December 18, 2014 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1) Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum.
2) Invocation
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Public Comments/Open Forum: BED (LOCAL)
5) Awards and Recognitions:
6) CONSENT AGENDA: All item(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these item(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
6)a. Read and approve minutes of previous meetings:
6)b. District investment Report/Financial Reports/Budget Amendments
7) Administrative Reports
7)a. Elementary Report
7)b. High School Report
7)c. Athletic Director Report
7)d. Business Manager Report
7)e. Superintendent Report
8) Action Items- The board will consider, discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items:
8)a. Consider Policy Update 101, affecting (LOCAL) policies (see attached list).
8)b. Review school board continuing education credit hours, 2014.
8)c. Consider order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Cumby Independent School District unlimited tax refunding bonds, series 2015; and containing other matters related thereto.
8)d. Consider reducing the sale price of the Tarrant Street Lot.
8)e. Consider options for district transportation needs.
8)f. Discuss lighting for new gym and parking lot.
8)g. Discuss new awning installation and adding to pre-existing awnings.
8)h. Consider 2014-2015 TASB Superintendent Evalution Instrument, distribute the form and set the timeline for completion and return to board president.
8)i. Consider committing for $450,000 of fund balance for retirement of loans.
8)j. Senior Class of 2015 to discuss senior trip.
9) Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section (.072), (.074),), (.082).
9)a. Personnel (551.074)
9)b. Facilities (551.072)
9)c. Student Discipline (551.082)
10) Board to reconvene for action relative to items covered during executive session
10)a. Consider hiring teacher on probationary contract, subject to assignment, as presented.
11) Future agenda items
12) Adjourn