February 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
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Approval of Minutes
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Approval of Bills
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Hearing of Visitors
Brian Thompson (Mapes and Miller)
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Emily Lowry
Mrs. Lowry shared that her classes were doing mini-KITE (state assessment) tests preparing for the regular tests in April. She said the stage curtain project is moving along fine. The back curtains are all up and the front ones have been ordered. March 12th she is going with the 8th grade to Beloit and will be helping take freshmen job shadowing in Norton on Feb. 19th. National Honor Society invitations have been sent out and she is waiting on those applications.
Mitch Pugh
Mr. Pugh shared that Junior High Scholars Bowl has started up and the team has done well on its first competition. League basketball is this week in Rexford and League Scholars Bowl at Rexford on the 19th. He is looking forward to the Ameritowne activity in the next couple of months.
Ross Cole
Mr. Cole shared a little about his two weightlifting classes and how that also benefits sports strengthening. In the freshmen PE class; he is focusing on helping them build lifetime fitness habits.
Shelby Preston
Ms. Preston shared the K - 5 would be going to Logan to watch the Wichita Children's Theater tomorrow. Valentines Day is Thursday and the kids are looking forward to the activities and treats; classes are going great.
Old Business
Board Walk - Through
The board discussed the upcoming walk-through on February 20th. Four will start in Almena and two will start in Long Island. The board sent out a letter to staff requesting best times to meet for that day. They will plan to be at the schools around 7:40 AM so they can eat breakfast.
Recognition / Dedication
The school board decided to name the Long Island Gym after retired teacher/coach Mr. Jim Cole. This dedication/recognition will take place before the 4th / 5th grade basketball games (2:00 PM) in Long Island on February 20th. All are invited to celebrate with us.
Grade School Lift Update
The Grade School Lift project is scheduled to have the openings cut in the second and third-floor hallways over spring break. The lift is scheduled to be installed at the beginning of the summer break. Mr. Gebhard has been working on grant opportunities and has raised $31,200 so far. A huge thank you to him and those foundations that have donated to this project (Hansen Foundation, Prairieland Electric, and Norton County Community Foundation).
Mr. Gebhard gave a report on vehicles: Bus #1 has had some work done on the fuel filter, grill guard has been added, and storage racks are being discussed. Suburban #6 had a grill guard installed as well. There is now a strobe light on Suburban #14 to be used on routes. Everything else is working well.
At 7:12 PM the meeting returned to open session; no action taken.
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Leave Request
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Rule 10 Coaches
Mr. Tharman supplied the board with three examples of coach/sponsor evaluation forms. The board wishes to continue this conversation and would like to have input from Jessie Thalheim (High School AD) as well. Mr. Tharman will supply her with the evaluations he currently has and will add this back on next month's agenda.
Superintendent Evaluation
Mr. Tharman supplied the board with the form they use for his annual evaluation. The board members will fill these out and share with Mr. Tharman at the March meeting.
New Business
KESA Update
Mr. Tharman talked about the meeting the DLT (District Leadership Team) had with Dr. Amber Miller last week. This was in preparation for the Action Plan meeting on March 3rd in Phillipsburg. The KESA (Kansas Education Systems Accreditation) is now a yearly process.
Mr. Tharman shared the negotiations training scheduled for Wednesday was canceled and the board members (Hilary Van Patten and Laquita Smith) will be able to complete the training remotely. The letter to the teacher's organization with identified negotiated items is due no later than March 31st.
Administrative Reports
Superintendent / 9-12 Principal Report
Mr. Tharman went over the following items: Possibility of upcoming snow storm / HS BB in G. Plains / Oakley Powerlifting (squats, deadlift, and bench) / National FFA Week (Farmers Day/ Red, White, & Blue Day/ Drive your tractor to school day/ Hat day) / AI in Education- 17th / Freshmen Job Shadowing- 19th / Board Walk-through / Recognition- dedication/ Saturday 22nd - Last home game, senior recognition night / 24th - Substate quarterfinals / 28th - teacher in-service / KESA mtg in Phillipsburg - March 3rd / PT conferences 3rd & 4th / Powerlifting in Wakeeney - March 8th / Board meeting 10th.
KICS meeting in Wichita - 3 - 5% increase expected. |
K-8 Principal Report
Mr. Gebhard shared the following: The Spelling Bee champion was Tayah Seeders (7th grade) also representing NV in the County Spelling Bee on the 17th (Jaden Johns, Inez Schemper, Colton Ledbetter & Joplyn McCue) / JH BB League tournament this week / 4th Grade attended Eagle Day in Kirwin / Germ Detectives from Twin Creek Extension District / 3rd grade had a Farm Safety presentation / Preschool Readiness committee had a meeting tonight also - they will meet again next month (conversations about length of day for preschool students). He also shared an example of a JH track record board that he has been investigating.
Reports of Board Members
Mrs. Van Patten shared that there were complaints from parents/community members who attended the Spelling Bee in Long Island. The sound system did not seem to be working and/or the movements of students seemed to make it difficult to hear the participants and moderator. She asked if anyone had the opportunity to view the livestream portion; no one present had.
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