May 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1) Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum
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2) Invocation
Madison Carson led the Invocation.
3) Pledge of Allegiance
Shelby Sawyer led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Public Comments/Open Forum: BED(LOCAL)
The board recognized GT students, TAFE students, and the valedictorian, Lucero Osornio. The salutatorian, Rylee Jo Krotky, was not present for the meeting.
5) Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section (551.071), (551,072), (551.074), (551.087).
The board went into executive session at 8:32 pm and reconvened at 8:45 pm.
6) Board to reconvene into open session.
7) Consent Agenda: All items(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these items(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
7)a. District Investments Reports/ Financial Reports/Budget Amendments
7)b. Read and approve board minutes:
7)c. Consider TASB Policy DC (LOCAL).
7)d. Consider giving Shelly Slaughter hiring authority over summer months.
8) Administrative Reports
8)a. Elementary Principal / Transportation
Mr. Wicks reported a current enrollment of 203, with an ADA of 95.10%.
8)b. High School Principal
Mrs. George reported a current enrollment of 219 with a current ADA of 95.5%.
8)c. Police Department Report / Maintenance
There was no police department/maintenance department report.
8)d. Technology Report
Jeremy Bain presented the technology report.
8)e. Athletic Director Report
There was no athletic report.
8)f. Business Manager Report
Brenda Salinas reported the district had realized 75.6% of our estimated revenue and expended 64.4% of budgeted expenditures.
8)g. Superintendent Report
Mrs. Slaughter presented the superintendent's report. She reported on board training and planning, professional development, faculty and staff updates, student updates, and committee updates. She also discussed assessments and curriculum, facilities, and safety and security.
9) Discussion Items:
9)a. Julianna Osornio with district SHAC Report.
Julianna Osornio, school nurse, presented the annual SHAC report.
9)b. Board training hours review.
The board reviewed their current training hours.
9)c. Discussion of Master's program.
Donna George presented a plan for master's program for current faculty.
10) Action Items: The board will consider, discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items:
10)a. Consider and possible action to approve and adopt an order canvassing the election returns for the May 1, 2021 Bond Election.
10)b. Consider extension on bank depository contract.
10)c. Consider audit contract with Morgan, Davis & Company, PC for the 2021-2022 school year.
10)d. Consider adding community members to committee for recommendations for dress code for 2021-2022.
Motion died on the floor.
10)e. Consider textbook certification.
10)f. Discuss and consider AIA Contract B-101 from Goodwin Lassiter Strong (GLS)Discuss and consider AIA Contract B-101 from Goodwin Lassiter Strong (GLS) for the scope of these services to include work pertaining to the design and documents for the new High School, Jr. High Renovations, Elementary Renovations and Misc. campus improvements as approved in the 2021 Bond Election.
11) Future agenda items.
preliminary budget workshop, school lunch prices, handbooks
12) Adjourn:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 pm.