January 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Dusty Wiley
2. INVOCATION: Mrs. Jennifer Stringer
3. Action Item: Consideration of Consent Agenda
A consent agenda is an item listed on the regular agenda that groups routine items under one agenda heading. This allows the Board to take a unified motion and action on all routine items listed under the consent agenda instead of taking separate votes on each item.
4. Comment: Public Comment
At regular meetings, the Board shall allot up to thirty (30) minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up as they arrive, indicating the topics about which they wish to speak.
Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a meeting. At all other times during Board meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed five (5) minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their view before the Board. Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board may not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda. Presentations which include negative comments/complaints regarding personnel should be heard in Executive Session as provided by Texas Government Code Section 551.074. This will insure the protection of the rights and responsibilities of all persons involved. |
5. Report: Campus and Administrative Reports
6. Discussion: Update on TIA
Darrian Dover
7. Discussion Item: Purchasing 2 used Police Vehicles
Darrian Dover
It was mentioned at our last board meeting that there was an interest in purchasing police vehicles for the QCISD police department. It is estimated that this cost will be around $35,000 for both vehicles with already installed equipment.
8. Discussion Item: - Purchasing 2 new suburbans
Darrian Dover
The district hasn’t purchased a white vehicle since 2019. It is recommended from the Logistics coordinator and the superintendent to purchase 2 suburban’s. The wait time on the vehicles may be significant therefore we would like the authorization to begin our search
9. Discussion Item: Security Fencing
Darrian Dover
The district has been allotted $642,510 to bring our district up to current standards of safety. We have a couple of different ideas about fencing for our High School and Elementary campus’s. Other safety projects will be that will be used with this grant will be exterior door entrances, bulletproof film, and if able exterior door components.
10. Discussion Item: Attendance for Board Governance
Darrian Dover
Registration and Housing will soon open up for the Board Governance Training in Galveston. We need to discuss who will be attending.
The dates are February 28 - March 2, 2024, in Galveston, Texas. Registration opens January 17, and we need to be ready to register on that date. More information can be found at: TASB Governance Camp 2024 |
11. Report: Quarterly Investment Report
Yolanda Hawkins
The Board is required by Legal Board Policy to review the investment report as defined in our local policy. Our policy states it will be reviewed quarterly. This is information only and no action is required.
12. Action Item: Amend Budget for Batting Cage Roof
Yolanda Hawkins
The repair of the batting cage is complete and the budget (F81) needs to be amended to include this repair. The labor, materials, and clean up were $26,700. When all the repairs are made that were itemized on the wind claim, we should get $52K which will offset this.
13. Action Item: Consideration of a School Board Election Calendar and Call for a Joint Election with the City of Queen City/County of Cass
It is time for the Board to adopt its School Board Election Calendar. This year's election will be on the first Saturday in May, which is May 4, 2024. A calendar of dates and events for the May 4, 2024 election for schools is included in your agenda. The City of Queen City and the County of Cass will be entered into a joint election this year, and Queen City ISD will join them, if necessary.
14. Executive Session as provided for by the Texas Government Code Section
551.074 et seq. to Discuss Personnel Discuss Upcoming Projects |
14.A. Superintendent's Evaluation
15. Action Item: Personnel
A. Resignations/Leave B. Hiring/Reassignment Consideration of Superintendent Contract
Susan Childress, MUMS principal, submitted her retirement resignation.
Sharon Young, JKH 2nd grade, submitted her retirement resignation. |
16. Discuss and agree upon a date for the next regular board meeting
17. Action Item: Adjournment