November 19, 2024 at 10:30 AM - Special Meeting of the Board of Education
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
3. Consideration and vote to accept any resignation submitted to the Board of Education after the posting of the Agenda
Items number 3-5 were addressed during this meeting by the Board of Education.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the engagement of The Center for Education Law, P.C. to advise the board during personnel due process hearing (s)
5. Due process hearing for Michael Shelton regarding his possible non-reemployment
a. The Board President shall convene the hearing, state the purpose of the hearing, introduce the parties, and administer an oath to all persons who will testify. b. Opening statement by attorney for the Superintendent c. Opening statement by Mr. Shelton or his attorney. d. Presentation of evidence by attorney for the Superintendent, subject to cross-examination by Mr. Shelton or his attorney and questions from the Board of Education. e. Presentation of evidence by Mr. Shelton or his attorney, subject to cross-examination by the attorney for the Superintendent and questions from the Board of Education. f. Presentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence, as necessary. g. Closing statement by Mr. Shelton or his attorney. h. Closing statement by attorney for the Superintendent. i. Consideration and vote to go into Executive Session to discuss and deliberate on the elimination of the position of Inter-Governmental & Community Liaison and the non-remployment of Mr. Shelton, pursuant to Okla.Stat. tit. 25, §307(B)(1)and(7). j. Acknowledge return to Open Session k. Statement of Executive Session minutes. l. Consideration and vote to adopt Findings of Fact m. Vote to eliminate or not eliminate Mr. Shelton's position of employment. n. Vote to reemploy or not reemploy Mr. Shelton. |
6. Proposed executive session to discuss the resignation of Michael Shelton pursuant to Okla. Stat. tit. 25, § 307(B)(1) and (7).
a. Vote to convene in executive session. b. Vote to acknowledge return to open session. c. Statement of executive session minute.
A Motion was made to convene in executive session motion Mr. Eddy; Second Ms. McKinney. Mr. Perry; Dr. Toure. "The Board of Education met in Executive Session to discuss and deliberate on the elimination of the position of Inter-governmental & Community Liaison and the non-reemployment of Mr. Shelton, pursuant to Okla.Stat.tit.25, 307(b)(1) and (7).
B. Vote was acknowledged to return to open session Motion Mr. Eddy;Second Mr. Perry;.Ms. Mckinney; Dr. Toure. motion passed to acknowledge the return to the open session. |
7. Discussion and vote to either:
approve the Resignation Agreement with Michael Shelton, pending approval by Metro Tech's attorney, accept his resignation, and approve all other actions required by the Resignation Agreement. OR not approve the Resignation Agreement with Michael Shelton, not accept his resignation, and not approve any other actions required by the Resignation Agreement.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:04 a.m.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.