September 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. 6:00 PM Call to Order/Notice of Meeting/Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consideration to Suspend Regular Session and Convene Closed Session for the Purpose of WI § 19.85 (1)(e) in deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.
3.a. Roll Call
3.b. Approval of Closed Minutes August 11, 2020
3.c. Consideration of Alternative Learning Center Lease
3.d. Adjourn Closed Session
3.e. Convene Regular Session
4. Possible Action on Recommendation(s) from Closed Session
5. Citizens’ Requests to Speak/Address the Board (Max. of 3 min. Items must be germane to the agenda. Because this is a virtual meeting via Zoom, no in-person comments will be permitted. Any written comment must be submitted by email to by NOON on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Such comments will be provided to the Board of Education for consideration and review.)
6. Board of Education Member Update
7. Information
7.a. CESA Report
Mr. James Beistle
7.b. District Administrator's Report
Mr. Brandon Robinson
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Approval of Minutes, August 11, 2020
8.b. Approval of Elementary/Middle School/High School Activity Accounts
8.c. Approval of Vouchers
8.d. Financial Report
Ms. Kara Holden
8.e. Personnel
8.e.1) Consideration and Approval of Various Resignations, including but not limited to:
8.e.2) Consideration and Approval of Various Hires, including but not limited to: |
9. Action Agenda
9.a. Consideration and Approval of the DPI Flexibility Framework for 2020-2021
Mr. Brandon Robinson
9.b. Consideration and possible action to approve leasing of space at 1001 State Highway 35 for an Alternative Learning Center, to authorize the Superintendent to negotiate the final lease terms, and to authorize the Superintendent to sign the lease on behalf of the District.
Mr. Brandon Robinson
9.c. Consideration and Approval of the following Board Policies: 154, 455.2
Mr. Brandon Robinson
10. Adjourn
11. Citizens’ Requests to Speak/Address the Board (Max. of 3 min. Items must be germane to the agenda. Because this is a virtual meeting via Zoom, no in-person comments will be permitted. Any written comment must be submitted by email to by NOON on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Such comments will be provided to the Board of Education for consideration and review.)
12. Consideration and Approval of Various Resignations, including but not limited to:
13. Consideration and Approval of Various Hires, including but not limited to: |
14. Consideration and Approval of the DPI Flexibility Framework for 2020-2021
Mr. Brandon Robinson
15. Consideration and Approval of the following Board Policies: 154, 455.2
Mr. Brandon Robinson