April 6, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of March 2, 2016
III. Visitors
III.A. Report from Student Representatives
III.B. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. Per policy 6270, I am pleased to report that the OLRA has been busy with equipment purchases for our kids over the winter and are donating those to our district. They recently made 2 purchases of lightly used rowing shells that will support our second and third varsity boys and girls this season and beyond. We will be taking delivery of these boats in the near future. The donations include:
2006 Vespoli Metallic Blue V1 ES4+ Serial Number VUAVG133D606 Value $8,100. Dave Roberge, Lee Watkins, and I have been invited to be a part of a school safety panel for a presentation to CCM sponsored by the DEMHS. This is in recognition of our ongoing safety practices and is a testament to the regional cooperation of the three organizations when it comes to school safety. |
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
V.A. Update on 1:1 Computer Initiative at LOLHS
John Rhodes and Beth Borden
John and Beth will update the Board on the progress and revised proposal for our 1:1/ LMS initiative.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Setting of Date of LOLHS Graduation
Ian Neviaser
Section 10-16l (Establishment of graduation date) of the C.G.S. states, “Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes to the contrary, a local or regional board of education may establish for any school year a firm graduation date for students in grade twelve which is no earlier than the one hundred eighty-fifth day noted in the school calendar originally adopted by the board for that school year, except that a board on or after April first in any school year may establish such a firm graduation date for that school year which at the time of such establishment provides for at least one hundred eighty days of school.” Per statute, I am recommending the Board vote to establish June 10, 2016 as the firm graduation date for the Class of 2016. This requires Board action.
VII.B. Annual Review of Tuition Policy/Rate
Ian Neviaser
Per policy #2420, the Board is required to set a tuition rate for non-resident students by May 30. Mrs. McCalla has calculated next year’s tuition rate as $21,489 based on the proposed budget. The current tuition rate is $18,870.
This requires Board action. |
VII.C. Nonrenewals of Non-Tenured Staff
Ian Neviaser
As is annual practice to ensure compliance with state statute, and in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-151(b), which gives authority to the Superintendent to determine whether a non-tenure teacher should be offered a contract for the subsequent school year, I am recommending the non-renewal of all non–tenured teachers. This requires Board action.
VII.D. Policy 5450 Tutoring
Ian Neviaser and Diane Linderman
The policy committee is recommending a revision of the current tutoring policy which was last amended in 1996. Diane and I will review the history behind this policy and explain the proposed changes.
VII.E. Media Center Circulation Desks at Mile Creek and Lyme School
John Rhodes
Last summer our maintenance staff reconfigured both the Mile Creek and Lyme Consolidated media centers to better meet 21st century educational needs. This included removing and moving walls, repainting, replacing carpeting, and reconfiguring bookcases. Due to the limited time during the summer, we deferred installation of permanent circulation desks until the 2016 summer. This project was publicly bid twice. Unfortunately, there was no qualified bid response either time (sealed bids must be received before the advertised bid opening date and time). However, we did receive one unqualified emailed bid by the advertised due date, and we were able to obtain a second emailed bid. Results are listed below: LaRose’s Woodworking LLC $35,500 Pierre Marchand Architectural Millwork $22,824 Pierre Marchand Architectural Millwork fabricated and installed the renovated high school millwork successfully and are recommended to perform this project. |
VII.F. Fuel Oil Tank Replacement at the Lyme Street Campus
John Rhodes
As part of the school district capital projects budget, the Lyme Street campus fuel oil tank will be replaced during the 2016 summer. This fuel oil tank, along with the Lyme Consolidated and Mile Creek School tanks, are reaching end of life. Replacing the Lyme Street campus fuel oil tank is the first year of a three year plan to replace all three fuel oil tanks. This project was publicly bid. The bid results are listed below. ENPRO $320,750 ETT Environmental Services $156,000 Kropp Environmental Contractors $124,500 Lemelin Environmental Services $128,700 Service Station Equipment $172,689 True Blue Environmental Services $174,611 Based on reference checks and scope review, it is recommended that Kropp Environmental Contractors Incorporated be awarded the fuel oil tank replacement.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Textbook Proposals
Ian Neviaser
The Board was presented with four textbook proposals at their March meeting for the following courses: Modern U.S. History, French, Java Programming, and AP European History. These texts were available at the Central Office for the Board to review. We are now asking the Board to approve the textbooks.
VIII.B. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.C. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment