July 26, 2019 at 8:00 AM - CBA Admin Meeting
Minutes |
1. Opening Comments
2. CBA By the Numbers
3. 2019 Budget
4. 2020 Landscape
4.A. Politcal
4.B. Economic
4.C. Industry
5. Government Relations
5.B. Crystal Ball (Next 11 Months)
6. Committees
7. Membership
8. MarComm
9. Events
10. CBA Priorities
10.A. 2019 Review/2020 Draft
11. 2020 & 2021 Draft Budgets
12. Board
12.A. Meeting Activity (24 hours in town)
12.B. Attendance/Tenure
12.C. Dates and Location
12.D. Council Roster
12.E. Composition
12.F. Board Roster
13. CBA Internal
13.A. Org Chart
13.B. Personnel
13.C. Succession
14. Office Space
15. CBA Live Theme (handout)