February 12, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Establishment of a Quorum and Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Opening Statement
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes - Board Workshop - January 5, 2013
4.B. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting - January 8, 2013
5. Presentations
5.A. Recognition for Metacomet Elementary Design: American School & University Magazine (Anwar Hossain)
5.B. Recognition of Student Athletes Who Have Signed Letters of Intent
D. Harris
5.C. Student Representative Report - Bloomfield High School
6. Public/PTO Comment
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Old Business
9. New Business
9.A. Presentation of Superintendent's Proposed 2013-2014 Budget
J. Thompson/C. Leone
9.B. Approval of Proposed 2013-2014 Academic Calendar
J. Thompson/C. Leone
9.C. Approval of Budget Transfers - January, 2013
C. Leone
10. Board Comments
11. Adjournment
12. Next Board Meeting - Special Budget - FEBRUARY 21, 2013