April 12, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Minutes | ||
I. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Dirk O'Hara.
III. Special Agenda Items
Presented by Dr. Nick Migliorino
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
III.A. Certification of Election for Office 1
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The results of the election for School Board Member for Office 1 were presented.
III.B. Election of Board of Education President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The first meeting following the annual election is the appropriate time for the reorganization of the Board and the election of the President who shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until a successor is elected and qualified.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
III.C. Election of Board of Education Vice President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The first meeting following the annual election is the appropriate time for the reorganization of the Board and the election of the Vice President who shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until a successor is elected and qualified.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
III.D. Board Election of District Staff Required by the Oklahoma State Law
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The first meeting following the annual election is the appropriate time for the election of the following:
Clerk of the Board - Cathy Sasser First Deputy Clerk of the Board - Natalie Eckert Second Deputy Clerk of the Board - Jill Eidson Minute Clerk - Cathy Sasser First Deputy Minute Clerk - Natalie Eckert Second Deputy Minute Clerk - Jill Eidson Encumbrance Clerk- Sharla Bruehl Deputy Encumbrance Clerk- Cameron Cox Treasurer- Brenda Burkett Deputy Treasurer- Janine Warren
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV. Awards Presentations
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
IV.A. Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence - Academic All-State
Presented by Dr. Scott Beck, NHS Principal David Jackson and NNHS Principal Dr. Kristi Gray
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence has announced the recipients of the prestigious 2020 Academic All-State Awards. These 100 top public high school seniors from across the State of Oklahoma are selected based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities and community involvement, as well as letters of recommendation and an essay submitted by each nominee.
IV.B. National Merit Scholarship Finalists
Presented by Dr. Scott Beck, NHS Principal David Jackson and NNHS Principal Dr. Kristi Gray
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Over 1.5 million juniors in about 21,000 high schools entered the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2019 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. Becoming a finalist places students in an elite group representing less than 1% of graduating seniors nationwide.
IV.C. DECA State Conference - Norman North High School
Presented by Dr. Scott Beck, Principal Dr. Kristi Gray, DECA Sponsor Jamie Wilson
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Julia Clift - DECA Statesman Award
Mackenzie Bolino - Elected as Vice President of Oklahoma DECA
Grace Qi - Elected as the President of Oklahoma DECA
1st Place Winners Mackenzie Bolino - Human Resources Management
Mackenzie Bolino - International Business Plan
Grace Qi - Food Marketing Series
Gabby Garcia & Selene Regalado - Hospitality Services Team
Ava Wheeler & Natalie Pennell - Community Giving Project
Brooklyn Rhodes & Madeline Yates - Sales Project (over The North Place)
2nd Place Winner
Anna Schulz - Quick Service Restaurant Management Series
3rd Place Winners
Cooper McGuire & Dylan Carlson - Business Law and Ethics Team
Reagan Sexton - Hotel & Lodging Management
Parker Seybolt - Individual Entrepreneurship Series
Shelby Chase - Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series
6th place - Jed Files - Food Marketing Series
6th place - Julia Clift - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series
6th place - Wyatt Kelly - Marketing Communication Series
7th place - Brady Fisher - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series
8th place - Jesse Flores - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series
IV.D. DECA State Conference - Norman High School
Presented by Dr. Scott Beck, Principal David Jackson, DECA Sponsor Holly Austin
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
4th Place Winner
Kaia Smith - Hotel and Lodging Management Series
7th Place Winners
Mable Hu - Restaurant and Food Service Management Series
Lilly Boehm - Retail Merchandising Series |
IV.E. Nationwide Winner of the 2020 Tynker Holiday Code Jam - Mololuwa Adebusoye
Presented by Dr. Scott Beck, Irving Middle School Principal Jonathan Atchley
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mololuwa Adebusoye, Irving Middle School 7th grader, was recently named one of ten nationwide winners of the 2020 Tynker Holiday Code Jam for her game Astrixx. Tynker, an online programming curriculum, hosted the 2020 Holiday Code Jam and students were asked to create a program following one of six prompts. Entries were judged on originality, creativity, advanced coding, and following the theme. Over 12,000 submissions were judged as a part of the contest, and ten winners were selected from those submissions. Mololuwa was awarded a trophy, t-shirt, and cash prize by Principal Jonathan Atchley and Gateway Computer Science teacher Deidra Martin.
IV.F. Recognition of the Finalists for the 2021 Lois K. Annesley Support Employee of the Year
Presented by Holly Nevels
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Central Services - Johnny Finley
District Support Person - Angela Beyer Health Services - Mollee Speichinger School Site Support Person - Lolita Castro De Webb Technology Services - Mikal Eddlemon Transportation - Tricia Schertler |
IV.G. 2021 Special Education Teacher of the Year
Presented by Gayla Mears
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Elizabeth Briley, Truman Primary
IV.H. Recognition of the Finalists for the 2021 Rookie Teacher of the Year
Presented by Beth Albert
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The Rookie Teacher of the Year Award is given to a first year teacher who exemplifies excellence and innovation in teaching. One of these three will be named as the Norman Public School Rookie Teacher of the Year in April.
Connor Jackson, Cleveland Elementary, 2nd Grade
Carly Williamson, Eisenhower Elementary, 5th Grade
Morgan Dragg, Monroe Elementary, 1st Grade
IV.I. Recognition of the Finalists for the 2021 District Teacher of the Year
Presented by Beth Albert
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The District Staff Development Committee announces five finalists for Teacher of the Year for 2021. One of the finalists will be named Norman Public Schools’ District Teacher of the Year at the Celebration of Excellence to be held in April.
Erin Carpenter- McKinley Elementary, K & 2nd Grade Virtual Meredith Ziegler- Roosevelt Elementary, Music Juan Renteria- Truman Elementary, 5th Grade Kathy Outlaw- Alcott Middle School, 8th Grade ELA Stephanie Young- Longfellow Middle School, SPED/ELA |
V. Public Communications
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Julianna Kershen spoke on enrollment, technology and Covid 19 Relief funds.
VI. Disposition of Routine Business by Consent Action
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VI.A. Purchase Orders (Encumbrances and/or bills to be paid for fiscal year 2020-2021)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Purchase Orders #21005506 - #21006335
General Fund- $1,901,648.86 Building Fund- $350,000.00 Child Nutrition Fund- $0 Bond Funds- $138,220.35 Sinking Funds- $0 Trust Funds- $36,000.00 School Activity Fund- $138,081.56
VI.B. Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on March 8, 2021
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
VI.C. Purchase Requests
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Installation of cabling for the new school shelter addition at Washington from Wade Electric in the amount of $26,314.00.
2. Zero Turn Stand-on Blower from Metro Turf OPE to be used by Maintenance in the amount of $10,240.00. 3. Three Arctic LD10.5 Sectional Snow Pushers from Equipmentshare.com to be used by Maintenance in the amount of $25,800.00. 4. Tabletop touch screen for the conference room to be installed at Administrative Services from Video Reality in the amount of $14,154.00. 5. Audio Visual equipment and control system to be installed at Dimensions from Video Reality in the amount of $28,974.64. 6. Audio Visual and Streaming equipment to be installed in the Board of Education Room at Administrative Services Center from Video Reality in the amount of $143,570.00. 7. Audio Visual and Streaming equipment, Podium equipment, and Digital Signage to be installed at the Performing Arts Center from Video Reality in the amount of $203,893.73. 8. (3) School Buses for the District from Midwest Bus Sales Inc in the amount of $311,970.00. 9. (2) DTEN All-In-One Video Conference Room Systems for Norman North High School from CDW in the amount of $15,810.00. 10. Firewall Network Security for the District from United Systems Inc in the amount of $183,174.78. 11. Cisco telephones, integrated service routers and their installation for the District from United Systems Inc in the amount of $958,876.96. 12. Installation of cabling for the new school shelter addition at Lakeview from Wade Electric in the amount of $14,380.00. 13. Installation of cabling for school media center at Washington from Wade Electric in the amount of $10,760.00. 14. Installation of cabling, breakers, and intermediate distribution frame baskets at Norman North from Wade Electric in the amount of $20,350.00. 15. License for Rapid Identity for district wide use from CDW in the amount of $23,999.24. 16. License for E-Hall Pass for Alcott, Irving, Longfellow, Whittier, Norman High, and Norman North from Eduspire Solutions in the amount of $12,000.00. 17. Filewave Site License for the district from Filewave in the amount of $66,000.00. 18. Infinite Campus License Annual Maintenance for district wide use from Infinite Campus in the amount of $192,975.66. 19. Microsoft Licensing and Software Maintenance from Shi International Corp in the amount of $97,800.00. 20. Renew service of "MIFI" Hotspot Contract from Verizon Wireless in the amount of $60,000.00. 21. Prime-Time Modular Recreation Equipment to be Furnished and Installed at Lincoln Elementary from GameTime-Cunningham Recreation in the amount of $230,983.13.
VI.D. Treasurer's Report for the period through March 31, 2021
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
VI.E. Investment Report (presented for information only)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Lease Revenue Funds
2. Bank of Oklahoma Funds |
VI.F. Certified Personnel Report and Recommendations - See Attachment "A" (posted with the agenda)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Attached to the posted agenda and these minutes as Attachment A.
VI.G. Support Personnel Report and Recommendations - See Attachment "B" (posted with the agenda)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Attached to the posted agenda and these minutes as Attachment B.
VI.H. 2020-21 Agreements and 2021-22 Agreements and Renewals
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Agreement for event planning services with Factor 110 for the 2020-2021 Graduation Ceremonies.
2. Agreement between Oklahoma School Pictures and Norman Public Schools for all district photography services. |
VI.H.2. BUSINESS SERVICES (Brenda Burkett)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Consent Form from Ohiopyle Prints Inc. for Sale of Product
2. Consent Form from Pel Industries, Inc. for Sale of Product at Local Retailers
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Barlow Education Management Services, LLC Agreement for Contract Negotiation Services
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. FY 21-22 Product and Services Agreement with AVID Center
2. Peachjar contract for Unlimited Use Service for Automated Email Distribution of Flyers via School-Specific Web Pages |
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Ratify Continuing lease purchase agreement to Apple for the purchase of computer hardware.
2. Agreement between Norman Public Schools and Instructure for district wide subscription 3. 2021-2022 Master Asset Disposal Service Agreement with CDR (Computer Dealers & Recyclers) Global, Inc. - an agreement for the efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly disposal of our existing legacy hardware (computers, cameras, printers, etc.) as it reaches the end of useful life 4. Ratify Contract with Digi Security Systems for Installation and Maintenance of Security Items 5. Agreement with Gaggle.net, Inc. for Gaggle Safety Management for Google email and drive for all student’s district wide 6. Incident IQ End User License agreement to the Incident IQ Equipment tracking and work order software maintenance 7. Ratify Infosystems contract for hosting solution for AS400 hardware. 8. Ratify Master Services Agreement with Kellogg & Sovereign® Consulting, LLC - renewal of an agreement to provide management services to assist with the E-Rate program filing and compliance and the OUSF (Oklahoma Universal Services Fund) program compliance and documentation a. Fee Schedule for Professional E-Rate Management & OUSF Compliance Services b. E-Rate Letter of Agency 2021-22 9. Ratify Agreement with Pinnacle PrinterLogic for Printer Administration Solutions District Wide 10. Ratify Agreement with Pinnacle for Anti-Virus Software for District Wide Use 11. Agreement between Norman Public Schools and Seesaw for district wide subscription 12. United Systems, Inc. Content Filter Software Subscription Agreement 13. United Systems, Inc. Managed Firewall and Security Software Subscription Agreement 14. United Systems for SmartNet for District Wide 15. United Systems for maintenance of intercom service over network - Singlewire 16. United Systems, Inc. Dell Switch Support Renewal 17. Ratify Contract with Wade Electric for Electrical Services for District Wide Use 18. Ratify Contract with Wade Electric for Network Cabling for District Wide Use 19. R.K. Black Docuware Cloud Solution Service for Users and Storage 20. R.K. Black Docuware Additional Workflow User Licenses 21. Visitor Management Software License Renewal from School Safe ID for District Wide use 22. United Systems Aruba Mobility Master Virtual License renewal for district wide use 23. Ratify Agreement with Verizon 24. United Systems Fusion 5 year license for District wide use 25. Lease and Maintenance Contract with Ricoh of the Americas for the Print shop multi-function device both color and black & white. 26. Amended Contract with Cox Oklahoma Telecom - Approve Agreement for E-Rate 2021-2022 Year for Wide Area Network (WAN) Services - Data Renewal. RFP #2020004, FCC Form 470 #200000671
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Contract for Interpretation Services with Equal Access Interpreting, LLC
2. Addendum to Agreement for Education Services between Norman Public Schools and Office of Juvenile Affairs - Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support, and Education (PROMISE), between the district and OJA offering education opportunities for youth within OJA through collaboration. 3. Agreement for Collaboration with Central Oklahoma Community Mental Health Center (COCMHC) 4. Speech-Language Pathology Therapy and Evaluation Contract - Vicki Trent 5. Speech-Language Services Contract - Meredith Westmoreland 6. Agreement for Behavioral Consultation and Evaluation Services with Nicolle Carr 7. Agreement for Educational Services with Buffalo Canyon/Southern Plains Treatment Services, Inc. 8. Agreement for Educational Services with CBH of Norman Operating, LLC - Red River Youth Academy 9. Agreement for Educational Services with J. D. McCarty Center 10. Agreement for Educational Services with Community Works, LLC at Cleveland County Regional Juvenile Detention Center 11. Agreement for Educational Services with Crossroads Youth & Family Services, Inc. at the Emergency Juvenile Shelter 12. Agreement for Educational Services with Central Oklahoma Youth Services Company, LLC (COYSCO) 13. Agreement for Educational Services with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substances Abuse Services at the Children’s Recovery Center (CRC) 14. Agreement for Positive Behavioral Support Consultation Between Norman Public Schools and Albert Felts and Mary Margaret Salls 15. Agreement for Educational Services with the County Sheriff of Cleveland County, Oklahoma (F. Dwayne Beggs Detention Center) 16. Special Services Agreement with Crossroads Youth & Family Services, Inc. Head Start/Early Head Start 17. Agreement with the State of Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) Project SearchTM for Transition Work Adjustment Training, Placement, and Employment. 18. Vision Related Services Agreement between New Vision and Norman Public Schools 19. Agreement for Instructional and Tech Support for a Visually Impaired Special Education Student(s) Between Norman Public Schools and TechVision LLC
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Operational Services
1. Agreement Between Norman Public Schools and the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office for a School Resource Officer at Dimensions Academy Facilities Management 1. Agreement for Pest Management Services with Schendel Pest Services LLC 2. Clifford Power Planned Maintenance Agreement 3. Panco Maintenance Agreement for the Syntronix Control System 4. Technical Environmental Consulting and Analysis, Inc. (TEC-AN, Inc.) for an Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program 5. Firetrol Protection Systems Inspection Agreement to provide the semi-annual and annual maintenance and service for Norman Public Schools 6. MSDSonline Subscription 7. Allied Elevator Services Inc. 8. Schindler Inspection Elevator Corporation 9. Burgess Solutions 10. Won-Door Corporation Fire Door Maintenance and Testing Agreement 11. Medley Maintenance Agreement 12. Rental Agreement between Norman Public Schools and Artesian Bottleless Water 13. Agreement with CLEAN The Uniform Company Oklahoma for the Central Services Department Transportation Services 1. Agreement with CLEAN The Uniform Company Oklahoma for Transportation Services Department 2. Transportation Agreement between Norman Public Schools and Cleveland County YMCA 3. Hosted License Agreement with Transfinder & Statement of Work 4. Agreement with Compliance Resource Group for Employee Drug Testing 5. Zonar Terms & License Agreement For Hardware Use, Data Transmission, & Data Storage Services Warehouse Operations 1. Agreement between FP Mailing Solutions/RK Black, Inc. and Norman Public Schools for Mailing Processor Alternative and Virtual Education 1. Agreement for Educational Services with Crossroads Youth and Family Services, Inc. and Junior League of Norman, Inc. at Baby Steps 2. Agreement between Norman Public Schools (ExpandED) and Edgenuity, Inc. for internet-based learning management software as a service
VI.I. Activity Fund Raising Reports with Proposed Events
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Irving Middle School - Principal
2. Lakeview Elementry School - Student Council
VI.J. Transfers for Nonresident Students (Open Transfer Policy)
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
1. Elementary Numbered E021-E024 (due to confidentiality names of students are not listed)
2. Secondary Numbered S019-S023 (due to confidentiality names of students are not listed) |
VII. Additional Agenda Items
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
VII.A. Motion, discussion and vote to authorize or not to authorize the school district’s attorney, in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools, to initiate legal action against the Oklahoma State Board of Education (“Board”) to address the equalization of funding as set forth in the Board’s Resolution approved at the Board’s special meeting on March 25, 2021.
Presented by Dr. Nick Migliorino
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VII.B. District Professional Learning Survey Report
Presented by Beth Albert
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
An electronic survey was sent to all Norman Public School employees. The survey not only met a federal program requirement to conduct an annual needs assessment but also identified district professional learning needs. Results of the survey will be used to plan site and district professional learning for the upcoming year.
VII.C. Indian Education Update
Presented by Lucyann Harjo, Indian Education Coordinator
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VII.D. Summer Programs Overview
Presented by Holly McKinney
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VII.E. 2021-2022 School Calendar / 180 Days or 1080 Hours
Presented by Holly Nevels
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
During the 2009 Legislative Session, House Bill 1864 was passed regarding length of the school year. This Bill provided language giving school districts the option to operate the school calendar by indicating number of days or hours. The options provided were the current minimum 180 day calendar or a minimum of 1080 hours. According to Oklahoma State Law, the Board of Education must declare the calendar method no later than September 15.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VII.F. Proposed Increase in Meal Prices beginning with the 2021-2022 School Year
Presented by Brenda Burkett
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Legal compliance with action required to alter school lunch pricing. The Board will be requested to approve a $.10 price increase for school lunches for 2021-22.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VIII. New Business: New business refers to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. Okla. Stat. tit. 25 § 311(A)(9).
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
There was no new business presented at this meeting.
IX. Administrative Staff Reports
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Dr. Nick Migliorino gave an overview and recognized achievements for the following:
-Oklahoma State Board of Education legal action -Celebration of Excellence -Athletics and Fine Arts Events -Norman Public Schools Health Department will be providing vaccinations at both high schools. |
X. Board of Education Reports
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Dirk O'Hara made comments on the election for School Board Office 1.
Dr. Dan Snell announced that he has nominated Dirk O'Hara for All-State School Board. |
XI. Vote to go into executive session to discuss:
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
A. The Superintendent’s contract for the term commencing on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2024, and return to open session and vote to approve or disapprove the Superintendent’s contract for the term commencing on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2024. Executive session authority: 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) and (7)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XII. Vote to Return to Open Session
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XIII. Statement of the Executive Session Minutes
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Dan Snell stated that the Board convened in executive session, pursuant to Executive Session authority-25 Okla. Stat. §307(B)(1) and (7) to discuss the Superintendent’s contract for the term commencing on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2024. The Board was joined in executive session by Superintendent Dr. Nick Migliorino. No other matters were discussed and no votes were taken while in this closed session. This concludes the minutes of the executive session.
XIV. Consideration and vote to approve the Superintendent's contract for the term commencing on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2024
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.