September 17, 2018 at 7:10 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
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2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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3. Guests
Guests present were Rex Schultze with PGH&G Law Firm via webcast. George Schuler and ??? with Boyd Jones. Cheryl Kleinschmit, Josh Barney, and Brandon Kirby.
3.1. Board Special Presentation: Rex Schultze, PGH&G Law Firm
Mr. Schultze discussed the process of renovation, traditionally it is design, bid and build. Mr. Shultze stated that in 20 years he has only done 2 design, bid and build projects, which are quick but not necessarily beneficial. He feels since Wausa Public School's renovation will be a phased construction it is not ideal for design, bid and build. Mr. Schultze informed The Board of the Construction Manager at Risk Policy, and benefits of it. The Construction Manager works with you to negotiate the price and what you will build with each phase, it's a hands on project that is communicated with the public. Mr. Schultze went over a projected time-line for the Wausa Public Schools Project. He then discussed the Resolution to Select the Construction Manager at Risk (CMr) Delivery Process and Appointing members to the Selection Committee. Mr. Schultze then explained the Request for Qualifications of the CMr selection time-line. Terry Nelson asked if the new IT building was part of this process. He was informed that the IT building is a separate project headed by the Wausa Education foundation but yes is part of the timeline. That building will need to be up and built before the school district's process of renovation of the original shop rooms and high school library into classrooms can start.
3.2. Board Special Presentation: Boyd Jones
George Schuler and Emily Bannick with Boyd Jones presented the 3 Construction Delivery Methods, Design-Bid-Build - ideal for less complicated projects, site adapted and/or repeated projects in major metropolitan areas, lowest bid but savings go to contractor, choice is made on price not content. Design-Build - good for private sector, schedule sensitive projects, programmatically simple projects, projects requiring less user review, least control of cost, architect not as involved. Construction Manager at Risk (CMr) - minimize risk because owner, architect and contractor are involved, ideal for large complex projects, phased renovation and addition projects, schedule sensitive projects, and projects in rural areas, cost depends on how good the CMr is, all savings go back to the owner. CMr can fix problems on paper before construction. You pick your architect, the architect helps you pick a contractor. Open book process which is good for transparency. The Board of Education
3.3. Special Board Guest: Bob Soukup, Principal Architect, Carlson West Povondra
Mr. Soukup discussed that if The Board has decided to go with the CMr delivery process, they should look at the time-line Mr. Schultze presented so the process can move forward as projected. Mr. Soukup will work with Mr. Hoesing tomorrow about the Request for Qualifications of the CMr and making sure the time-line is correct.
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
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4.2. Claims
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4.3. Activity
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5. Reports
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Hoesing spoke to the Board about increasing the bus route and SPED bus route pay. The board understood that we need to be comparable with other schools in order to keep bus drivers.
5.2. Principal
Mrs. Hennings provided her principal report. MTSS, multi-tiered support system, is under way, right now the elementary teachers are in the planning phase.
5.3. Activities Director
Mr. Conn provided his AD report to the board. Homecoming is this week.
6. Discussion Items
6.1. Upcoming NASB Workshops
Mr. Hoesing requested that one Board member attend the NASB conference on November 14-16 in Omaha.
6.2. Next steps as a board on Bond, Construction
The Board discussed phases of renovation and what is needed and considered priority. The Board and Mr. Hoesing discussed who else would be considered an asset to be on the selection committee for the CMr.
7. Action Items
7.1. Discuss, consider, and take action on a resolution to Adopt the 2018-19 budget as amended as the result of the September 11th, 2018 Bond Election
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7.2. Discuss, consider, and take action on a resolution to Approve the 2018-19 fiscal year Tax Request/Levy Resolution as amended as the result of the September 11th, 2018 Bond Election
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7.3. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action with regard to (1) the selection of the Construction Management at Risk (CM@R) method of construction delivery for the proposed additions and improvements to the existing school building and grounds owned and operated by the School District in located in Wausa, Nebraska under the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. ยงยง 13-2901, (the "Act"); (2) the adoption of Board of Education policies required to implement the CM@R process under the Act; (3) the appointment of a CM@R Selection Committee as required by, and in conformance with, the Act; and, (4) determine percentage weight to be given to CM@R selection criteria.
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7.4. Discuss, consider, and take action on selecting the Wausa Education Association as the chief negotiating body of the certified (Teaching) staff.
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7.5. Accept Resignation (Paraprofessional)
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8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn
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