June 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
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Approval of Minutes
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Approval of Bills
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Hearing of Visitors
Old Business
Hail Damage Update
Mr. Tharman gave the following update: Roofmasters to begin on either June 20th or the 24th in Long Island ... and then work their way to Almena Ag building/ Vehicle checks (for totaled value due to hail) have arrived and been deposited/ Still waiting on two classroom windows to be installed/ Hallway and Ag shop windows are installed/ Out buildings' tin work is being ordered/ Car port building has been okayed and materials are being ordered.
Mr. Gebhard shared that all buses have been checked in by drivers. Van #7 was reported to have transmission issues .... will be taking it for a second opinion. Bus #12 will be going to have catalytic converter repaired. Mr. Gebhard shared information he had received concerning three different buses that met the criteria he was looking for as well as specifications he had asked local mechanics about. In order to get a better look, he and Mr. Tharman plan to make a trip to look those over.
Legislative Update
Mr. Tharman gave the following updates:
Senate Bill 19 - Cardiac Emergency Response Plans - a adopt a comprehensive cardiac emergency response plan, including policies and procedures for cardiac emergency responses for each attendance center. (no timeline as of yet) Senate Bill 73 - Enrollment for the Determination of State Aid - includes a one-year provision to allow school districts and KSDE to use the highest of the current year, prior year, or the arithmetic average of the preceding and second preceding year enrollment for the school year 2024 - 25 only. In 2025 - 26 and each year after, all districts will be required to use the current year or the preceding year enrollment to determine state aid. Senate Bill 287 - Parental Consent for Healthcare Services in School Facilities - The bill prohibits a health provider at a school facility from prescribing, dispensing or administering any prescription or nonprescription drug, administering a diagnostic test with the minor's bodily fluid, or conducting ongoing behavioral health treatment, unless a health care provider has obtained consent from a minor's parent. Senate Bill 387 - K-12 Education Appropriations and other provisions - School funding for FY 2024, 2025, 2026 / Assigns an education funding task force to rework the funding formula and who makes up that committee/ Special Education distribution of funds and determining excess costs and state aid / At - Risk monies, how they are spent and reported/ open enrollment provisions - in 2025 it will be open from Jan. 1st - Jun 15th. / Closing school building procedures. House Sub for Senate Bill 438 - Blueprint for Literacy and Scholarship programs - Gives colleges guidelines for those in education programs to receive the required classes and training during their post-secondary experience prior to graduating. (LTR's) Senate Sub for House Bill 2144 - Creating the Crime of Encouraging Suicide - establishes penalties for it under the Kansas Criminal Code. House Bill 2547 - Emergency Medication Kits - authorizes a school to maintain a stock supply of emergency medication kits in schools, including epinephrine and albuterol for certain life - threatening conditions. |
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Maintenance Position
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New Business
Summer Helpers and Projects
Mr. Tharman shared a list of proposed projects and tasks the summer employees were working on.
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KASB Policy Updates
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Student Accident Insurance
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Workman's Compensation Insurance
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Property and Liability Insurance
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Resolution to Destroy Documents
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End of the Fiscal Year Meeting
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Administrative Reports
Superintendent / 9-12 Principal Report
Mr. Tharman reviewed the personal items that have been going on in his world. He also shared about the next 6 - 8 weeks and what that would possibly look like. Mr. Tharman passed around Thank You cards from Mrs. Dole and Mrs.Vincent.
Summer volleyball, cheer/dance, and basketball camps/games are currently going on, as well as weightlifting. |
K-8 Principal Report
Mr. Gebhard shared about a donation of over $400 from Land O' Lakes; it was greatly appreciated. The May in-service went very well and was attended by all of the new hires except one (had a prior commitment). State assessment scores had been released, so he passed around an overview of those for each grade level and discussed, briefly.
Reports of Board Members
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