January 28, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting Template
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Reports of Board Committees
6. Fiber Options for New High School
Ben Aldrich, IT Director
The district needs to expand its Wide Area Network (WAN) to include the new high school by extending a fiber optic connection between the new building and either KCS or KHS. This has not been budgeted as part of the school construction project. There are two basic options: build and own this new link (like our existing WAN) or contract to build and lease. If we lease the fiber, it is eligible for e-Rate reimbursement of 60%. The deadline for filing contracts for e-Rate reimbursement is February 12.
Ben will review the options available and various cost proposals from vendors (if available). The goal is for the Board to understand the process and options so they can make an informed decision (and approve a contract) at our regular February 11 meeting. |
7. Secondary School Reform
Due to lack of funding, much of Connecticut’s Secondary School Reform initiative has been put on the back burner. However, in order to maintain momentum, Commissioner McQuillan is inviting districts to apply to partner with the State Department on one of three advisory committees.
? Student Success Plan ? Support Systems/School Environment ? Capstone Experience Guidelines for these three components have yet to be developed. We would like to participate on the Student Success Plan Advisory Committee. With the recent purchase of Naviance, an on-line planning and advisement system , we feel we have the capability to build an electronic portfolio for each student and strengthen PGR#1 (Education/Career Plan). |
8. Career and Technical Education Innovation Grant
As part of Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education funding, the Connecticut State Department of Education is offering a series of Career and Technical Education Innovation Grant. The purpose of these grants is to increase rigor and skill attainment of secondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs and the development of individual student success plans. One of the grants ($25,000 - $40,000) is entitled, “Electronic Student Success Plan Implementation.” The purpose of this grant is to implement an electronic SSP for all students in Grades 9-10 who elect to take CTE courses. The funding must be spent by June 30 of this calendar year. The plan must include many of the items already in our current PGR #1. We envision also including the design of an academic and career portfolio system. |
9. Executive Session -Personnel
10. Possible Action on Executive Session Item