February 25, 2016 at 8:30 AM - Board of Trustees Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call
1.B. Establishment of a Quorum
1.C. Vision, Mission, Beliefs and Goals
2. Consider the minutes of the regular meeting of the Region 8 ESC Board of Directors of Thursday, January 21, 2015
3. Administrative Reports
3.A. Chief Financial Officer Report
Blenda McNatt
3.A.1. Report from Accounting Department
Henry Vallejo
3.B. Academic Services Report
Richele Langley
3.B.1. Special Services Report
Pam Albritton
3.B.2. State and Federal Programs Report
Leonard Beles
3.B.3. Curriculum Report
Debbie Crooms
3.C. Operations and Leadership Report
Dr. Jason McCullough
3.C.1. Report from Leadership Support and Development
Karla Coker
3.C.2. Information Services Report
Carol Carter
3.C.3. Technology Report
Brent Baker
3.D. Executive Director Report
Dr. David Fitts
4. Public Forum
5. Matters Requiring Board Approval
5.A. Consider the Financial Reports for January 2016
Henry Vallejo
5.B. Consider the Budget Amendments for January 2016.
Henry Vallejo
5.C. Consider canceling the Region 8 ESC Board Election for the spring of 2016. At this time, Willie Williams is unopposed as a candidate for the position of Place 3, representing Camp, Franklin, and Titus Counties. Mike Jansen is unopposed as a candidate for the position of Place 6, representing Cass and Marion Counties. The unopposed candidates will be sworn in on
May 27, 2016. |
5.D. Consider to Approve Purchase of Discovery Education. The 20 Education Service Centers contract with Discovery Education to provide each campus the ability to participate in Online
Streaming (known as United Streaming). Region 8 will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Region 11, who is the host ESC. The contract service period is from September 1, 2016 until August 31, 2017. The final agreed upon price is .84 per student state wide. Region 8 places this program as Level 1 under the LITE Co-op (Library, Instruction, Technology, Education).
Richele Langley
5.E. Consider approval of TIPS Vendor Contracts
Blenda McNatt
6. Executive Session
7. Reconvene
8. Personnel
8.A. Confirm the employment / resignation / retirement of the following staff:
NA |