March 3, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Executive Session - 7:00 p.m.
II.A. Personnel Items
II.B. Legal Items
III. School Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
III.A. Recognitions:
III.A.1. Josh Hettrick, Daniel Hand High School Grade 10 Student, 2nd Place Award, "Tech & Learning's Portraits of Learning Contest" sponsored by Adobe (postponed from February 3, 2009 Meeting)
III.A.2. Connecticut Board of Education Member Appreciation Month
III.A.3. Reception
III.B. Public Participation
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Thomas Presti and Anna Balakrishnan
V. Superintendent's Report
David J. Klein
V.A. Update: 2008-2009 Enrollment
David J. Klein
V.B. Discussion: 2009-2010 School Year Calendar
David J. Klein
V.C. Presentation: Tiger Fitness Center Update
Craig Semple
VI. Board Members' Comments
VII. Board Committees / Liaison Updates
VII.A. Planning Committee
Members: Debra Frey, Chair; Bill Clorite, Becky Coffey
VII.B. Personnel Committee
Members: John Dean, Chair; Becky Coffey; Robert Ruggiero
VII.C. Policy Committee
Members: Harriet Gowanlock, Chair; Seth Klaskin
VII.C.1. Technical Revision Reading: Policy #5090.3.2. Vandalism
VII.D. Finance Committee
Members: Becky Coffey, Chair; Harriet Gowanlock; Holly Sellers
VII.E. Community Outreach Committee
Members: Seth Klaskin, Chair; Becky Coffey
VII.F. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: John Dean
VIII. Audience Response to Information Presented
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Bills Payable: $441.12 (07-08); $1,396,026.48 (08-09)
IX.B. Line Transfers: $58,340.49
IX.C. Budget Expenditure Report as of February 26, 2009
X. Action Item: Minutes February 3, 2009 Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.8)
XI. Action Item: Minutes February 10, 2009 Sepcial Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.8)
XII. Action Item: Educational Specifications for Asbestos Removal from the boiler at the Kathleen H. Ryerson Elementary School (Ref. Bylaw #9540.8)
XIII. Action Item: Revised 2009-2010 School Year Calendar (Ref. Policy #6030)
XIV. Old Business
XV. New Business
XVI. Future Agenda Items
XVI.A. Presentation: Madison Public Schools Guidance Program (Jean Baker, School Counselors)
XVI.B. Presentation: Instructional Technology in the Classroom (Michael Kiefer)
XVII. Meetings of Importance
Chairman Hale
XVII.A. March 4, 2009; CABE A Day on the Hill; 8:30 a.m., Capitol Avenue, Hartford
XVII.B. March 4, 2009; Board of Selectmen/Board of Education Budget Presentation; 7:30 p.m., Walter C. Polson Middle School Auditorium
XVII.C. March 10, 2009; Board of Finance Budget Review and Action; 7:30 p.m., Town Campus Hammonasset Room
XVII.D. March 11, 2009; Planning Committee / IAS Building Committee; 7:30 a.m., Central Office Room B
XVII.E. March 17, 2009; Community Outreach Committee; 6:00 p.m., Central Office Room B
XVII.F. March 17, 2009; Board of Education Meeting; 7:30 p.m., Town Campus Hammonasset Room
XVIII. Adjournment