April 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
By Board Chair Sara Nagel
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
IV. Consider Additions/Deletions/Acceptance of the Agenda
V. Visitor Comments
VI. Consider Consent Agenda
VI.A. Consider the minutes of the previous monthly board meeting
VI.B. Monthly cash flow including investments
VI.C. Monthly bills paid
VI.D. Monthly bills paid -Activity accounts
VI.E. Donations
Donation from Brainerd Legion for Athletic sign and gift card for Costco to be used for health office supplies.
VI.F. Personnel summary sheet
VII. Special Board Reports with Possible Action
VII.A. District promotional video presentation by Chad Koel
VII.B. Presentation and update on 3 year old programming
VII.C. Facilities
VII.D. Personnel
VII.E. Curriculum
VII.E.1. Director of Teaching and Learning Report
VII.E.1.a. Catalyst Presentation
VII.F. Policy
VII.F.1. Committee Report Met on April 11,2023
VII.F.1.a. 1st Reading of the proposed update to Policy #412-Expense Reimbursement
VII.G. Budget
VII.G.1. Business Manager Report
Report by Melissa Berry presented at the Board Meeting
VIII. Other
IX. Superintendent's Report
X. Adjournment