February 27, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
III.A. Regular Meeting- February 6, 2012
IV. Treasurer's Report
IV.A. Bills, 2/14/12- $487,798.11
IV.B. Grants, 2/14/12- $3,347.09
IV.C. Grants, 2/17/12- $780.02
V. Correspondence
VI. Board Reports
VI.A. Report from Student Representative
VI.B. Budget Committee
VI.C. Curriculum Committee
VI.D. Policy Committee
VI.E. Negotiation Committee
VII. Superintendent Reports
VII.A. Presentation- Freshmen House at Stafford High School
VII.B. Update on the Revised Mid-Year Exam Schedule at Stafford High School
VII.C. Presentation- IEA, Tutoring Program(s) and Credit Recovery
VII.D. Recommendation of the Preschool Steering Committee
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
IX.A. Review of New and Approval of Revised Board Policies
IX.B. Update on 2011 - 2012 School Calendar
IX.C. Review and Possible Approval of the 2012-2013 School Calendar
IX.D. Discussion and Approval of Proposed 2012 - 2013 Itemized Estimate of the Cost of Maintenance (Budget) for the Stafford Public School District
X. Public Forum
XI. Personnel Matters
XI.A. Resignations- Certified Staff Members
XI.B. Mid-Year Evaluation of Superintendent of Schools (Executive Session Anticipated)
XII. Student Matters