admin, Tim France-Admin, Eric Clendenin-Admin, Catherine Ellis-Teacher, David Fricke-Teacher, Skip (Rodger) Lynch-Teacher, Mary O’Brien-Teacher, Anna Dubord-Classified, Keenan Elbers-Classified, Nicole Davis-Classified. Risteen Follett: What are next steps? Vote on the group moving forward? Jan 12th set the date for the Committee Training. Sean Gallagher: Are there any edits to the list? Training date-set. Talk about salary range? Risteen Follett: Qualities vs Qualifications. It seems like it has more qualities in the list. Are we ahead or behind? Vincent Adams: You are closing before the new year, most don’t start till after. b. Independent Financial Audit Discussion: Sean Gallagher spoke concerning ODE audit, Colt Gill putting together a risk assessment team, Secretary of State pulled out so we had to find another. There will be a recommendation to a third party audit team from them. Should we get our own financial audit? Sean Gallagher would like to recommend we wait for ODE first to see what they find. The answers would directly affect how we move forward in our budget. If the Board would like to see bids from third parties if they choose. Risteen Follett: where does the ODE "payment" for this come from? Do we front it or does ODE...something in between? Deb Lindberg: we need to wait for ODE, but we’ve been waiting for a long time. It feels like we should go out for a third party and get the waiting over. It can be spendy. RIsteen Follett: TIme frame? Sean Gallagher: Nothing yet. Risteen Follett: if we do this we keep rehashing the past and we've moved forward quite well. Sean Gallagher: they say it’s a slow process and to be patient. Linda Montanez: if we do a third party, ODE would still have to do it anyway. Deb Lindberg: reach out and see what it would cost? Vincent Adams: It's a random look at what they have a pool from. A forensic audit would be better served if we have areas specifically of concern. Deb Lindberg go out for an RFP? Sean Gallagher: depends on how many years we want them to look through. What is the outlook, what’s the end result we want? Deb Lindberg: hold people accountable. Risteen Follett: would like to see ODE first and then move forward with more if it’s necessary. Do we need an action item? Deb Lindberg: would still like an RFP to see what it would cost. No other discussion. Adjournment @ 6:41pm |
3. Call Regular Board Meeting to Order: 7:00pm
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4. Flag Salute
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5. Approval of the Agenda October 27, 2022
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Changes: Add for superintendent committee members and training for January 12th(12h), Risteen vote on qualities and qualifications(12g), superintendent salary schedule(12i). Risteen would like to have the vote for the OSBA on the next Board Agenda. She would like to stress that it please not be forgotten.
6. School District Recognition
a. Staff b. Students
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Tim France: awarded Chelsey White, Instructional Aide with a certificate of appreciation for her continuing professional growth plan, she is going to school to be a teacher and has started subbing for our district. She is an amazing addition to our district and a wonderful person.
7. Superintendent Report
a. State Assessment Update b. Legislative Report a. CTE Regional Presentation
David Crowe CTE Instructor
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Action Item
a. State Assessment update: More schools for the board to see as a comparison. One of the other schools was Butte Falls...very similar to us. Mapleton was even worse than us. Prairie City had almost 100% participation, very similar to ours. b. Legislative Report: wants to prepare the board for what is coming at us. There is a lot of change coming. Political leadership, new governor, house, senate...when was the last time one of them stepped foot in a school? *SEE SLIDE SHOW* State School Fund: increase of about $342/student for it enough? Need about 1B more to cover just normal increases. Students needs, Staff needs, safety, facilities...they all come with a cost. We have to address the equity issues between the different districts. Environmental qualities are important to our district. Revenue Forecast: Nov 16th, Legislative Task Forces Form: Dec 6-9, Procession Bill: Dec 21st, Release of Gov Budget: Feb 1st, Tentative Start Date: Feb 1st. Maybe invite our local representatives to come spend time with our district. c. CTE Regional Presentation: David Crowe: went to the Regional CTE conference. It has a direct impact on our new CTE building/program. CTE Principals meeting at LBCC, roughly once a month (Dale Moon) is the regional CTE coordinator for Linn.Benton county schools. *SEE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION* Very intense job market analysis presented with breakdowns, 6 career clusters. Breaks down the careers in areas of study that they would fall under. We are not currently offering these types of programs that are accredited, but we would like to change that. The largest area is in Healthcare, second being the industrial/engineering. Risteen Follett asked: Did they ever find an equilibrium of having the amount of programs to meet the demand? David Crowe: they have some areas that crossover into multiple areas of study, but it’s tricky about seeing exactly if that does fill the need. Breaks down the needs even more for the individual areas. The salary medium breakdown is very eye opening. However, the group that’s paid the most is an associate’s degree (64k). Students can come out of HS with a good paying job. Setting our kids up for success. Last slide shows the highest demanded skills they want from their employees. Sean Gallagher: As we embark on our Vocational Center (forestry being the biggest), we want to have these other options as well. Not all that burden will be on the school districts back; there are federal grants and other pools of money. Risteen Follett: are there other programs we could mimic? David Crowe: Yes, there are a lot of programs that we could utilize and there are industry leaders who want to help us. Risteen Follett: using Ag in there as well. David Crowe: CTSO/CDE programs are what they are called. It’s all encompassing to address all the soft skills to get the jobs filled.
8. Board Discussion
Vincent Adams a. Supt. Survey Data Report b. Supt. Salary Report c. Supt Search Update d. LBL ESD At-Large Budget Committee, Nov.15 - Dec. 15, 2022 e. The board will be voting on OSBA Board of Directors Representatives, and one resolution f. Meeting Frequency g. Girls Basketball CO-OP with Monroe Presented by: Bart Rothenberger, Riki Hendrix h. Policies First Reading Board Discussions a.. Policies Second Reading/Approval i. AC, Nondiscrimination ii. AC-AR , Discrimination Complaint Procedure iii. ACB, Every Student Belongs iv. ACB-AR, Bias Incident Complaint Procedure v. BB, Board Legal Status vi. BBA, Board Powers and Duties vii. BBAA, Individual Board Member’s Authority and Responsibilities viii. BBB, Board Elections ix. BBBA, Board Member Qualifications x. BBBB, Board Member Oath of Office xi. BBC, Board Member Resignation xii. BBD, Board Member Removal from Office xiii. BBE, Vacancies on the Board xiv. BBF, Board Member Standards of Conduct xv. BBFA, Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of Interest xvi, BBFB, Board Member Ethics and Nepotism xvii. BBFC, Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child xviii, BC/BCA, Board Organization/Board Organizational Meeting xix. BCB, Board Officers xx. BCD, Board-Superintendent Relationship xxi. BCF, Advisory Committees to the Board xxii. BD/BDA, Board Meetings xxiii. BDB, Special and Emergency Board Meetings xxiv. BDC, Executive Sessions xxv, BDD, Board meeting Procedures xxvi. BDDC, Board Meeting Agenda xxvii. BDDH, Public Participation in Board Meetings xxviii. BDDH, Public Comment at Board Meetings xxix. BDDH-AR, Public Participation in Board Meetings xxx. BF, Policy Development xxxi. BFC, Adoption and Revision of Policies xxxii. BFCA, Administrative Regulations xxxiii. BFD, Board Policy Implementation xxxiv. BFE, Administration in the Absence of Policy xxxv. BFF, Suspension of Policies xxxvi. BG, Board Staff Communications xxxvii. BH/BHA, Orientation of New Board Members xxxviii. BHB, Board Member Development xxxix. BHD, Board Member Compensation and Expense Reimbursement xl. BHE, Board Member Liability Insurance xli. BI, Board Legislative Program xlii. BJ, Board Membership xliii. BK, Evaluation of Board Operational Procedures xliv. CB, Superintendent xlv. CBA, Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent xlvi. CBB, Recruitment and Appointment of the Superintendent xlvii. CBC, Superintendent’s Contract xlviii. CBG, Evaluation of the Superintendent xlix. CCB, Line and Staff Relations xlx. CCG, Licensed Evaluation - Administrators xlxi. CHCA, Approval of Handbooks and Directives
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Action Item
Presentation Vincent Adams a. Superintendent Survey Data Report: there were 103 responses, listed in priority *see the list that was provided to the board* Vincent is happy to make any changes needed, and the Board is happy with the current list. Needs approval for this, will be voted on during action items. b. Superintendent Salary Report: Salary range data: $114,000 - $126,000. 6% inflation rate is built into those numbers. This is a very important set of numbers to pay attention to. The low number is the most can’t go below this while negotiating. The board hasn’t ever been given any sort of numbers as a range in the past. Ryan VanLeuven doesn’t want it to go below the current per day for the Principals. Linda Montanez: We also need to take into consideration the cost of living in the surrounding areas. Deb Lindberg: would like to see the new Superintendent live in the community. Rob Webb you can always negotiate higher. You can’t go lower, it's a fair range. Risteen Follett doesn’t want to go higher than $120,000. Ryan VanLeuven: if we don’t like the pool, could we repost and change the salary range? Vincent Adams: Yes you could, but you have to reconvene a committee and vote. The board would like to set their range as $120,000 - $135,000 d. LBL ESD At-large Budget Committee, Nov 15th - Dec 15th, 2022: Sean: ESD reached out to let us know they had the opening, have a current position and recommended that a current board member apply to see how it all works, comes with training. Risteen would be interested in doing it. e. The Board will be voting on OSBA Board of Directors Rep and one resolution: ballet to elect, OSBA asked to include two candidates. Risteen: when do we need to have this in f. Meeting Frequency: This will be the last bi-monthly meeting, with the holidays coming. This could be brought back up for discussion in January. Deb Lindberg agrees. Linda Montanez would like to vote on relooking at frequency in Dec. Rob Webb: If something special popped up we could always an extra meeting. Ryan VanLeuven would like to have first and second readings not strung out so far. Sean reminded the board that they can do a first and second reading in the same meeting. Risteen Follett stated that they would need them further in advance. g. Girls Basketball Co-OP with Monroe. h. Policies: First reading: *see complete list in the original agenda* Sean recommends that between now and the next meeting sit down and read them, make notes or if you would like changes made. Keep in mind that this is the language given to us by the lawyers. Board members are mandatory reporters for all child abuse 24/7, 365 now. All this has been vetted through the OSBA legal department prior to these recommendations.
9. Patron Comments
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10. Board Comments
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11. Approval of Minutes, October 13,2022
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Minutes were approved for October 13th, 2022
12. Action Items
a. LBL ESD Budget Committee Appointment b. Approve Superintendent Recruitment Committee c. AEA MOU Approval d. Meeting Frequency e. Girls Basketball CO-OP with Monroe f. Capital Bond Project Support
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a. LBL ESD Budget Committee Appointment: Risteen Fmotions to appoint herself, Deb seconds. No discussion. All in favor b. Approve Superintendent Recruitment Committee: Scratched - does not need to be voted on c. AEA MOU Approval: Sean Gallagher: this is a memorandum of agreement with the teachers union for the 22-23 school year, bringing the language up to date to be current with state law. Only applies to one current teacher for us. d. Meeting Frequency: Scratch this, no vote needed e. Girls Basketball Co-op with Monroe. Deb motions to co-op with Monroe, Ryan seconds, Discussion: Linda feels there is more that needs to be said, Linda obtained. Motion passes 4:1 f. Capital Bond Project Support: Sean Gallagher we need to establish an agreement with this contact. Risteen Follett: said a budget should be established at $7500, can it go more. Sean Gallagher said no. Deb Lindberg motions to approve a capital bonds project, Linda Montanez seconded. Discussion: Ryan Vanleaven if we go out for a project manager, where does David McKay fall, would he stay on as a consultant? If we do hire a project manager, he will stay hourly until he hits $7500. g. Qualities and Qualifications were brought forth from community/staff survey. Deb Lindberg motions to approve the qualities and qualifications of a superintendent, Ryan VanLeuven. Seconded no discussion. All in favor h. Vote to approve superintendent committee members and committee training. Deb motions for the aforementioned training on Jan 12th @ 6pm, Ryan seconds, no discussion. All in favor. i. Superintendent Salary Schedule. Deb Lindberg motions $120,00 - $135,000. Ryan VanLeuven seconded. Discussion: Deb Lindberg struggles with the $135,000 because she’s seeing the cut backs and doesn’t want to add to that burden. We need to make sure we are financially solvent. Would need to know that there are cuts that are going to absorb that cost. Ryan VanLeuven: We have to have a range, so why is $135,000 a problem? Deb Linberg wants them to know that if they want the larger salary they may have to do more. Rob Webb it is what it is, we can’t go any lower. Risteen Follett we decide what the lowest is that they will offer, but it still has to be brought back to the board for the actual contract approval. The number isn’t final till they all approve it. Can always be renegotiated. All in favor. |
13. Resignation:
a. Tim France, LaHO, Principal b. Jennifer Lookabaugh, LaHO, 6th Grade Teacher
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Tim France and Jennifer Lookabaugh have turned in their resignations and the board has accepted. Disappointed but wished both employees the best in the future.
14. Executive Session:
a. To consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent who does not request an open hearing. (ORS 192.660(2)(b)) b. To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed. (ORS 192.660(2)(h))
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Moved into Executive Session at 8:54pm.
15. Return to Open Session
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Returned to Open session at 9:33pm.
16. Adjourn
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Adjourned at 9:33pm
17. Key Dates and Calendar Updates:
Thursday, November 10, 7:00pm, Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, November 15, 12:00pm – 6:00pm, Blood Drive, GYM Tuesday, November 15, 6:00pm, Fireside Chat Monday 21 -25, All Week Thanksgiving Vacation
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Action Item