November 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Meeting Overview 11-16-20
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Special Business
3.A. The Board will consider action to canvass the election returns for the November 3, 2020 school board election.
3.B. Consideration and possible action regarding Board reorganization and election of officers.
4. Open Forum/Communications/Presentations
Honoring of Mrs. Michelle McBride for her service to the Prosper ISD Board of Trustees Swearing in of newly elected Board Member Mrs. Dena Dixon Swearing in of Board Member Debra Smith
5.A. Approve the minutes of the prior meeting(s)
5.B. PISD Enrollment Information
5.C. Construction Update
5.D. District Reports (Student Outcomes Library Services)
5.E. Class size waivers
7.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of the Financial/Investment/Tax Report for October, 2020.
7.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of budget amendments.
7.C. Consideration and possible action on approval of the 2020 Tax Roll Summary for the Prosper Independent School District as provided by the Tax Assessor Collector, Kenneth Maun.
7.D. Consideration and possible action to assign committed fund balance amounts resulting from the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
7.E. Consideration and possible action on approval to purchase refresh equipment for existing school campuses.
7.F. Consideration and possible action on approval to purchase new technology equipment for elementary #13 and #14.
7.G. Consideration and possible action regarding potential future school sites, the purchasing of land and site-related infrastructure costs, and naming of district facilities.*551.072 / 551.073
9.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of any professional /contract personnel to be employed and status of current professional personnel.*551.074
9.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of resignations received.*551.074
9.C. Consideration and possible action on Level III Grievance
10.A. Important Dates:
10.A.1. November 23-27 Fall Break/Thanksgiving
10.A.2. December 14, 2020 Regular Monthly Meeting at 7:00 pm
10.A.3. December 18, 2020 EARLY RELEASE - Last Day of the First Semester