June 3, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
III.A. Regular Meeting- May 20, 2013
IV. Treasurer's Report
IV.A. Bills, 5/16/13- $181,662.81
IV.B. Grants, 5/16/13- $4,320.28
IV.C. Bills, 5/19/13- $193,322.78
IV.D. Grants, 5/29/13- $7,700.32
IV.E. Bills, 5/30/13- $3,308.78
V. Correspondence
VI. Board Reports
VI.A. Student Representative's Report
VI.B. Budget Committee
VI.C. Curriculum Committee
VI.D. Policy Committee
VI.E. Negotiation Committee
VII. Superintendent Reports
VII.A. Winter and Spring Sports Presentations
VII.B. Unified Sports Presentation
VII.C. Cafeteria Profit and Loss through April 2013
VIII. Public Forum
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Review and Possible Approval of Use of Bernhardt Surveys to Meet Legislative Requirements Relative to Educator Evaluation and School Climate
X.B. Obsolete Equipment- Textbooks
X.C. Review and Possible Approval of New Board Policy- #5113.13 Students: Work-Study Student Employment
XI. Personnel Matters
XI.A. Resignation- Certified Staff Member
XI.B. Superintendent's Evaluation (Executive Session Anticipated)
XII. Student Matters
XII.A. Consideration of Superintendent of Schools' Recommendation for the Expulsion of Student A (Executive Session Anticipated)