June 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Dusty Wiley
2. INVOCATION: Mr. Michael Henry
3. Action Item: Consideration of Consent Agenda
A consent agenda is an item listed on the regular agenda that groups routine
items under one agenda heading. This allows the Board to take a unified motion and action on all routine items listed under the consent agenda instead of taking separate votes on each item. Recommendation: It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve this consent agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Monday, June 20, 2021. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes - May 24, 2021
3.B. Approval of Financial Report - May, 2021
3.C. Approval of Tax Report - May 2021
4. Comment: Public Comment
At regular meetings, the Board shall allot up to thirty (30) minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., indicating the topics about which they wish to speak.
Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a meeting. At all other times during Board meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed two (2) minutes. If the total number of speakers seeking to address the Board at a meeting is excessive, the per-speaker time limit may be reduced. Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board may not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda. Recommendation: Presentations which include negative comments/complaints regarding personnel should be heard in Executive Session as provided by Texas Government Code Section 551.074. This will insure the protection of the rights and responsibilities of all persons involved. |
5. Report: Campus and Administrative Reports
5.A. Transportation/Maintenance Reports
5.B. Campus and District Activities
5.C. Student Enrollment
5.D. Staff Development
5.E. Awards and Acknowledgements
6. Discussion: Budget Overview
The item has been placed on the agenda to present the opportunity for a high level budget update for 20-21 and 21-22. Mrs. Hawkins will provide Mr. Dover with as much information as we have available at this time.
Mr. Dover will also give a brief summary of the latest funding source, ESSER II. |
7. Discussion: Hearing on ESSER III Spending Plan
An LEA must engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders and give the public an opportunity to provide input in the development of its use of funds plan for the American Recovery Plan ESSERR III grant.
Mrs. Henderson is available to summarize the ESSA III grant requirements for us of funds, to review the collected stakeholder input and District Site Based Committee Meeting conclusions and to answer questions regarding the use of the funds plan. |
8. Action Item: Consideration of a $1,000 Retention Bonus for employees returning for the 2021-2022 school year and a $250 recruitment bonus to all new employees.
Recommendation: Although the state funding provided to the district has most certainly been impacted by the drop in enrollment, it is recommended that the Board approve giving a $1,000 retention bonus for all employees who elected to stay with the district for the next school year and $250 for all new employees. The bonus was included as a potential in the budget. The pandemic has caused even more stress for employees and work pressure in many ways. Therefore, not paying this bonus does not seem like the best choice to help mitigate our loss of funding.
9. Action Item: Consideration of Pay Increases for Administrative and Office Employees not on a Pay Scale.
Recommendation: These employees were adjusted with the HB3 in 2019, but did not receive an increase in 2020. It is recommended that the Board consider a 2% increase for Administrative and Office personnel not on a pay scale.
10. Action Item: Consideration of approving the EDGAR manual and corresponding revisions to the purchasing guidelines.
Recommendation: The Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) requirements must be reviewed every 5 years. This review resulted in revisions in a few areas of procurement, standardized some terminology, and changed the numbering of the citations. The guidelines are summarized in our EDGAR manual which must be updated by July 1, 2021. The basic citation changes, updates to procurement procedures, and policy revisions have been reviewed and the EDGAR manual updated accordingly. The manual will be a work in process over the next few months to finalize some minor forms and procedures. It is recommended that the Board approve the EDGAR revisions as presented.
11. Action Item: Consideration of approval and budget amendment for summer projects.
Recommendation: Funds have been reallocated as much as possible to allow for summer projects. However, there are some projects that have been deemed necessary that do not have available funds. These are estimates since we do not have quotes on all of these. In order to expedite the process between board meetings, it is recommended that the Board approve this spending and amend the budget as necessary for the following projects:
Function 51:
Function 36:
Function 11:
TOTAL: $48,224 (plus cooler top) (If the estimates are incorrect, the funds may be reallocated among the functions but the spending will be capped at the amount authorized by the board.) |
12. Action Item: Consideration of moving the July Board Meeting to July 29th, 2021.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board move the regular board meeting to Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 6:00pm in order to set a proposed tax rate if the certified value has been provided to the district.
13. Action Item: Pursuant to TEC 25.081, this waiver allows the district to train staff on various educational strategies designed to improve student performance in lieu of a maximum of 2100 minutes of student instruction for districts that provide operational and instructional minutes.
Shannon Henderson
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve this waiver.
14. Action Item: The District Site-Based Committee voted to recommend to the Board the attached 2021-2022 calendar.
Shannon Henderson
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached calendar.
15. Executive Session as provided for by the Texas Government Code Section
551.074 et seq. to Discuss Personnel |
16. Action Item: Personnel
A. Resignations/Leave B. Hiring/Reassignment |
17. Action Item: Adjournment