August 9, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Roll Call
II. Consent Agenda - Mr. Jurowski
Consent agenda items are routine items that the Board approves without discussion. Board members may remove items from the consent agenda for further discussion, or to vote differently on that particular item.
II.A. Agenda
The Board will approve or revise the agenda for the meeting.
II.B. Bills for Payment
Bills for payment include all invoices that are currently due by the district.
II.C. Minutes
The Board will be asked to approve the minutes as listed. Minutes are typically posted on the website once a month.
II.D. Staffing - New Hires, Resignations, Retirements, Revised FTE
Board members routinely approve various staffing items on the consent agenda. Staffing decisions that have a large scale impact and need more discussion are listed on a different part of the agenda, as appropriate.
II.E. 66.03.01 Cooperative Agreements Approval
Agreements that the district has with other districts will be approved by the School Board.
III. Information/Discussion/Possible Action
III.A. Capital Effectiveness - Mr. Vega
III.A.1. 2023-24 Preliminary Budget Approval
The Board will be asked to approve the preliminary budget and review the annual meeting documents in preparation for the annual meeting on September 6.
IV. Superintendent’s Report
The Superintendent or designee will provide the Board with informational items related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
V. Adjournment
VI. Summer Summit Social at the Bucyrus Club
Please note that Board members may be attending the Summer Summit Social at the Bucyrus Club at 1919 12th Avenue in South Milwaukee. No governmental business will be conducted at the social.
VII. Non-Discrimination Statement
The Board recognizes the importance of assuring that all educational programs, including vocational and technical education/school-to-work programs, are available to all students without regard for gender, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Additionally, the District is committed to provide equal employment opportunities for all District employees and applicants and to provide a learning and working environment free of discrimination.