May 12, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Public Hearing- Revised Budget
Mark Ollerton
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll call of Members
Board President
V. Statement of Welcome
VI. Call to the Public (Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. Before you speak, identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, please complete a Public Participation Form listing the agenda item by number and title that you would like to discuss. Give the form to the Board Secretary and the Board President will call upon you at the appropriate time. Action taken as a result of public comments or requests regarding items not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing the staff to study the matter or reschedule the matter for further consideration at a future Board meeting.
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent
Hollis Merrell
VII.A.1. District Report
Honor Retirees
Sylvia Pember 17 Years Luanna Hatch 33.5 Years |
VIII. Approval of Agenda Order
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Personnel - The Board may vote to discuss the matters under Personnel. Mr. Merrell in Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. '38-431.03(A)(1), Personnel.
IX.A.1. New Employees
IX.A.1.a. Ashley Raban - Varsity Cheer Coach
IX.A.1.b. Mindy Caldwell - Varsity Assistant Cheer Coach
IX.A.1.c. Holly Collette- Montierth - Snowflake Intermediate 5th Grade Teacher
IX.A.1.d. Larry Yarn - Snowflake High School JV Girl's Soccer Coach
IX.A.1.e. Todd Peterson - District Maintenance/ Facilities Director
IX.A.1.f. Norla Lovingood - Transfer from Kindergarten to Title I Kindergarten
IX.A.1.g. Snowflake High SchoolGirl's Basketball Coaches
Varsity Coach - Mike Brogan Varsity Assistant - Lisa Nichols JV - Amber Reidhead Frosh - Nikki Penrod |
IX.A.1.h. Snowflake High School JV and Freshman Boys Basketball Coaches
Varsity Assistant - Jared Robinson JV - Gavin Russell Frosh - Matt Smith |
IX.A.1.i. Chris Schahn - Snowflake High School Science Teacher
IX.A.1.j. Robin Christensen- Snowflake High School Math Teacher
IX.A.1.k. Josh Dewitt - Snowflake High School Chemistry Teacher
IX.A.1.l. Billie Jo Starks - Snowflake Junior High Health Tech
IX.A.2. Resignation
IX.A.2.a. Bud Isaacs - Snowflake Junior High English Language Teacher
IX.A.2.b. Darren Perkins - Snowflake District Maintenance Supervisor
IX.A.2.c. Heather Perkins- Media Tech
IX.A.2.d. Janelle Moore- Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
IX.A.2.e. Jashlee Schneider - Snowflake Junior High Instructional Aide
IX.A.2.f. Kim Scott - Snowflake Intermediate 5th Grade Teacher
IX.A.2.g. Seth Williams - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
IX.A.2.h. Taelyn McCray - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide
IX.A.2.i. Brynn Steiner - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
IX.A.2.j. Aaron Huish- Snowflake High School Softball Varsity Coach
IX.A.3. Transfer
IX.A.3.a. Autumn Martin- Transfer from Copy Center aide to Media Tech
IX.A.3.b. Nicole Golden - Transfer from Instructional Aide to Highland Primary Secretary
IX.A.3.c. Rachel Owen - Transfer from Self Contained to Sped
IX.A.3.d. Gabi Little and Mary Sundby - Transfer from Taylor Elementary to Snowflake Intermediate
IX.A.3.e. MariannE Crow - Transfer from JH custodian to SHS Custodian
IX.B. Financial
The Following financials are being submitted for the Board's approval
IX.C. Minutes
The Following minutes are being submitted for the Board's approval
IX.D. Snowflake Junior High Fees FY 22-23
IX.E. Snowflake Intermediate Student Council Fundraiser
On-line sales FY22-23 Selling Caramels FY 22-23 |
IX.F. Taylor Elementary Retention List
IX.G. Snowflake High School Fees Fy 22-23
IX.H. Early Graduation
IX.I. Maintenance Addendum
Hollis Merrell
X. General Functions
X.A. FY 2022-23 Southwest Food Service
Mark Ollerton
X.B. 2022-2023 Special Education Classroom Capacity
Hollis Merrell
X.C. Out of State Travel for Snowflake High School
Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Volleyball
Hollis Merrell
X.D. Snowflake Unified School District Approved Hearing Officers
X.E. Proposal for Jennifer Beecrofts position for CTE
Hollis Merrell
X.F. Occupational Therapy Service FY 22-23
Hollis Merrell
X.G. Revised Budget
Mark Ollerton
X.H. Snowflake Intergovernmental Agreement with NAVIT FY 22-23
Hollis Merrell
X.I. Nationals - Skills and FLBA out of state travel
Hollis Merrell
X.J. Transportation Contract Renewal
Mark Ollerton
X.K. Superintendent's Performance/ Contract
(The Board may vote to discuss this item in Executive Session Pursuant to A.R.s.§38.431.03 (A)(1), Personnel.)
Board Members
XI. Adjournment