October 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Dusty Wiley
2. INVOCATION: Phillip Hamilton
3. Action Item: Consideration of Consent Agenda
A consent agenda is an item listed on the regular agenda that groups routine items under one agenda heading. This allows the Board to take a unified motion and action on all routine items listed under the consent agenda instead of taking separate votes on each item.
3.A. Approval of Minutes - September 19, 2022
3.B. Approval of Financial Report
4. Comment: Public Comment
At regular meetings, the Board shall allot up to thirty (30) minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up as they arrive, indicating the topics about which they wish to speak.
Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a meeting. At all other times during Board meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed five (5) minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their view before the Board. Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board may not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda. Presentations which include negative comments/complaints regarding personnel should be heard in Executive Session as provided by Texas Government Code Section 551.074. This will insure the protection of the rights and responsibilities of all persons involved. |
5. Report: Campus and Administrative Reports
5.A. JK Hileman Campus Report
5.B. MUMS Campus Report
5.C. QCHS Campus Report
6. Report: Quarterly Investment Report
Yolanda Hawkins
It is expected that the board reviews the investment report each quarter. This is information only and no action is required.
7. Action Item: Consideration of Review/Approval of Investment Policy
Yolanda Hawkins
In accordance with Board Policy, the Board shall review the investment policy and strategies not less than annually and shall document its review in writing. No changes in the policy are recommended at this time. If opportunities surface due to the increase in interest rates that are outside the policy or strategies, the Investment Policy will be readdressed.
8. Action item: Resolution to approve the 2022 Tax Roll
Yolanda Hawkins
In accordance with the State Property Tax Code, 26.09 (e) the Board must adopt a resolution each year approving the tax roll for the said year. At the time of the Agenda release, the roll had not been released from the tax office but it must be approved before the November meeting. If the roll and levy are released before the meeting, it will be submitted for approval.
9. Action Item: Consideration of HVAC project and amendment of budget as needed
Darrian Dover and Clyde Lewis
The 2022-2023 budget included $125,000 for HVAC replacements beyond standard small unit replacements. Mr. Lewis (Bubba) has secured two bids for the replacement of ten units. Five of these units are not functioning and five are 1972 units. The original bid request was for seventeen units but was later revised so the amount would align more closely to our budget. Two of these are at the Elementary and eight are at the High School. The replacement of these ten units will leave approximately nine original units. The lead time for some of these units could be several months so the project needs to be awarded as soon as possible.
10. Action item: Consideration of repair of the Middle School gym floor and stage area and amendment of budget as needed.
Darrian Dover and Clyde Lewis
Elite Refinishers is a TIPS vendor and has submitted a bid to repair the Middle School gym floor as needed and to sand, seal, paint and finish the floor upon completion of the repairs, and sand, seal, and finish the stage and steps. The bids for the floor and stage are $54,466 and the yearly sealing/finishing of the other gyms will also need to be coded to this line item. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $10,000 to cover the stage ($4,750) and the $5,000 yearly floor finishing for the other two gyms.
11. Action Item: Consideration of approval of Roofing Project (High School) and amendment of the budget to include this project.
Darrian Dover and Clyde Lewis
The back section of the High School Building (behind the offices) needs the roof replaced. This issue surfaced during the summer but several solutions were being investigated before the costs could be estimated, so it was not included in the adopted budget. The method used by Parsons on our recent roofing projects does not seem to be a viable solution. The most effective solution with better long-term results appears to be a complete rip-off of the existing two layers to take the roof down to the metal deck and replace the insulation and the complete roof. Mr. Lewis is expecting three companies to submit bids before Monday. These bids will be forwarded to the board as soon as they are received. A rough estimate for this project is $260K-$280K. Mr. Lewis will be available to answer questions and explain the pros/cons of the complete rip-off vs. the removal of one layer.
12. Action Item: Approval of SHAC committee members recommended by Kim Dickey.
A School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a group appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. Members of the SHAC come from different areas of the community and from within the school district. The majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the district. Texas law (Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle F, Chapter 28, Subchapter A, §28.004) requires the establishment of a SHAC for every school district. SHACs are required to meet at least four times each year.
The list of new committee members is attached for approval. |
13. Executive Session as provided for by the Texas Government Code Section
551.074 et seq. to Discuss Personnel |
14. Action Item: Personnel
A. Resignations/Leave B. Hiring/Reassignment |
15. Discuss and agree upon a date for the next regular board meeting
16. Action Item: Adjournment