February 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. School Board Workshop at 6:00 pm in Supt's offfice.
2. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
4. Open Meeting Law
President Gould reminded the audience that the open meeting laws are displayed in the back of the room for their review. |
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2017
5.2. Financial Statement/Report
5.3. Monthly Bills
6. Correspondence/Recognition
7. Public Forum
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Administrative Reports
8.2. Curriculum Report
There is an attachment containing meeting minute notes from the last SIP - Improvement Team meeting that I will review. The district is accreditated through a national organization called "AdvancED". The SIP team reviewed a webinar that summarized how to utilize eProve. This is the data system where we record all the necessary information for the external visitation team that evaluates the district in meeting their accreditation goals. The systems model for eProve is still in the development phase and is not completely ready to enter data. (eleot) - Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool Experience the power of a learner-centric observation tool that measures and quantifies active student engagement by taking a look at classroom expectations, feedback and learning support. The eleot is a set of surveys that can be given to students to gather data about the school instructional system. The eleot focuses on seven key learning environments that promote effective learning and student success: Equitable learning; High expectations; Supportive learning; Active learning; Progress monitoring and feedback; Well-managed learning, and Digital learning. eleot empowers you to: Evaluate classroom environments by focusing on students; Reveal strengths and weaknesses using measurable data; Analyze formative trends by comparing observations across subjects, grade levels and other filters; Ensure quality and reliability in an intuitive and easy-to-use tool; and Implement a powerful tool for professional development, peer learning and ongoing improvement. ![]() SQF - School Quality Factors are different surveys to be used through AdvancED to gather data which then is entered into the eProve data system. The second page of the minute notes, the team discussed the remaining school year schedule for professional develop and curriculum revisions (language arts). A group of teachers will be meeting with the curriculum committee this spring for textbook/materials selection.
8.3. Superintendent's Report
Wrestling Mat The RCEF - Raymond Central Educational Foundation approved payment for the remaining cost of $2,965 for the purchase of a new wrestling mat. The RC Booster Club and Youth Wresting Club each contributed $3,000 towards the purchase. The district does not have to provide any funds. Thanks to these three organizations for their support to Raymond Central. Preschool Program Update Mrs. Dostal, Mrs. Egr and myself met recently to finalize an informational letter and application for parents with preschool age children. I have attached those as information documents to view. They are currently posted on the website, and the elementary secretaries are putting the information in the Friday FYI that is sent home to parents. Ceresco Gym Floor I contacted the company that repaired and refinished the gym floor at Ceresco Elementary. His company is out of North Carolina and refinishes many gym floors in the midwest during the summer. He is looking at his schedule and will get back to me when he can make a site visit to see what the issue is. He did respond back and is suppose to be in the Lincoln area during the next month and he will come out to look at the floor. Right now I don't feel there is a safety issue with the cracks forming due to the wood shrinkage. Ceresco HVAC (ventilation) We are getting some odors through the ventilation (duct work) in an area south of the library at Ceresco Elementary. I had a duct specialist come out and investigate the issue. He got inside the duct work but was unable to detect any odor issues. He gave me a contact of another company to evaluate the source of the odors. I've contacted them and in the process of setting up a time for them to come out to Ceresco. Security Cameras We need to replace two cameras, one outside and one inside. They each were removed????? Also, the system has about 20 hard drives used for recording and storing video footage. The system is 5 years old and at a stage where the hard drives are starting to fail. This is typical, therefore we will be needing to replace about half of the hard drives. I'm having the Camera Company quote me some costs for upgrades and replacements. With technology, equipment and software is constantly changing becoming faster and more efficient and needs to be upgraded. I should have this information and proposal for you at the March meeting. Phil Carlson Phil was going to address the Board about assisting with some funding for a new dirt grading machine to be used on the Valparaiso ball fields. The VABA board meeting was postponed to the same night as the School Board meeting so he does not have the necessary information to present to you and will come to the March meeting.
8.4. Facilities Report
6th Grade/Preschool Addition Contractor feels they are on schedule to meet the substantial completion date of June 30, 2017. Having a little delay on the window and door frames. They were scheduled to have window frames in about this time, but appears according to the manufacturer, frames will be installed end of February. Once the window frames are installed, then the outside brick and steel panels can be completed. The frames have to be in first because of the energy sealing process where pieces of the frames are extended to be covered up by the brick and panels. They have completed a brick mock-up to match the existing brick on the current building. Looks like the brick will blend well. HVAC, plumbing, and electrical have completed much of the runs for each utility. Waiting for the heatpumps to arrive so all utilities can be hooked up. We've picked out tile for the bathrooms (walls & floors), paint scheme for walls, door colors, and panels for the sliding door between the 6th grade classrooms. They will be pouring some concrete pads for the heat pumps and lockers next week. I also met with Crouch Recreation who will be installing the playground equipment. They are putting together a playground design and cost. They will need to do some coordination with the general contractor with the concrete work when that time is scheduled. |
8.4.1. Update on 6th Grade/Preschool Addtion
I've included a statement of what has been spent so far on the project out of the depreciation fund. You will see 3 main vendor names: DLR - architect firm, Genesis - general contractor, and Olsson - soil/concrete inspections. Norris Public Power had to relocate some underground cables. General Excavating did the underground boring and some extra digging/backfilling. You approved expending about $700,000 out of the Depr. Fund,with the remaining estimated costs of $500,000 for the project tol be expended from the Building Fund. |
8.5. Student Board Member Report
Courtney Potter, Student Board member reported the following: Athletics: Basketball: The boys and girls both caped of their regular season with their last home game last week against Fort Calhoun. The girls unfortunately came up short, but the boys came out with the win, leaving the court on a good note. The girls finished their season in sub districts on Monday losing in a close game to Lincoln Lutheran. The boys have their sub districts next week. Wrestling: The wrestling team had districts last week and finished really well. They placed third as a team and will be sending 6 wrestlers off to state, including Nick Springer at 106, Easton Albrecht at 126, Monte Mumm at 132, Ethan Mumm at 138, Grant Albrecht at 145, and Garret Walla at 152. State is Thursday, Friday, Saturday of this week. During the regular season, Grant Albrecht and Monte Mumm reached a milestone receiving their 150th wins, and Ethan Mumm broke the school record for most pins in a season, which is now 37. Track: Practice for track will begin shortly with the first practice on the 27th. Trap: Will begin shortly as well. Activities and Organizations: Dance finished up their season dancing at half time of the boys game vs. Platteview. The dance team also fundraiser selling Valentine treats. Speech: Speech season is coming closer to an end with their Conference meet on Saturday. Band and Choir: Two weeks ago, the band and choir held a pops concert. Student Council: The Student Council will be hosting a Volleyball tournament as a fundraiser for Mr. Spale on March 24th. The tournament is open to the public and teams will have 6 players each. Admission will be $3 for any fan and $5 for any player participating in the tournament. A bake sale will be going on during the time of the tournament and T-shirts will also be for sale. Student council will also be selling Eileen’s cookie dough for Easter baking as a fundraiser for the new electronic touch screen. Cheerleading: The cheerleaders held a junior cheer camp on Saturday, February 4th and the 33 junior cheerleaders preformed on Friday, February 10 during half time of the Fort Calhoun game. FFA: Competed in district Livestock judging in Norfolk and will be sending a senior team, composed of Duke Nelson, Miranda Hornung, Gabby Soden, and Courtney Potter to the state competition in April. The chapter will be celebrating National FFA week next week by having a petting zoo for the kindergarteners and the first graders of Valparaiso and Ceresco, an Alumni Pancake Feed, water testing, and a Kiss the Pig fundraiser for Mr. Spale. The teachers that are in the run to kiss the pig are Mr. Harrington, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Daneley, and Mrs. Rasmussen. Whoever receives the most money in their donation jar will be the one to have to kiss the pig in front of the entire school.FBLA: FBLA week was last week and the chapter had multiple several contests and multiple events including go green day and the faculty appreciation breakfast.
8.6. Board Member Reports
8.7. 2017-18 Proposed School Calendar
The Board received a finalized copy of the 2017-18 calendar. The principals made some revisions to professional development dates and parent-teacher conference dates. Ready for your approval during action items.
8.8. NASB Membership Dues
the Board received a copy of invoice copy of the NASB membership dues. One of the main services that RC receives by being a member of NASB, is the medicaid reimbursement funds. If you are not a member, you are not eligible to receive these funds. Also, you receive discounted conference registration fees by your membership. This will be an action item later. It would be my recommendation to approve the membership dues to continue receiving the medicaid funds and conference registration discounts. |
8.9. 2017-18 Option Enrollment Policy Review and Program Capacities
On an annual basis the Board must revisit the Option Enrollment policy and establish program capacities for each grade level and special education. Attached is Policy 5006 for Option Enrollment and appendix for the Resolution with program capacities. My recommendation is to approve Policy 5006 as presented (no revisions needed) and adopt the resolution and revised program capacities.
8.10. Policy Updates
Policy Updates Policy Revisions: Policy 3240 Business Operations - Safety The revision adds a section containing a "safety committee" and bulleted items of responsibilities. The district has a safety committee, we are in the process of updating our safety protocols. ____________________________________________________________________________ Policy 5417 School Wellness Policy Adds Wellness Committee and their responsibilities and also included some federal mandates that were not previously included. Old policy was 7 pages in length, new policy is 11 pages. (you'll see page 11 of 12) just a spacing issue. ____________________________________________________________________________ Policy 3571 Meal Charge (New policy 1st reading - final reading in March) New policy concerning students who qualify for free or reduced meals. Main components are: eligibility, account balances, confidentiality, and communication to families
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of NASB Membership Dues
9.2. Approval of Staff Appointment
9.3. Approval of 2017-18 School Calendar
9.4. Approval of 2017-18 Option Enrollment/Program Capacities
9.5. Approval of Revisions to Policy 3240 School Safety and Policy 5417 School Wellness
9.6. Approval of first reading Policy 3571 School Meal Charge
9.7. Approval of RCEF Members
9.8. Approval of Staff Resignation
9.9. Approval of Surplus Item(s)
9.10. Approval of next Regular Board of Education meeting - Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM
10. Adjournment