November 8, 2007 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Executive Session - 6:30 p.m.
II.A. Personnel Items
II.B. Contractual Items
II.C. Legal Items
II.D. Discussion: Safety and Security Consultant
III. School Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
III.A. Recognition of Students: Nicholas Bosch and Emma Norris: Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Superintendent / Student Leadership Award
III.B. Recognition: Retiring Board of Education Members
III.C. Public Participation
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Emma Norris and Thomas Presti
V. Superintendent's Report
Dr. H. Kaye Griffin
V.A. Presentation: Madison Public Schools Security and Vulnerability Assessment Executive Summary
John Bucciarelli, National Homeland Security Task Force
V.B. Overview: 2006-2007 Strategic School Profile
Dr. H. Kaye Griffin
V.C. Information Share: MRSA Prevention Strategies
Dr. H. Kaye Griffin
V.D. Update: Middle School Expanded Intramural / Extracurricular Activities Pilot (Trimester 2)
Frank Henderson and Julianne Phelps
VI. Board Member Comments
VII. Distribution of Executive Summaries from Board Committees / Liaisons
VII.A. Policy Committee: Third Reading - Policy #3543 Employees Self-Funding Health Insurance Plan
VIII. Audience Response to Information Presented
IX. Consent Agenda (Items 9.1 - 9.6)
IX.A. Bills Payable: $2,894.81 (2006/07) & $1,036,983.08 (2007/08)
IX.B. Line Transfers: $1,126,517.80
IX.C. Line Transfers: $30,000.00
IX.D. Line Transfer: $27,500.00
IX.E. Budget Expenditure Report as of 11.1.07
IX.F. Donation: $5,175.00 from Ryerson PTO to Ryerson School for Class Field Trips and Hi-Touch / Hi-Tech Special Programs (Reference Policy #3281)
X. Action Item: Walter C. Polson Middle School Re-Roof Project (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
XI. Action Item: Bids for the DHHS Sidewalk Improvement Project (Reference Policy #3323)
XII. Action Item: Employees Self-Funding Health Insurance Plan Policy #3543 (Reference Bylaw#9630)
XIII. Action Item: Minutes 10.16.07 Meeting (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
XIV. Action Item: Minutes 10.23.07 Meeting (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
XV. Action Item: Minutes 10.30.07 Meeting (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
XVI. Old Business
XVII. New Business
XVIII. Future Agenda Items
XIX. Adjournment