February 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Virtual Meeting
Minutes |
I. Let the record show that all the Board Members and the Superintendent are present.
Let the record show the Administrators that are present. |
II. NEED DOCUMENTS Consider the attached Accounts Payable Vouchers, the January 22, 2021 payroll for payment, and the February 5, 2021 payroll for payment.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
III. Consider the Treasurer Report as of December 31, 2020.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion Carried |
IV. Consider the First Midwest Athletic Complex Donations Fund Treasurer Report as of December 31, 2020.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
V. Consider the First Midwest Self Insurance Fund Treasurer Report as of December 31, 2020.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VI. Consider the minutes of the January 25, 2021 virtual school board meeting.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VII. Superintendent and/or School Board Member Report
Goal Area 1 - Academics: All learns will continuously demonstrate academic growth. Goal Area 2 - Safety: We will provide a safe and secure learning environment for all. Goal Area 3 - Equity: We will provide a positive, inclusive, and equitable environment for all. Goal Area 4 - Communication: We will improve communication and strengthen relationships both internally and externally. Goal Area 5 - Finances: We will advocate to increase the financial resources of the Corporation to provide an outstanding school environment and opportunities for our students, staff, and community. Mr. David Marcotte, Executive Director of Indiana Urban Schools Association, will provide a presentation A Complexity Study. |
VIII. Professional Development
VIII.A. Recommend Dr. Shirley attend the ISBA (Indiana School Board
Association) Ensuring Safe, Secure, and Supportive Learning Environments for Hoosier Students Webinar on February 5, 2021 with expenses paid from Title IIA. |
VIII.B. Recommend Dr. Shirley, Cynthia Mose-Trevino, Chris Bajmakovich, Rae
Lopez, Earl Smith, Jodi Hogan, Rose Phelan, Tiara Harris, Miranda Porter, and Tabitha Henry attend the New Tech Network Virtual Spring Leadership Summit on March 2-4, 2021 with expenses paid from Title IIA. |
VIII.C. Recommend Adrian Wilkerson attend the Virtual IASBO (Indiana
Association of School Business Officials) Budget Workshop on February 23-24, 2021 and March 9-10, 2021 with expenses paid from the Operations Fund. |
VIII.D. Recommend approving the Professional Development items.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
IX. Leave/Resignation/Employment
All new employment to Lake Ridge New Tech Schools is contingent upon a cleared Expanded Criminal History Background Check within 30 days and a cleared Expanded Child Protection Index Check within 60 days of effective date. IC 20-26-2-1.5 and IC 20-26-2-1.3 |
IX.A. Recommend accepting Susana Cuevas-Coffman’s resignation from the
National Junior Honor Society Sponsor at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School effective February 2, 2021. |
IX.B. Recommend accepting Stephen Williams resignation from the Track Coach
position at Calumet New Tech High School effective January 15, 2021. |
IX.C. Recommend accepting Lark Millspaugh’s retirement request from the
Secretary position at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School effective June 24, 2021. |
IX.D. Recommend Myles Toliver be employed as the Assistant Varsity Track
Coach at Calumet New Tech High School for the 2020-2021 season. |
IX.E. Recommend approval of the Leaves/Resignations/Employment items.
_________________ moved __________________ seconded. Motion carried. |
X. New Business
X.A. Recommend approving the 2020 End of Year Appropriation transfer
Resolution – Operation Fund. |
X.B. Recommend approving the 2020 End of Year Appropriation Transfer
Resolution – Education Fund. |
X.C. Recommend approving the ratified contract between Lake Ridge New Tech
Schools and Clerical Union AFT/CIO Local 662 to begin January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. |
X.D. Recommend approving clerical pay rates for the period of January 1, 2021
through December 31, 2021. |
X.E. Recommend approval of the new business items.
__________ moved. __________seconded. Motion carried. |
XI. Adjournment
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |