January 21, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Terry Nelson was absent.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. 1.2. Oath of office for most recently elected board members
3. Reorganization of the Board
3.1. Consider, Discuss, and take all necessary Action in Approving the results of Board Reorganization
3.1.1. Board President
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3.1.2. Board Vice-President
3.1.3. Board Secretary
3.1.4. Official School District Treasurer (Nancy Erickson)
3.1.5. School Board Recording Secretary
3.2. Consider Discuss, and Take all neccesary Action on Approving:
3.2.1. School Depository: Commercial State Bank
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3.2.2. Official Newspaper of Record (Wausa Gazette)
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3.2.3. School Auditor (Dana F Cole & Company)
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3.3. Discuss, Consider, and Take all necessary Action in approving board Committees
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4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.1. Agenda
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4.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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5. Guests
No guests were present.
6. Financial Reports
6.1. Treasurer
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6.2. Claims
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6.3. Activity
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7. Action Items
7.1. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve the teaching contract of Robert Evans for the ITE Position for the 2019-20 school year.
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8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Hoesing provided his Superintendent report. He wanted to recognize and congratulate the staff and students at Wausa Public School on earning the classification as an "Excellent" school district based upon the latest state assessments through the Nebraska Department of Education. Building and Grounds, received information back from the Fire Marshall regarding the last inspection. Reviewed ITE building plans from BC Builders with the Board of Education. Building student enrollment through community/economic development. Wausa Economic Development Board has a meeting on Wednesday night and would like to include a School Board member as well. Meeting with the academic deans of Northeast Community College to discuss strategic plan of how they could help us in streamlining our ITE/AG curriculum as well as our other CTE areas (business, FCS, etc.) to tie into working with NECC so that students would be able to have a direct link not only to NECC, but hopefully back into our school and community as well. Mr. Hoesing will be attending the annual Legislative Conference in Lincoln.
8.2. Principal
The Wausa Public School Elementary also received the classification as an "Excellent" school district based upon the latest state assessments through the Nebraska Department of Education. K-8 will be finishing the winter MAPS testing in the next few days. Parent Council is working on Family Fun night scheduled for Thursday, March 14th. Mrs. Hennings is working on a schedule for the next Parent Involvement Day for 2nd semester. Upcoming dates for Teacher In-service/Professional Development were provided to the Board of Education.
8.3. Activities Director
Mr. Conn provided his AD report with updates about the Girls and Boys Basketball teams, and upcoming Speech meets.
9. Discussion Items
9.1. 1/12/19 Board Retreat Review
9.2. Elem. Principal Salary
Mr. Hoesing advised this next month the Board of Education will need to review the Principal Salary.
9.3. Building & Grounds
10. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
11. Dates of Future Board Meetings
The next Regular Wausa School Board Meeting will be on Monday, February, 18th at 7:00pm in the Superintendent's office.
12. Adjourn
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