August 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Alsea Special School Board Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
2. Flag Salute
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
3. Public Comment:
Visitors wishing to address the board, please fill out a blue card, and give it to the board secretary. If you are attending online, you will need to send an email. to the board secretary at by 1:00pm the day of the meeting. You will be allowed 3 minutes to speak.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
A. Approval of County Public Works contract for pre-school safety additions B. Approval of Earthwork contract C. Approval of CB Construction contract
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Approval of County Public Works contract for pre-school safety additions. The board was told that the school needed to do a couple of things in order to complete the requirements of the Benton Counties building permit from when the pre-school was remodeled. Keenan Elbers is to put in a crosswalk and make the ramp without any lip. Benton County will share in the cost of the work and once it is complete they will issue our permits for the school remodel.
Groundbreaking for earthwork for the VOC by Hughes Excavation (formerly ED Hughes) is slated to start August 8., The BOC and Board worked with Straightline and CB Construction to work on how to continue with our bond project after much discussion. Everyone was allowed to voice what they thought would be best to continue with and what we needed to do in order to complete the Bond project in the most expedited and cost-effective way . The BOC recommended the following to the board. Pending updated numbers from CBC and Straightline Engineering, the BOC will recommend and ASB will approve the scope of projects as they re-prioritized the list of projects presented in April. Plans were prioritized as follows: The electrical power service upgrade with new panel room and HVAC systems, which is the number one priority. Installing the new HVAC requires the electrical upgrade, since the school is currently operating at over capacity-for the existing electrical system. Completion of the VOC depending on what can be completed to occupy . Depending on what we can accomplish, they will access what more we can do depending on remaining funds. Possible suggestions were new windows and the new cafeteria/kitchen.
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5. Board Recommendations to the Superintendent on the Bond Project.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Sean Gallagher provided the priority list given to the Board by the Bond oversite committee as follows.
1. HVAC, Power Panel, Power Upgrade 2. VOC Center 3. Kitchen/Cafeteria Gantt Chart Budget numbers with and without Modifications. CB will create a list of the ability to get the work done CB is to prioritize the work and provide dates |
6. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
7. The next Regular Meeting is August 11, 2022
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item