May 2, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. AFT Grievance Hearing
Ian Neviaser
A grievance has been filed by the AFT regarding two of our employees. The grievance has followed the process outlined in the contract and is now at Step 3 which requires the Board hold a hearing on this issue. Our Board attorney will be present to advise the Board in terms of procedural steps. I will represent the administration in this hearing. The hearing must be held in open session but the Board may go into executive session to deliberate over their decision.
III. Executive Session: Grievance Hearing Deliberation
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. District Budget Hearing of April 2, 2018
IV.B. Regular Meeting of April 4, 2018
IV.C. Special Meeting of April 23, 2018
V. Visitors
V.A. CABE Communications Award
Ian Neviaser
A representative from CABE (Eileen Baker) will be at the meeting to present the district with a Communications award for the district website.
V.B. Public Comment
V.C. Report from Student Representatives
VI. Administrative Reports
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it.
Please take note of the May enrollment report. We have a total of 1284 students enrolled. Please remember our upcoming recognition dinner scheduled for May 24 at Great Neck Country Club in Waterford. I hope everyone can attend. |
VI.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
VII. Educational Presentation
VII.A. Elementary Math Update
Michelle Dean
Mrs. Dean, along Karen Pasiuk, will provide an update on our new elementary math program, Bridges.
VIII. Chairman & Board Report
IX. New Business
IX.A. Field Trip Proposal
Jim Wygonik
Attached is a proposal for high school students to travel to France in April 2019. This requires Board approval.
IX.B. Town of Old Lyme Pension Plan Revision
Ian Neviaser
The Town of Old Lyme has revised their pension plan. Our non-certified employees are participants in the plan. In order to continue to be a part of the plan the Board must approve the enclosed motion. Holly and Jean have both sat on the committee that revised the plan. The new plan makes some changes that better clarify for us who can enroll in the plan and who can't.
IX.C. Rescinding of Nonrenewals
Assuming (and hoping) the communities approve our proposed budget next Tuesday, we will be able to rescind the non-renewals of staff members. This will allow us to make appointments for next year and finalize our scheduling and placements. This requires Board action.
IX.D. School Security
Ian Neviaser
After holding meetings with all of the PTO's I am recommending the Board consider the attached options to address security at all of our buildings. I will review each option as well as the considerations involved. I will also update the Board on our progress with some other security measures.
IX.E. Lyme Street Campus Pedestrian Lighting
John Rhodes
This is a 2017/2018 budgeted facilities capital project. The project was publicly advertised. The only bid received was from Sicuranza Electric. Scope of this project will install pedestrian lighting on the two walkways that cross the Lyme Street Campus athletic fields. |
IX.F. Mile Creek Fuel Oil Tank Replacement
John Rhodes
Mile Creek fuel oil tank has reached its thirty year life limit and must be replaced. This project was publicly bid. Below is the bid summary.
ETT is the recommended bidder for this project. This is based on their bid price and our positive experience last summer replacing the Lyme Consolidated fuel oil tank.
IX.G. Middle School Partial Roof Replacement
John Rhodes
Middle School roof has reached its twenty year life limit and must be replaced. This project was publicly bid. Below is the bid summary.
Silktown Roofing is the recommended bidder for this project. This is based on their bid price and our positive experience replacing the Mile Creek roof.
IX.H. Solar Purchase Power Agreement
John Rhodes
IX.I. Athletic Field Irrigation Water System
John Rhodes
Milone and MacBroom was selected as a prime engineering firm to evaluate irrigation water supply options and perform design and permitting service. This Board of Education action approves Milone and MacBroom to provide engineering services to design, obtain town permits, construction support and project closeout. Milone and MacBroom will design and permit a system based on using the pond as a water supply. Final design and construction estimates may change based on the town permitting process. This project is funded through the facilities contingency fund. |
X. Old Business
X.A. Social Studies Textbook
At the April meeting, the Board was given a proposal for a new social studies textbook. We will be asking for Board approval of the text at this meeting.
X.B. Closing of LOLHS Project
X.C. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN
XI. Correspondence
XII. Executive Session
XIII. Adjournment