November 18, 2019 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:03pm.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
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2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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3. Guests
Guests present were Jeff Jones with EMC of Milbank, SD, Russ Koehler, Chris Carlson, Bob Evans, Greg Conn, Adrian Alonzo, Brandon Kirby and Cheryl Kleinschmit.
4. Action Items
4.1. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to declare for 6-man football for the 2020 and 2021 football seasons.
The student survey from grades 7-11 was provided by Mr. Hoesing to the Board, 26 responses were received. 65.4% responded in favor of 8 man, 11.5% responded in favor of 6 man, 19.2% responded as no preference and 1 student responded as they doubt they will go out for football next year regardless of classification. Mark Dawson thanked Coach Alonzo and Chris Carlson for the information they provided. He wanted to know if the intent is to only play with 8-10 kids at JV level 8 man. Alonzo stated, yes they would need at least 8, preferably 10 players at the JV level. He said a player can take part in no more than 8 quarters of football per calendar week, so players would have to be rotated from JV and Varsity schedules. Alonzo stated there are currently 32 6 man teams in Nebraska. Many schools are dealing with the same issue we are at this time. 14-15 football players tentatively will go out for football next year. Otto Woockman's concern is if we go to 6 man if we will lose those players in favor of 8 man football. Alonzo stressed his concern with safety for these kids by playing 8 man and if we chose 6 man it would only be a 2 year cycle. Chris Carlson stated he wants his son to play football and wants to see Wausa High School try harder to get more students out for football. He wants to see the number of participants as high as our 1 Act participation. Coach Alonzo stated he would love to have the numbers other activities have.
The motion to declarefor 6-man football for the 2020-21 football seasons died due to lack of a motion or second. |
4.2. Discuss, Consider, and make a motion to approve of the Contract of Mr. Shane Anderson as principal for the 2020-21 school year.
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4.3. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to approve the purchase of a score table for the gymnasium.
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Shelbey West with the Wausa Youth League approached the school about donating $8000 toward a score table for our Gymnasium. Chris Carlson with Whitetails Unlimited stated they would be willing to donate for the remaining cost of the score table.
4.4. Discuss, consider and make a motion to approve change orders submitted by Boyd Jones Construction.
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5. Discussion Items
5.1. Skills USA Presentation
Mr. Bob Evans provided the Board with information about Skills USA. It is a program students can join that has something for everyone based on their interest and talents, like baking, welding, mechanical, cosmetology, robotics, etc. It helps students develop the skills needed for these trades. There are Local, Regional, State and National Competitions for these students to compete at based on performance. Mr. Evans would like to start this program in Wausa next school year, he is already an advisor for the Skills USA program and asked the Board if they would be interested in supporting this program. Skills USA is aligned with the state standards of Nebraska so this is something he can do during the school day and align it with his classes. Mr. Evans stated this program will create a bond with students and the community because there are some aspects he doesn't have access to like firefighting skills but knows our community would be willing to help students interested. The Board feels this program will fit in with their strategic plan for our school. They will discuss the details it will take to make incorporate it into our school more at their retreat.
5.2. 2018-19 School Audit
Mr. Hoesing stated the 2018-19 audit was good. It will be finalized for approval in December.
5.3. Retreat Date
The Board Retreat Date will be December 14th, 2019 at 11:00am.
5.4. Russ Koehler, EMC Insurance Presentation
Russ Koehler provided Insurance information and rates to the Board.
6. Financial Reports
6.1. Treasurer
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6.2. Claims
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6.3. Activity
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7. Reports
7.1. Superintendent
Negotiations with WEA have started. In December incumbents can refile for BOE.
7.2. Activities Director
7.3. Principal
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn
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