September 24, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Alsea School Board Retreat
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Risteen Follett called meeting to 12:00pm
2. Flag Salute
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
3. Approval of the Agenda
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Agenda approved with no additions.
4. Board Operating Agreement
OSBA Instructions & Samples:
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Deb Lindberg was absent, but she submitted to the Board Chair the things she wanted to talk about.
Examples of board operating agreements were given to board members. After the board looked at examples, they agreed that using the Central Linn example fit the best and would work with additions and editing. The board felt that simple is best over length. Ryan Van Leaven felt that if it was too long it would be over kill. Would also help criticism to a minimum by going short. Risteen Follett likes the purpose statement in some of them. Should we go that route or straight into the why? (under board norms at the corvallis webpage) Rob Webb likes the time piece where it states a distinct start and end time. Not list the board secretary as the first point of contact for responding to communications. Ryan Van Leaven should first start with how we operate, then go into how they communicate. Sample on OSBA #1 - scratch the communication piece. Addressing how the staff and community want to communicate with the board, they don’t always go to the Superintendent. Need to "train the community" in how to go about the process correctly.Keep the neutrality of the board with the complaint process. Rob Webb doesn’t like that comfortability doesn’t exist anymore, everyone should feel comfortable talking to the board. Linda Montanez knows everyone and redirects to the correct process when they come to her. Although there are some complaints, listening to them is inevitable. Sean Gallagher tries to get to the bottom of what the individual has tried so far and then gets them on the right track. Risteen Follett - first one is following the chain of command (basic and to the point), don’t spring surprises, collective decision making process, senior leadership (Sean Gallagher said :that’s usually for larger districts), exemplify the governance rule (change wording), annually conduct a self examination (assessment evaluation tool), clearly state goals, utilize CEO (combine with) board acts as a body, meeting protocol: add a,b,c,d for the following 4, CHILDREN'S INTERESTS COME FIRST (should be the first thing or in the mission statement),When things are presented for the first time not always going to be an action item in the meeting. Linda Montanez - would like to see something done today not be so specific to the point that the board can’t make a decision. *Document was edited during the meeting - real time* Deb Lindberg wanted to talk about the staff having the right to communicate to the board. Risteen Follett would like to have Sean Gallagher talk to Deb Lindberg about the complaint. Compensation/wages/stipends should be brought to the board before they are granted. They will have a market analysis done to make sure they are comparable. Rob Webb feels like there should be more board involvement in the classified compensation process so the school doesn’t suffer in the long run.The board discussed the transportation problem, and they discussed the online program and the need for advertising to bring more students into the program. The board will work with the superintendent to develop a district communication plan and be open to communication with the staff.
5. Adjourned
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item