September 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
II.A. Special Meeting Minutes- 8/23/10
II.B. Regular Meeting Minutes- 8/23/10
III. Treasurer's Report
III.A. Board Bills- 8/25/10, $317,584.52
III.B. Board Bills (Encumbered)- 8/25/10, $52,638.05
III.C. Board Bills- 9/1/10, $111,305.81
III.D. Grants- 9/1/10, $4,528.41
III.E. Board Bills- 9/9/10, $15,038.94
III.F. Board Bills- 9/9/10, $957,251.10
IV. Correspondence
V. Board Reports
VI. Superintendent Reports
VI.A. Presentation by the First Selectman regarding the Bonding Initiative
VI.B. CABE Board Recognition Award Application
VI.C. Legislative Update
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Review and Possible Approval of New and Revised Board Policies
IX. New Business
IX.A. Review and Possible Approval of a Proposal regarding the IEA Program / Use of the Portable Classroom
IX.B. Review and Possible Approval of Stafford Middle School Proposal for a Student Trip to Pennsylvania in May 2011
IX.C. Review and Possible Approval of Service Agreement between Stafford Public Schools and the Stafford Ambulance Association for Medical Coverage at Athletic Events
IX.D. Review and Possible Approval of Service Agreement between the Stafford Public Schools and Athletic Trainer Solutions LLC for Athletic Trainer Coverage
IX.E. Review and Possible Approval of Revised Board Policy 5144.1- Use of Physical Force, Physical Restraint(s) / Seclusion
IX.F. Review and Possible Approval of Two (2) Middle School Fundraisers
IX.G. Approval for Using the Education Jobs Fund Program Monies in the 2011 - 2012 Budget
IX.H. Obsolete Equipment
X. Personnel Matters
X.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Director of Athletics and Recreation's Employment Agreement (Executive Session Anticipated)
X.B. Superintendent's Evaluation Procedure (Executive Session Anticipated)
XI. Student Matters