January 18, 2024 at 6:30 PM - January Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Welcome Guests/Open Forum
3. School Board Recognition - School Board Appreciation Month
4. Consider and act on Annual Audit presented by Mark Kile, CPA
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Act on minutes from the December 15, 2023 Regular meeting
5.B. Act on December/January Financial Report
5.C. Act on December/January Monthly Bills
5.D. Act on Budget Amendments (if needed)
6. Consider and Act on Joint Election Agreement between City of Darrouzett, Darrouzett ISD, and Darrouzett Hospital District
7. Consider and act on Order of Election to be held on May 4, 2024
8. Consider and act on method to fill Board vacancy as provided by Texas Education Code section 11.060 for term expiring May 2026, created by death of former Trustee Patti Peil
9. Consider and act on 2023-2024 school calendar change for early dismissal at 12:30pm on Thursday March 28, for the Junior HIgh District Track Meet
10. Consider and act on Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
11. Athletic Director's Report
12. Principal's Report
12.A. Attendance
12.B. Campus Information
12.C. Other
13. Superintendent's Report
13.A. Personnel
13.A.1. Status of applications
13.A.2. Considerations of additions to the Substitute Teacher/Cafeteria/Housekeeping list
13.A.3. Resignations
14. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendation for hiring new 3rd through 5th grade teacher
15. Board President Report / Future Board meetings
16. Long Range Planning Discussions
17. Adjourn