February 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of January 4, 2017
II.B. Executive Session of January 4, 2017
II.C. Special Meeting of January 11, 2017
II.D. Special Meeting of January 18, 2017
II.E. Special Meeting of January 25, 2017
III. Visitors
III.A. Public Comment
III.B. Report from Student Representatives
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. While our multiple Wednesday meetings for the budget have ended, the process is far from over. I will report on the remainder of the process and what is required of the Board. During the discussion of the calendar for next year, a question was raised about student absences on 1/2 PD days prior to vacations. In response to that question, I have included the pertinent data below.
I am pleased to report that our HS faculty collected over $700 to outfit our two Syrian refugee students in formal attire for the Winter Ball which took place last Saturday. This is yet another example of the caring and compassion of our staff and their commitment to all of our students. |
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Multipurpose Athletic Field Evaluation
John Rhodes
Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the multipurpose athletic field quality due to field usage and limited water supply. As part of the school district five year plan, the Facilities Committee has scheduled an evaluation of our three athletic multipurpose fields. The scope of the evaluation will include the three multipurpose fields: track field, soccer/lacrosse field located between the High School and Middle School, and practice field behind the High School. The selected design professional will submit a plan for addressing the needs of our multipurpose plan. A request for proposals was issued for design professional bids to perform this field evaluation. Three of the four bidders were interviewed by the Facilities Committee. One bidder was disqualified for not meeting the bid delivery date. A list of the bidders is listed below.
Based on the interviews, the Facilities Committee recommends hiring Milone and McBroom to perform the evaluation of our three multipurpose fields. |
VII.B. Approval of 2017-2018 Proposed Budget
Ian Neviaser
Based on any feedback we get from the budget forum prior to this meeting, we will move to approve the proposed budget. This requires Board action.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Update on Oil Tank on Main Campus
John Rhodes
VIII.B. Search and Seizure Policy
Ian Neviaser
I have requested a written opinion from Shipman and Goodwin in response to Erick's question from last month as to whether or not having this as a part of our policy would impact our liabilities. It is attached. We will also need to make a determination as to whether or not the policy committee should address this issue. Jim Wygonik will be present to answer any additional questions the Board may have. |
VIII.C. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.D. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment