September 29, 2020 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Public Comment
I.A. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 970 8726 2045 Passcode: eagles One tap mobile +13462487799,,97087262045#,,,,,,0#,,064780# US (Houston) |
II. Informational Items
II.A. Principal Report
II.B. Superintendent Report
III. Consent Agenda (at the request of a trustee, any item may be removed from the consent agenda to consider separately.)
III.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting - August 25, 2020
III.B. Business Office Financial Reports - August 1- 31, 2020
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Consider and if appropriate, approve Threat Assessment Team
SB 11 States that the board must approve a Threat Assessment Team:
I would like to propose the following people for our threat assessment team required with SB 11. |
IV.B. Consider and if appropriate, approve budget amendment.
We received our ESSER Federal grant money in the amount of 135,663.00.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. |
IV.C. Consider and if appropriate, approve Asynchronous Learning plan.
This is our remote learning plan which is due to TEA by October 1st.
IV.D. Consider and if appropriate, approve waiver for missed school days for Hurricane Laura.
We missed a total of 4 days for hurricane Laura. We need board approval to apply for a waiver for these days.
IV.E. Consider and if appropriate, approve Special Education Policy and Procedures.
We need to adopt the 2020-21 Special Education Policy and Procedures.
Ms. Muirhead is with us to answer any queestioins you may have. |
V. Personnel/Legal: This portion of the meeting may be closed to all but essential personnel as deemed necessary by the Board in accordance with the open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 et. Seq., Texas Government Code.
V.A. Face to Face Instruction
V.B. Fence Quote