August 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
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2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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3. Guests
3.1. Mark Bowder, Builder's Foundation
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
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4.2. Claims
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4.3. Activity
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5. Action Items
5.1. Discuss, consider, and make a motion and a second to approve the proposal from Pro-Maxima Systems for weight equipment
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6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent
Mr. Hoesing discussed staffing at school. All positions are filled and we have our first week in the books with good enrollment. He also discussed the upcoming budget workshop, the September board meeting and budget document due dates.
6.2. Principal
Mr. Anderson discussed inservice week and welcomed our 5 new teachers and 5 new classified staff. He also discussed new students and enrollment numbers. Overall up 3 students from last year with an enrollment number of 200 in K-12th grade, mostly gained in the elementary. We held middle school orientation, showed students their schedules and had a great turnout with students and parents to prepare for the year. He also discussed WHIP for seniors and juniors, dual credit classes and helping kids prepare for their career pathways with challenges we face as a small school but our staff does a wonderful job of getting creative and working out the details.
6.3. Activities Director
Mr. Conn was at a volleyball game and not present to give the AD report. Report was presented to board by Mr. Anderson.
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Insurance for Laptops
Mr. Hoesing discussed insurance for laptops. He did some research and had a conversation with Russ Koehler to get information on costs, suggestions, policy information.
7.2. Strategic Planning/Budget workshop
Mr. Hoesing discussed the upcoming stratgic planning/budget workshop. Information given on date and time to the board. It will be held September 18th at 6pm.
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn
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