December 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM - December 12, 2022
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice.
2. Public Comment: All persons who address the Board at this time must sign up before the meeting begins.
All persons who address the Board at this time must sign up before the meeting begins.
3. PUBLIC HEARING: FIRST (Financial Integrity) Rating for Lorenzo ISD
4. Consent Agenda: Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
4.a. Minutes of previous meeting
4.b. Monthly financial reports/bill review
4.c. Confirm next Board meeting date: January 23, 2023
5. PUBLIC HEARING: On Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for Limitation on Appraised Value between the District and Lorenzo wind, LLC, Texas Comptroller Application Number 1142, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code.
The Comptroller's criteria for reporting qualifying jobs has created problems for a number of projects with 313 Agreements. Consequently, a number of 313 projects are seeking to amend applications and Agreements to reduce the number of qualified jobs for reporting purposes. Lorenzo wind is requesting to decrease the number of jobs from 3 to 1. Since the Board made a specific finding in the resolution approving the application back on December 12, 2016 to require a certain number of qualifying jobs for this project, the decrease in jobs requires amending both the Findings of Fact and the Agreement.
6. Action Items
6.a. Discussion and possible action on an Amendment to Resolution and Findings of Fact approving the Application of Lorenzo Wind, LLC for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code.
6.b. Discussion and possible action on an Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement for Limitation on Appraised Value between the District and Lorenzo Wind. LLC, Texas Comptroller Application Number 1142, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code.
6.c. Discussion and possible action on comparing bids for placing HVAC system in little PE gym.
6.d. Discussion and possible action on leasing the Ag building on Highway 82.
7. Superintendent's Report
7.a. Information from: Nurse, Principals, Maintenance Director, EPEC Director, Athletics
7.b. Update on Safety and Security
8. Personnel: Consider Superintendent Recommendations regarding the employment and contract status of classroom teachers and other non-administrative professional personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074).
A. Action to hire secondary staff B. Action to hire elementary staff C. Action to hire EPEC staff D. Action to re-employ or terminate probationary contract employees E. Propose nonrenewal term contract employees, if any F. Employee resignations: Serena Brewster, Joe Simpson - retirement G. Discussion of contracts and employee agreements for employees for _____ |
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: If during the course of the meeting, a discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, and Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code section 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting.
10. Adjourn
This notice was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on __________, at ____ a.m. Kayla Morrison, Lorenzo Superintendent |